Chapter Five

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IÑIGO’S POV ---- Never in a thousand years did I envision that I would even experience this emotion. I was feeling bliss even after I was in such a worrisome situation. My entire body was consoled under the presence of this one person called ‘mate’. I never thought I’d find my mate or I never imagined there existed a being who would be my mate, but here I was, in front of him. I was standing in the middle of the forest, with a man who had a bloodied face and was currently unconscious, only to discover that he was my mate. The scent of lavender and fresh dew was how my mate smelled, and there was no other fragrance that ever mattered to me this much. I had never distinguished this smell in my life. Eliphas - We found our mate! We finally found him! I told you we were blessed with a mate, too, but you never listened. He is right here now! He yelled, jumping in my mind, almost causing me to have a headache. Me - Are you sure this is our mate? I asked him, eyeing the man who was on the brink of death. I didn’t know how to deal with this situation but there I was, feeling perplexed and also suffering to discover him in such a condition. Eliphas - Iñigo, you beware! This is our mate you are talking about. Do not disrespect him like this. He warned me and I was taken aback by the protectiveness towards the mate we had just encountered. “Kieran, what are you conversing with Eliphas right now? First, tell me what should we do with this body?” Nicolas asked, and Eliphas growled in my head and tried to take control of me. While I ceased him, I couldn’t answer. “Do you want to treat him first and then throw him in the dungeon to torture him and get answers from him?” Nicolas questioned unaware of my current position, and this time Eliphas’ rage hit the roof and he took over me, letting out a loud growl and glaring at Nicolas. “How dare you, Beta? How dare you talk about my mate and your Luna in such a manner?! Submit yourself or you won’t take another breath!” Eliphas growled and Nicolas, along with the rest of them, kneeled, submitting to Eliphas’s power and order. “No one touches my mate! No one!” He thundered fiercely and skimmed at all of them. He wouldn’t let me take back control and he was in too much rage to pull him back. I could feel my now golden eyes burn with anger. Eliphas walked to our mate's body and touched his face. The moment our skin came in contact, I felt a complete flutter and tingles running down my body. I had sparks down my hand but the feeling was so amazing that I couldn’t stop but yearned to touch more of him. Eliphas gathered him up and I felt his weight. He definitely was a good weight, but I was stronger so I could manage to pick him up. Eliphas then turned around and walked towards the pack. Nicolas and the others followed him silently. Not a word was heard, except the gushing wind that was blowing and the cracking of dry falling leaves on the ground while we walked. It was rather storming as if it was talking to me. Me - Eliphas, where are you taking him? I asked him on the link, hoping that he’d answer me. Eliphas - I’m taking him home. That is the rightful place he should be. He answered, and I didn’t know how to make him stop doing that. I still had to know who this man was. He was my mate, but who else was he? Me - Eliphas, he needs treatment and we should take him to the hospital first. We can’t save him if we take him home. He needs expert care. I justified it to him and he seemed to understand. His anger had vanished and he was now only concerned about our mate’s health. I knew this was the time to push him and take over my body again. Eliphas - I agree with you. He answered after a while of careful consideration of my suggestion, and I felt relieved. Me - Let me take over and I’ll handle this. You’re too overwhelmed and I should be in charge. I coaxed him softly and he nodded. He let go of control and I quickly took possession of my body and felt better. I glanced down at the man in my arms and sighed. I couldn’t even make out his facial features because of the blood that covered his face, but having him in my arms, I could tell he was strong. I still needed to ascertain if he was an enemy or what. I won’t be emotional like Eliphas was, regarding our mate. I first had to know him before accepting him or I would have to reject him no matter the pain and hurt. He was to rule as the Luna Queen and he was to become people’s faith. I couldn’t risk it being anyone from the wrong side. There had to be a good reason for me to accept him. We finally made it to the hospital and Nicolas took this as a chance to guide me towards an empty room where my mate could be treated. At the same time, Diego went to bring Doctor Menzan, who'd cure my mate. He was the oldest and most experienced doctor here. He was a healer for the longest time and had a lot of power in him to bring back a person from his last breath. He was the only one I could trust my mate's condition with. “Respected Alpha King,” He greeted me and bowed down to me. I nodded and pointed at my mate who was now on the bed. “Give him the best possible treatment and save him, heal him. He is… very significant. I’ll be right out.” I instructed him and walked out of the room to see the guards waiting. “No word goes out about me finding my mate,” I warned them and all of them affirmed. “Diego, proceed with the patrol and try to find a trace of this. Also, check for any other bodies and let me know.” I instructed Diego. He nodded and left, giving me a bow. “Kieran, is Eliphas alright now?” Nicolas asked and I nodded. “He was very overwhelmed. I never thought we’d have a mate and now this. I can’t trust this man or accept him as my mate right away. I need to be sure before anything. He is supposedly the future ruler of this generation.” I expressed, and Nicolas nodded in agreement. “I agree but, in any case, he is your mate. Try to be a little soft. You can’t be this evil to your mate. It will hurt you and harm Eliphas.” Nicolas enlightened me and I could only nod. I knew nothing about how to behave with a mate. “I’m too weak at this, so I would require your expertise,” I articulated, and he nodded with a smile. “How did you feel, encountering your mate?” Nicolas asked, and I was reminded of all the incidents that had just happened. The feeling, the warmth, the calmness, and the bliss I had felt in his presence was more than I had all my life. “Many emotions,” I answered, subtly covering up. I didn’t want to openly expose what I had felt. That felt like exposing my weaknesses in front of someone else. “Okay, and? Did you feel... a connection?” He asked and I looked away. I was trying not to feel anything until I uncovered his truth; if he