Chapter Two

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HORATIUS’S POV ----- Marke and Viron were stabilized in the hospital. I approved of Doctor Gerald to check them but also appointed security and wandered back to Father’s chambers. Marko appeared worried and I patted his shoulder, comforting him silently. I wanted to comfort him, but not too much because he wasn’t that weak. I stepped into the chambers only to find Mother and Father completely awake. I was expecting such disruption in our normal lives, but not so early in the stage. I was still assuming that the enemy or traitor, whoever it be, would not take action this soon after they had sent the threat. Seems like I had made a wrong assumption. The moment I trudged in, Mother hugged me and I held her, attempting to calm her down. Father kept a hand on my shoulder and I nodded at him. “Father, Mother, there was an intruder in my room, a Vampire,” I notified them and Mother pulled away from me. Worry flashed in her fearless eyes and her features softened. No matter how strict she was, she was my mother and cared for me a lot. I was her only child and if not, her only weakness, too. “What? A Vampire in our realm? That, too, crossing the protective shield?” Father questioned, and I inferred that our train of thoughts was no different. “Yes, Father. I believe we have a traitor breathing on our land.” I confirmed his thoughts and he breathed fire, literally, through his hands. I waved my fingers and put water out on the curtains. “We’ve got to have new curtains,” I commented, and he glared at me. “This won’t do with heavy protection. We have to discover who it is.” I advised him. Father sighed as he placed his hand on his head. “We can’t rely on anyone but our loyal ones, two of whom are in the hospital. I’d like them to have the best treatment.” I enlightened him and he nodded. “I will appoint another two guards outside your chambers, right now.” He announced, and I stopped him. “Father, I’m capable enough. Right now, we need to know who our loyal people are. Arrange a meeting first thing in the morning, so we can find out the truth.” Saying that, I vacated their room, not wanting to argue over the same topic again. That night, I didn’t snooze a wink. ----- I decided on a black suit with the motive of intimidating the council today. I wasn’t going to tolerate the traitor breathing for a longer period. The person had already harmed my two trustworthy friends. “I see you are already prepared.” I heard a voice and looked up to see Marko standing tall. As my eyes landed on him, he made a respectful bow. “You all have your habits shoved up your a-r-s-e-s, don’t you?” I questioned, referring to them entering my chambers without knocking. I put on my black shirt and wore my suit jacket. “Well, friends kind of lack them, anyway.” He retorted and I chuckled, shaking my head at his fearless and honest response. “How are Marke and Viron doing? I couldn’t go check upon them.” I inquired. He gave me one curt nod as a reply to my question. “Two more days of unconsciousness.” He informed me and I left a deep sigh. I turned to look at Marko as I put my watch on my wrist. “Last two days for the traitor,” I warned and promised to myself. I wasn't going to be lenient on the traitor. The one who was openly backstabbing would pay for everything, since I hated betrayal. Without another word, we both walked out of my chambers and I took confident strides toward the courtroom. “Crown Prince Horatius Lionel Preston, arriving.” The forerunner announced, as usual. All eyes fell on me and I scanned the room, meeting everyone’s eyes and radiating a silent warning. I sauntered around and shook everyone’s hands. Once done with the lot, I settled on my seat and kept a blank face. My aura only screamed torture and death. “Respected King Herth Leon Preston, arriving.” The forerunner notified us and we all stood up. Once Father settled on the head chair, we bowed to him and perched on the chair. The atmosphere was quite tense as it should be. “The previous night, an attack was carried out on the Crown Prince Horatius. Whoever dared to conspire such a treasonous act against the Royal blood, will be unravelled. And when I do, they will be executed as it is, after a painful journey.” Father’s words held the utmost seriousness about his warning. “If there is any traitor here, confess it.” Father bestowed a chance but nothing was heard. My eyes fell on one person who seemed worried and I knew why. He didn't get up or surrender himself even though I was waiting for him to do so. I stood up from the chair, as I lost my patience and put my hands on the table. As I towered among the sitting people, all eyes fell upon me. I menacingly glared at everyone. My eyes stopped on the same person who failed to notice my menacing glare earlier. This time he met my eyes. “Take Counsellor Thilo into custody, right