Chapter One

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HORATIUS’S POV ----- I was unwinding on the huge balcony of my chambers, savouring a cup of coffee as I peered at the setting sun and relished the pleasant winter weather in January. I greedily breathed in the aroma of the coffee. Sometimes, I felt like I might be more addicted to the aroma of the coffee than the coffee itself. “Prince Horatius!” A piercing voice smashed my peaceful time and ruined my entire evening coffee perspective. I wanted to obliterate the person who interrupted me while I was resting, but I couldn’t because I wasn't just a man who made ridiculous decisions. I glanced at the man who entered my chambers without knocking as if his tail was on fire. He was panting as he footed on the balcony. I noticed his regular black suit was still perfectly ironed and looked fresh as if he had worn it not long ago. That made me wonder why he had rushed here in such haste. “Speak,” I asserted to Viron, my attendant. He was a thirty-year-old man who’d still make a woman swoon over him. He behaved like he was in his sixties even though we were only four years apart, him on the elder side, of course. He tended to turn into a mother hen every time he was with me. Even my mother, the Queen of this realm, was quite soft compared to him at times. “King Herth has summoned the Council for an emergency call. He expects you to attend it, without fail.” He informed me with a subtle warning that was clearly delivered to me by the King; my father and I sighed. There goes my coffee, completely. “Notify him that I will attend... without fail,” I commanded him and he rushed away after nodding at me. I glanced at the coffee in my hand whose vapours had now died down and it looked like some unappetizing drink. I stood up and ambled back into the room with the cold cup in hand and dropped it down on the table in the room. I was not going to consume it anymore. I had no spirit. I conceded that I could use a quick shower. Father hated it if we weren’t neat and tidy enough. Then I understood that he had worn the suit only now for the meeting, since Father was strict about appearances. Once I was done with my shower, I moved on to the next segment. I stepped into my closet to pull out a nice suit, so I could attend the meeting. My comfortable grey t-shirt and jogger pair wouldn’t cut it for the meeting, anyway. Even in modern times, with modern looks, we still had to look presentable for official calls. It took a lot of time and effort for Father to accept the change in the wardrobe from the traditional red uniform that had been running for generations. We still retain those but only for very special occasions. King Herth, my father and the protector of the Realm of the Witches who had already ruled for 35 years, was a stubborn man. I pulled out a beige suit with a white t-shirt. I added a pair of dark brown shoes. I gelled my light brown hair back in a gentlemanly way. I sprayed some cologne and tucked my phone into my suit pocket after putting it on silent mode. “Ready?” I saw Viron back in the room. He had the worst habit of coming into my chambers without knocking, again. Since we had practically grown up together, it was acceptable. Rest nobody would even dare to lurk near my halls. “I’ve got too lenient on you,” I proclaimed to him, but he wouldn’t even discern my warnings. He always took them lightly and shrugged them off. The level of disrespect this guy devoted towards me was impeccable, but I still adored him no matter what. He was my loyal follower. “Agreed, Crown Prince.” He acknowledged but sounded more taunting. He very well comprehended how to agitate me and make me annoyed. I walked to my drawer and pulled out my watch and started putting it on. “Don’t call me something I’m not fond of hearing,” I grumbled at him and he chuckled. I particularly didn’t like that title because it seemed too long and ancient. I was only as much to accept my title, ‘Prince’ after a long tantrum. “We should make our move now.” He insisted to me as he glanced at his watch. I nodded and we both walked towards the courtroom in the western wing of the palace while we resided in the eastern wing. The golden-themed palace was quite calm as it was past the normal bustling hours. I wondered what the case was, since Father didn’t like to initiate meetings in the evening. It was about 6.00 pm, so it must only be a very important meeting since he had decided to conduct this meeting, in the first place. I reached the courtroom with confident and proud strides. I possessed the aura of a Prince, not just a namesake but the one who could rule this realm when the King steps down. “Crown Prince Horatius Lionel Preston, arriving” The forerunner