Chapter Three

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Note - 'R' rated content is between the asterisks (*). You can skip it if you want. ----- IÑIGO’S POV ----- “Alpha, I’ve settled the business.” Nicolas De Leon; my Royal Beta, reported to me as he trudged into my cabin. I peered up at him only to notice his brown hair dishevelled, his pale blue eyes a bit unsure and his chiselled face wasn’t fitting well with his words. His well-built body was trembling in excitement. “What a way to tell me that you sorted money matters and also had s-e-x, Nico!” I exclaimed and he gave me a smirk with his pink swollen lips. All the signs I had read were only correct. “Was it that obvious?” He flaunted and I shook my head in response. “Nothing misses an Alpha’s eye and I’m the King, Nico. Won’t I be able to spot the difference between regular lips and your swollen lips?” I questioned him and he huffed. “Stop eating me with your eyes, Kieran.” He warned me and I laughed. “If only you didn’t already have a mate whom you loved dearly, I would’ve had you. Also, I adore Sofia, too, much to do that to her. I have some rules, too.” I conveyed to him as I stood up from my seat. “You do. What about tonight?” He questioned in a taunting manner. I would’ve sliced someone else’s throat with that tone towards me, but that was Nicolas. He had been there with me since I was a child. “Send them soon,” I instructed him and he nodded, before giving me a curt nod and leaving. The room once again was empty and I admired the silence of the evening. I carried the files that were kept on my dark brown mahogany table to set them inside the cupboard where they should be. I arranged them alphabetically and set them in. I glanced around at my cabin. It was a simple blue cabin with a light brown rug covering the entire room. It had a dark brown sofa, with a small glass table in front of it. A cupboard of the same shade; to fit my files. And lastly, a huge window which had a beautiful view of the forest. My cabin was neat and I was then relieved. I didn’t like a dirty cabin, but I sure was a fan of dirty things. I shook my head at myself and decided to leave the cabin. As I sauntered down the packhouse, people greeted me and bowed down to me. I nodded at everyone before walking out. I was delighted to receive their respect and to see them praise me. But they also knew that I had my way when things went wrong. So, they dared not do something inauspicious to their lives and just led a better life for themselves. Instilling a little fear in them didn’t seem like a bad option to run a pack smoothly. I didn’t stay in the packhouse even though I was alone. I didn’t want to devour my free time right with my pack. I had a life that was not for display. I preferred my privacy for some things. When I reached my peaceful home, I knew there would be nothing peaceful or calm about it. There was only going to be pleasurable chaos. I crossed the fence and walked ahead, entering my three-storey house. I entered the dark green and white-themed setting with a hint of blue to it. As I ambled into my lavish living room, I spotted what I wanted to spot, straddling right on the sofa. There were two almost-naked bodies and they were both making out. What a view! “Alpha King, we’re sorry.” They greeted me the moment they were out of their bubble and noticed my presence. I looked at them and narrowed my eyes on them. They both feared a little but I only smirked. They both stood up with their heads hung low. As I walked toward them, I peeled off my shirt and dropped it on the ground. “Why are you sorry? I had a pleasing and satisfying sight as I entered,” I declared as I reached them. They both perked up at me and I felt so much power surge through me. “And that sight has got me hot. You had better be good or…” I warned them and they nodded. I perched on the sofa and stretched my arms on the shoulder of the sofa. “Layla, work on me and James, come close here, boy,” I ordered, and they fulfilled what I asked for. Layla worked on my pants, undoing them while James sat next to me. “You are a piece of work and that’s why you are here for the third time,” I apprised him while running my hand down the side of his face and grabbing him with his chin. He blushed. “Let me taste you,” I whispered and pulled him down, hungrily kissing him. *** Layla was working on my horny manhood with her very desperate mouth. “Oh, you’re good!” I commented as I pulled her shoulder, close to her neck. I was already hard but now I needed more. “We have to go to bed now,” I declared, and we sauntered to the bedroom on the ground floor. “Undress,” I ordered as soon as we went inside. I postured on the bed with my mighty glory on display and my hungry eyes waiting for my prey. “James, ride me and you, come here and sit on me,” I ordered, and they complied. James moaned as I slid inside him and he did the work. Layla, on the other hand, moaned as I licked her wet core. She was enjoying it just as much as I was. My hands worked on her breasts and James’s hardness. I was enjoying my night just the way I wanted; filled with moans and pleasure. *** ----- “Alpha! Alpha, wake up!” My name was summoned early in the morning. I didn’t know what the issue was, so I peered my eyes open and glanced at my worried Gamma. Diego Rodriguez; a talkative man, just a w-h-o-r-e level below me, a 6’1” inch-tall baby who always kept laughing, had worry-filled in his brown eyes. “What is it, Dio?” I questioned him in my hoarse voice. I glanced beside me to see another two naked people, still sleeping. I had a good time last night but Diego was just ruining my morning. He had no concern for the people next to me. “Alpha, we have to go now. Please dress up. I want to show you something. Fast!” He urged me and I offered him a tired look. “Diego, if it’s anything like a waste matter, be prepared to see yourself turning into dust,” I warned him using his name while I got up. I was stark naked as I got out of bed. I ignored James and Layla because they both knew to leave the moment they woke up. I wasn’t going to bother waking them up. I stepped into my bathroom to take a quick hot shower. Once done with that, I walked out in a towel and Diego had already chosen clothes for me. I wore a black shirt with blue trousers, and just checked my reflection in the mirror. My black hair was still wet. My deep blue eyes were still weary because of the lack of sleep after late-night activities. My handsome face didn’t look bright enough. “Diego, I swear, if you’re pulling a trick on me like