now,” I ordered, and immediately the guards took hold of him, abiding by my orders and dragged him away. “I believe I have some important matters to handle. Allow me, my King.” I declared and gave him a bow before standing up straight and taking my exit from the filled corner. “What are you planning, Prince?” I heard Marko’s voice, next to me. I gave him an evil smirk. “To check if your knife is still sharp or not.” I chuckled and walked to where the task awaited me. ----- “Mercy on me, Prince.” That was the first line I heard as I entered the dungeons. I felt a melody in my ears, listening to that plea. I didn't feel the sincerity in his appeal and, anyway, I wouldn't give in. “No negating your crimes, I see. Appreciate that you made my work easier.” I commented and settled on the chair, quite a distance away. “Please, Crown Prince. Mercy on your subject.” He begged and I chuckled. I didn’t appreciate being called that but, unfortunately, it was indeed my title. He should’ve just gone with ‘Prince’. “I wonder how easily people ask for something when they’re vulnerable. The words flow like water, don’t they?” I questioned and he shivered. “Since you have already compromised your loyalty to both sides, why don’t you tell me who’s behind it and I might think of breaking fewer bones in your body,” I advised, as I settled my elbows on my thighs and entwined my fingers, resting my chin on my hands. “I…I don’t know. I was only informed through a scroll sent by a pigeon. I’m not allowed to send anything but only receive.” He confessed quite quickly. He might’ve been afraid of the reputation I had towards traitors. Well, that worked to my benefit. “What were you informed of?” I questioned and he gulped down. Sweat that had formed on his forehead, strolled down his face and I loved it. “I was told to make a somnium potion with 7.5 grams of sormus powder and give it to Viron and Marke. That’s it.” He admitted and I narrowed my eyes at him, trying to figure out if the words he just claimed were true or false. The enemy had good knowledge of the potions and their effects on witches. The person knew that for a witch, 7.5 grams was the amount of dose to put the potion for it to function on them. “Do you know what the attack was?” I interrogated him and he shook his head. I shut my eyes tightly. The enemy knew everything very well because he knew where I resided and which window was my chamber’s window. “Prince, can I ask you one question?” He pleaded and gave him a curt nod indicating him to go ahead. “How did you know it was me?” He seemed utterly perplexed. He sure must’ve thought that he did a perfect job at hiding and I still caught him. “Do you think a Prince cannot read minds?” I questioned and he fell to his knees, leaving all his hopes. I was good at playing with people's minds. “Put him in the dark trail, for now,” I ordered one of the guards, and took my exit out of the dark dungeon. I stood up and exited the dungeon. Marko followed me, rather looking too excited. "What is it, Marko?" I finally asked, as he wouldn't stop hopping behind my back. His excitement was disturbing my trail of thoughts. “Do you read minds, Prince?” I heard Marko question beside me and I chuckled. I didn't think he'd be curious about this. “If I did, he would’ve already been dead and I didn’t need to interrogate him, Marko,” I stressed on his name, and he was caught off-guard. “You are evil.” He commented as he understood that he was fooled by me, too. I chuckled. “Only now you know,” I smirked and walked to my chambers. Marko wouldn’t leave me alone and I paused. “Speak and soon get lost,” I warned him and he gave me a meek smile. “How did you know it was Counsellor Thilo?” Even he sounded curious to know now and it sure made me proud of myself. Flashback After finishing my talk with Father, I strode towards my room. I heard a wing flap and my forehead scrunched in suspicion. I drifted towards the source and arrived at the end of the corridor where there was a window. I stood by the wall and bent a little to see a dark figure covered in a black shawl reading a small chit. Soon, the chit was compromised into the fire lantern that was placed beside the window. He rubbed his hand since it burned him a little. The person stood there waiting for the note to burn and so I did, to see who the person was. I needed to know if it was a person from the council. When the note finally burned completely without leaving a trace, the person veered around and I immediately squeezed into the wall. The last thing I saw was a golden tie on his hand, which meant he was a Counsellor. In the morning, I checked the five Counsellors' hands to notice a burn mark on Counsellor Thilo’s hand. End of Flashback “A scarred hand is as good as a scarred life,” I commented, and left him to figure out what I meant. ----- In the evening, I went to visit Viron and Marke. Even though they