announced loudly, signifying my arrival to the other people in the room. I ambled towards the table and squatted on the nearest seat to the King's chair. I glimpsed around to find everyone in the room organized in a calm composure and huddled in their respective chairs, according to the importance of their supremacy. “Respected King Herth Leon Preston, arriving.” The forerunner announced and we all stood up, giving him respect with a bow. “Settle,” Father’s deep voice commanded once he settled in his seat. We all followed after him. Everything went completely silent, waiting to learn the reason for this meeting. “This immediate gathering had to be conducted since I’ve received a threat. A threat of butchery.” Father disclosed loudly, straight to the point, but his voice didn’t waver in fear. “I’m not afraid of this threat. But if someone has dared to draw this threat on my plate, sure enough, he has been prepared for this.” He informed us and as I thought about it, it dawned on me that he was right. “I want us to power upon the protective shield around our realm. I order a potion of health to be given to children in small doses. Also, the warriors will be drilled harder. No one is to be allowed out of the cottage after 6.00 pm, effective immediately.” He commanded and looked at everyone as if he was scanning people for their motives. “Prince Horatius will be under double protection, as he is the future of this realm. Viron and Marke will be with him every second of the day.” He instructed, and my eyes raised to his. I didn't understand why I was having to suffer. “Father?” I questioned and he shook his head, leaving no space for me to negotiate. I took a deep breath so I won’t burst out right now. “My words are clear, I presume. The meeting is adjourned.” He announced and stood up, walking out of the courtroom. Soon enough, everyone scattered out of the room and the room fell into silence again. “Dear nephew, I pity you for being the only successor.” Uncle Edon asserted as he patted my back, dramatically. Everyone knew how his mind worked only for evil. Father mostly doubted him being a traitor, for all he eyed the Kingdom with greed. “Thank you for your concern, dear Uncle, but unlike others, my life is at least worth protecting, isn’t it?” I retorted with an evil smile of my own. I waved my fingers in the air and little sparkles covered me, making me shine. I was just showing off my small tricks. I hated him to guts. “Sure, it is.” He muttered, in an irritated tone, and he snapped his finger, making the glitter disappear. I could see the anger behind his smile and jealousy in his eyes. “Exactly, my point. I must take my leave, I’m afraid I’m quite busy.” I flaunted, right on his face and spun around making my exit, grandly. I took quick steps to my Father’s chambers. Marko, my father’s attendant and Marke’s twin, stood outside the door. As he saw me, he opened the door and let me in. “Father, why did you have to do that?” I questioned him and he glared at me because of my tone. “Horatius, it is for your safety.” It was my Mother’s strict tone that was voiced in the silence. If my Father was stubborn, my Mother was strict. “I know, Mother. I’m not against that, but I’m capable enough to protect myself. I’m one of the strongest witches in the family but you are making me a laughingstock by appointing two mockers for me.” I yelled at them. “Protectors,” My Father reminded me and I scoffed. “Whatever helps you define them.” I retorted and he glared at me. I knew he was holding back the words and I was pushing him. “Horatius Lionel Preston, that is no way to talk to your Father.” Mother warned me and I wanted to roll my eyes at her, but I refrained. “I realise that, Mother, but I don’t think it was necessary to put Marke with me. Viron was already enough.” I defended my anger. They had to acknowledge my words of plea, too. “This doesn’t make you any less capable, son. I'd be at peace if you had them both. Father is being considerate of your choices and only appointed Marke with you.” Mother elucidated and I sighed. “If you say so. I won’t agree with even one more soul watching me,” I warned them, and left after giving them a curt bow. Viron, who stayed outside the chambers, followed hot on my heels “So, I’m rejoicing since I’ll have Marke to enjoy my time.” Viron mocked and I hissed at him. “If only I had been furious enough. I might as well put some fire spells on someone to release my anger.” I narrowed my eyes at him. He cleared his throat as we both walked towards my chambers. Marke greeted me outside the door of my chambers. Marke was not only built enough, but he was a good warrior and a great witch. My Father might as well adopt him. “Evening, Prince.” He greeted me with