usual, I’ll slice you,” I warned him again, but he didn’t react. I was starting to believe that something very significant happened in his life. If Nicolas was like a brother who always took care of everything, then Diego was this spoiled brat who was somehow good at work. “Let’s go, Alpha,” He ushered me and pulled me with my hand. I walked with him, despite wanting to sleep a little more and fulfil my sleep. “Diego…” I was about to ask when I walked outside the house, only to see a woman standing in front of me. She was a short petite woman, cute enough with a shy smile on her pale face. Her blonde hair was straight with her blue eyes twinkling. “What is it, Dio?” I questioned him and he gave me a nervous look. He guided me to the table on the front lawn and sat there. I knew I’d use this table at least once in my life but I didn’t know it would be like this. “I found my mate.” He informed me while sitting next to me and I gave him a surprised look. Diego was a good twenty-two and he made an uneasy face now that he had encountered his mate. I was twenty-six and hadn’t yet discovered my mate. I didn’t even believe that I would find a mate because of the way I had s-e-x with both; men and women. Maybe the Moon Goddess hasn’t blessed me with a mate, so I still haven't found one. Nicolas had found his mate right on his twentieth birthday, more than three years ago. But unfortunately, Sofia wasn’t capable of conceiving or they would’ve had pups by now. “Alpha! What are you thinking?” Diego asked and pulled me out of my thoughts. I jerked my head and then turned to face him. He had a very confused expression morphed on his face. “Shouldn’t you be happy that you’ve located your mate? Why do you hold such expressions?” I questioned him and he sighed. “Alpha, this now makes you the only one without a mate. I’m happy to find her and I would even be stopping my w-h-o-r-e ways but you haven’t encountered your mate.” He expressed like a little child and I chuckled. He definitely was a brat but he also had this baby side to him where I had to take care of him like a father. “Dio, you should be delighted to find your mate and worry about nothing else. I don’t believe that I have a mate destined for me. And I don’t care, either. I’m happy with the way I live.” I familiarised him with my thoughts and he nodded. “But I still believe that you’ll find your mate just like how I found mine; unexpectedly,” He claimed, and I chuckled. “I still want to know where you found her?” I asked because I could smell the wolf and she wasn’t from our pack or the ones close by. “She is a traveller, who was searching for her mate. She came from the Eastern Territory. I found her when she was trying to seek permission to enter the land.” Diego recited the whole story and I understood. “What a pair! You are not too enthusiastic to find her and she came from the other side just for you.” I commented and he gave me a huge smile. “Who said I was not excited about finding her? I love these feelings and these sparks. It’s making me crazy!” Diego gushed and I let out a deep breath. “I’ll talk to my cousin and get the transfer papers. He wouldn’t have any problem with this.” I expressed and he nodded, almost jumping on his place. “Do not try to mark her in excitement. Wait till the transfer.” I warned him and he glared at me. “Will you introduce her or keep her out is all you’re going to do?” I asked him and he frantically shook his head. He ran to his mate and brought her to me. “Hello, Alpha King Kieran. I’m Gabriella Simons.” She introduced herself confidently and I nodded. I could only understand how many Alphas she had met to gain so much confidence while greeting an Alpha. Diego pulled her down and she sat next to him. “Hello, Gabriella. It’s good to see you and know that you will be the Gamma Female. Your confidence is good.” I affirmed her and she smiled at me. “Please call me ‘Gabby’. And I’m honoured to have found Diego as my mate. I hope I’ll be able to fit well in this pack.” She expressed and sounded more mature than Diego ever could. “With that maturity, I’m sure you both will balance out each other.” I teased and Diego glared at me. “What party is going on?” It was Nicolas’s voice as he strolled in with some breakfast for me like he usually did. He casually sat next to me and finished the table. “This is Gabriella, my mate.” Diego proudly introduced her, and Nicolas raised a brow at him. “You’ve been blessed.” Nicolas teased, and we both laughed. “Hello, Gabriella." Nicolas greeted her. “Just Gabby, please.” She said and Nicolas nodded. "I hope you don’t want to abandon this boy and leave after witnessing his actions,” Nicolas stated straightforwardly and I laughed. “Nico! Can you be civil? Look at him, Alpha!” He whined and then looked at me for support. “Nicolas, behave,” I warned him and he nodded, making a straight face. Diego gave him a big toothy smile, just to provoke him. “Diego,” I warned him, too, and he cleared his throat. “Kieran, your breakfast,” Nicolas muttered and held the bag in his hand above, showing it to me. “Alpha King,” I heard greetings and glanced at the source to see James and Layla. I nodded at them and they just left. “You seemed to have a good night,” Nicolas commented, and I only smirked. “Take Gabby to your house and come to work soon,” I advised him and he nodded. They both gave me bows before fleeing the front yard. “Well, I wasn’t wrong.” Nicholas continued to tease, and I shook my head. He wouldn’t leave any opportunity to tease me just like Nicolas did. They formed a good bond over it. “Do you want me to remind you about yesterday evening, Nico?” I questioned him, raising my brows and he cleared his throat. “The hickey on your neck is still visible.” I retorted and he pulled up his shirt, in an attempt to hide it. “So, that was where you had a hickey,” I smirked at him. He attempted to overplay me, but I wouldn’t let him succeed. “You!” He narrowed his eyes at me and I laughed at him. “I know. So, don’t attempt something you can’t do.” I wriggled my eyebrows at him with a proud look on my face. He kept the box on the table and pushed it towards me. I felt something pinging in my mind and I knew it was a mind link. I glanced at Nicolas and he even mirrored the same expression. “Alpha, we found a man in the middle of the forest.” I heard in the mind-link from Diego. “Seems like we don’t have time for breakfast,” I commented and stood up. Me - Let’s go, Eliphas. I conveyed it to my wolf and he just rumbled in response.
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