His Place

1817 Words

=========Olivia ========= His body leaned reassuringly to the side, prompting her to follow. It was easy to, like a dance, only one for her to trust. It wasn’t like they ever had but the sound of his heart under her ear and the way that his pulse seemed to race was telling enough. She had embarrassed him and he was fleeing.  He was leaving and yes, alright, she was desperate to stay with him.  She could admit that to herself and to him. Olivia thought she was anyway.  Each footstep was more telling than the last thing she said. She wanted to go with him, needed to. He needed to know what she did to stay, that she was willing to for as long as time permitted until one or both of them had passed on.  Sure she felt like she was in over her head. Over invested or simply just infatuated.

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