was a victim by choice or by compliance or was an accomplice, but I still felt something pull at my heart. “A bit,” I answered, and he nodded. “This happens when your mate is around. I’m sure you have an urge to protect him but you’re controlling it because of your doubts. Don’t do that because if you do it, your bond will be affected by negative energy. Believe me.” Nicolas educated me and I nodded. “I’m trying my best but it’s a tough situation. I can’t change it until I find the answers I want to know about.” I professed and he gave me a small smile. “No worries. Just don’t think much about it and you will feel alright.” Nicolas explained, and I sat on the bench. I was nervously waiting for Doctor Menzan to come and demonstrate to me what was going on with my mate. I didn’t know how to deal with it if anything happened to him. I had just found him and didn’t wish to lose him like that. Surely, there was a reason that I wasn’t getting attached to him, but even after all the efforts, he was my mate and I had craved for him, for a long time. When everyone around me started finding their mates and making families, I had explained to my heart and Eliphas that it was okay if we didn’t find our mate and it was going to be fine because I was going to make a remarkable Alpha that would rule the Kingdom of the West with all my power. That wish had come through and now when I had it all, my mate also came along, making my life complete. I had this feeling of completeness that struck my heart that I felt I wouldn’t survive without my mate. I was counting on his breath for my own. He mattered to be already; that too, against all my wishes. I couldn’t control this side of mine and it was only boosting with time. We waited for a long time while my thoughts went around in circles, not concluding at all. Doctor Menzan finally came out and I stood up. Nicolas was right next to me and I was glad to have him right by my side. “How is he?” I asked him and he shook his head. “The condition is quite critical. The wounds have been harsh and the body is quite weak and keeping up is hard for him,” Doctor Menzan answered and I gulped down. “What species is he?” I asked him and pressed his lips together, worried about his next statement. “He is a human and that’s why it’s going to take a long time to heal.” As those words came out of his mouth, I shut my eyes. “Treat him well,” I instructed him, but internally those words came out as a plea. I wanted my mate to be okay but I couldn’t show my face how much I was affected right now. And how much of a dilemma I was facing. “Yes, Alpha King. I will take care of him the best I can, but until he gains consciousness, I can’t say anything. Also, given that, the next twenty-fours would be critical. It would be hard to save him if he doesn't gain consciousness. I’ll still heal him with my healing powers, but I’m not sure how much he can handle as a human.” Doctor Menzan clarified and bowed down, waiting for me to acknowledge his nod and a short apology. “I’ll hold on to your words and wait until things become clear. You can go back.” I conveyed to him and he nodded, going inside the room and I sighed. “It’ll be fine, Kieran. Don’t lose hope like this. I know how much you’ve waited for this day to arrive, but now that it has come, you aren’t able to accept it. Just wait for a little while and things will be alright.” Nicolas encouraged me and I nodded. He was right. I couldn’t do anything except wait for him to gain consciousness. ----- Diego came back to the hospital at midnight, where I was still waiting for my mate to gain consciousness. He had a sad face and I looked at him. “Is everything alright, Diego?” I asked him and he nodded. “You’re asking me the question I should be asking you. How is our Luna?” Diego asked and I just shook my head in response. Only then did I realise I didn't refute him calling my mate 'Luna'. I still hadn't accepted him but my mind and soul had accepted him somehow. Now, only I was going to rely on my mind to make proper decisions. I was in such turmoil with the current situation that I felt lost. Nicolas and Diego had their hopes up but I had to be the sensible one. “How about the things in the forest?” I inquired and he shook his head. “Currently, nothing. I searched the perimeters and the borders but still nothing. We didn’t find anything even outside the perimeter.” He informed me and my forehead scrunched in confusion. “Did you find any weird scents?” I asked him and he shook his head. All the leads seemed to shut down and I didn’t know how else to find him. “Okay, currently just cease the actions and the patrol will be on regular duty. We’ll discuss this later.” I suggested it to him and he agreed. “I’ll forward the news and settle all the things,” Diego muttered and was about to leave when I paused him. “Dio, what can you smell when you smell his scent?” I asked him and he walked close to the door. He took a moment before turning to answer me. “Just human scent. Why?” He asked me but I shook my head, not wanting to answer him. “What do you feel when you see your mate? What scent?” I asked him and he gave me a confused look. I wrapped my face with a blank expression so he couldn’t read the fear in my face. “I feel happy and forget everything when I’m with her. I met her only yesterday, so I'm even trying to find out more things. But surely, it is only her who smells like roses to me.” He articulated, and I understood that I wasn’t wrong. The man on the bed who was unconscious was surely my mate. “Okay, that’s enough. You get things done and report to Nico. He’ll handle the rest. You should go back soon.” I instructed him and he nodded. “You’ll be here?” He asked and I only gave him a blank look. “Leave,” I ordered, and he left without another word. ----- It was 6 a.m when I was done sitting, pacing, and just waiting for him to wake up. For the first time in this whole duration, I opened the door to his room. It had taken a lot of courage for me to just open this door. His scent engulfed me as I entered and I couldn’t escape. Not saying another word, I saw Doctor Menzan healing him through his powers, covering my mate's face. I just looked at the scene and was about to go back when Doctor Menzan stood up leaving the room. I took steps towards my mate and sat on the chair next to him. I was only having a good view of his face for the first time. The blood from his face had been cleaned and a bandage was set on his head. Even though the bandage, I was in awe looking at my mate’s beauty. I was mesmerized by him and it only got harder for me to have an unbiased mind. I only glanced at him again, drinking him in and fulfilling my eye’s desire. My beautiful man. I thought.
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