a smile. He was just two inches shorter than me and two inches bulkier than me. His muscles always flashed out of his clothes. He accentuated himself in his regular black tight t-shirt tucked in his black pants and his signature black belt. “Help yourself,” I muttered as I walked in. Marke stayed out while Viron followed me inside. He was a good friend and good company only when he wasn’t assigned to protect me. He was worse than Viron, who annoyed me with every move. I picked up the clothes that were scattered on my bed after I had removed them. Prince or not, I was still a normal guy with normal habits. I wore them and settled on my bed. I was removing my phone from my suit pocket, which I forgot to do earlier, and it fell on the ground. “Who is there?!” A blaring voice boomed in the room. I picked up my phone with a bored expression and flashed it to Marke, who had entered the chambers without a second thought. When he realised that it was the phone, he gave me a curt nod and went away. “This was only a glimpse to understand why I didn’t want Marke guarding me,” I grumbled and Viron laughed. “Are you sharing my bed now?” I questioned and Viron scoffed. “If only you had some sexy curves on your chest,” He commented and walked away before I could make a retort. I groaned loudly and Marke entered the chambers again. I only groaned in response. ----- I felt the atmosphere suddenly becoming cold. I didn’t open my eyes but tried to feel any presence around me. I heard a small swoosh and I only relied on my ears to hold on to the presence. I felt a presence close to me and suddenly by my neck. I opened my eyes and immediately extended my hand out, clasping my hand around the intruder’s neck. It was a Vampire. I squeezed his neck tight and he was struggling under my pressure. “Did the Vampire Coward King make the threat to us?” I asked him as I lifted his body and stood up from the bed. “N…o!” He breathed and I scoffed. “Then who?” I asked and he shook his head. His pale face was getting paler with every passing second, but there was the tattoo on his neck that caught my eye. It was a mouth with extended fangs and a sword lying in between the open mouth, where the handle was outside on one side and the end on the other side. “Answer me!” I commanded him, but instead of doing what I had asked him to, he bit on his right hand and his eyes rolled to his back. Fire raised in my palm and he was burnt to ashes in the next second. His ash flew out of my window, not leaving even a particle of that ash, making it look like no one was here in the first place. Nothing could be interpreted in just this instance. Marke and Viron, no one had come in even after I had been yelling so loudly. I jostled outside my chamber to discover Marke and Viron on the floor, sitting with their backs to the wall, unconscious. “Marke! Viron!” I yelled, but to no avail. I closed my eyes and focused my energy on water and water splashed from my hands onto their faces. Still nothing. I rushed inside and picked up my phone. I dialled Marko's number. He lifted the call on the first attempt. “Marko, check on Mother and Father, right now!” I yelled on the call. I heard him open the door. I walked outside my room and kept an eye on two unconscious people. “They are alright, Prince.” He informed me and I sighed. “Get people to get Marke and Viron to hospital, right now. And don’t leave the King and Queen's side, at all.” I ordered him and hung up the call. The enemy was someone powerful and …a traitor from our land. ----- A/N - Hey, my dear Enticers! So, here's the book that I've been storing all this time. I wasn't very sure how to put it in words so I waited for a long time. I had planned this book even before 'The Royal Alpha King's Little Damsel' but wasn't confident enough back then. I finally managed to write it and believed it would turn out amazing. I'm finally here with a new werewolf book. This time, it's going to be the first l***q+ book that I've ever written. It's like I'm breaking my norms and trying out new genres. And I believe it's going to be a blast just like the previous one. I'm loving it. I hope you all will, too. Also, I usually say that you have to bear the first few chapters because it's the setting, but I believe this book must've enticed you from the first chapter itself. Hehe. Must've got a little too excited. Anyways, I hope you will enjoy the book and its journey just like I wish you would. Please give your love and support to this book, like you always have to the other ones. Currently, there is also a romance genre book called, 'Arrogant Is My Middle Name!!!' being updated. You can also check it out if you like it. With love, Nia.
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