were still sleeping, I had to visit them once. They were my guards and also my close friends. A Prince can trust no one but his guards. If his guard compromises, the Prince was compromised, too. “Crown Prince, what brings you here?” Doctor Gerald greeted me with a bow. I nodded, telling him that I received his respectful bow. “How are my boys doing?” I questioned him and he guided me to their room. “They only seem to have somnium potion in their system. They will be waking up by tomorrow.” He informed me and I hummed. "Did you consult Elder Royal about this?" I asked him and he nodded. "He said that they should just rest until the effect of the potion is down, another potion could harm them." He informed me and opened the door of their room. They both looked peaceful, as if they were fulfilling the rest that they never got. In a way, I was happy to see them take a rest and not run around me doing my errands. “It’s their well-deserved rest,” I commented, and retired out of their room, walking straight towards my chambers. ----- “Prince, Counsellor Thilo has been jeopardized,” Marko informed me as he entered my chambers in a hurry. I posed up from my lying position and gave him a perplexed look. I was about to dash but I saw myself in my regular grey t-shirt and joggers. I pulled out a long white trench coat and rushed out while wrapping it around me. “How can this be? He was latched in the dungeon.” I questioned, unable to believe that someone dared to enter the Royal Dungeon and annihilate a traitor. “Same question.” He responded and I groaned. When we reached the cell that held him, all the guards bowed. I saw his body and head separated, lying on the ground like they were never together in the first place. “What the hell?!” I cursed and Marko looked at me, shaking his head to give me a signal that such words cannot escape my mouth in front of everyone. Bloody rank rules. “What the…What just transpired over here? Anyone?” I questioned and not a word. Though I had completed interrogating him, I still hadn’t thought of killing him. I was going to strip him of his rank but this was an easy way out. “We are unaware, Crown Prince. We heard a scream and this had all already occurred.” Informed one of the guards. “Inform Father of the situation in hand,” I ordered and a guard rushed, giving me a bow. “Marko, get Doctor Gerald to find out something about the killer’s attributes and identify the species,” I ordered, and he nodded. I felt an unknown presence nearby. I was alarmed by it because it felt like the time when the Vampire appeared in my chambers. “We’ll talk about this in the morning.” I ended the conversation and walked back to my room, or so I pretended. I knew the shadow loomed over the window. I hurried to my chambers and peeked out of the window. I saw the shadow scurrying. “Valont,” I muttered a spell and waved my fingers, as I leapt out of my window. I docked straight on the ground and immediately rushed to where the shadow had disappeared not long ago. As I passed through the kingdom, I was running towards the forest that led to the exit of the realm. When I reached the borders of the realm, I saw the sparkling protective shield that was supposed to protect the realm but it wasn’t working with the intruders. As I stood there, I saw the shadow and my choice was made. I was going to cross the protective shield, all alone. ----- A/N - Hello, my dear Enticers! I have a very important announcement to make. I happened to take down all the chapters of this book due to some issues. All the readers who were reading this book, I sincerely apologise for having to do this. I happened to have some crisis because of which I had to delay the uploading of this book. First of all, you don't have to worry because the book will be published in the upcoming months. Although I'm not sure if it will be June or July, I'll publish the whole book so you don't have to worry about it being lost. The story is intact, too. Secondly, I wish to edit the book while I'm in this process and give you all a better version of this book. I was happy with the book but was lacking a bit of satisfaction with it, so I think I'll take this time and improve that in the book. Thirdly, this one is the biggest one and that is why I sincerely and from the bottom part of my heart want to ask you to forgive me for doing this in the middle of the book. All the readers who were enjoying the book, I want to say that I'm sorry. It's not in my hands and circumstances have come to this, so it has to wait or my hard work will be wasted. So, I really hope you all understand me and wait until it is released. Please do not remove the book from your libraries, because when I upload the better version, you shouldn't miss it. P.S - I love you all a lot and hope you'll support my other books for the time being. With love, Nia.
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