The Diaper Pals

1309 Words
ONE right, one left. Two right punches, another one left. Right hook. Repeat. Prima did not know how long she has been in the gym. She basically started before the sun went up. It has been her routine to do the training since she has turned thirteen. She started on jogs then run around the oval field of the pack territory. Though she shifted at sixteen like the rest of the werewolves, she already prepared her body for the shift. It was known for every shifter that the first one was the most physically painful. The human body will adjust in order to accommodate the huge body of the wolf which is a bit bigger than the Alaskan malamute. In order to ready her mind and body for the pain, she underwent drill exercises for the warriors. It was also a good training ground for her since she wanted the gamma position when the change of leadership comes. The change of leadership in the pack happened when the firstborn of the present alpha turned twenty-one years old or the alpha died. Moonshadow pack has been with the Moonshadow’s since it was established many generations ago. They were one of the oldest packs in the werewolf community. Under the rules of the Moonshadow pack, the alpha will always be the carrier of its name. It will always be the birthright of a Moonshadow descendant. However, the beta and the gamma positions can be claimed by any member of the pack through a competition. A match will be held before the coronation of the new alpha. Anyone can express their willingness to join the competition. Prima is adamant about joining the competition. She and her brother already planned out that she will be the gamma when he becomes the alpha. And, Prima will claim the position. She has been training for it for a long time. Peter, the alpha’s only son and Prima's sole sibling, already turned twenty-one a few weeks ago. He requested to delay the competition for a couple of months to give way to the celebration of their parent’s birthday which is only a few days apart. After the birthday soiree, the competition has been set. That will be a week after next. Prima has no qualms about her ability. She has been one of the best warriors. She broke the bones of fellow but much older warriors and sent them lying on their backs every time they trained. However, since it was a healthy competition. The current alpha encouraged everyone to join. Still, there were three other courageous fighters who enlisted. Two men and a woman. All of them were Prima’s friends who she was with since her diaper days. They were probably there to make fun of her since they were not on the same level as Prima’s exceptional fighting ability. Although her friends trained as reservists in case an attack happened, they were no match for the alpha’s daughter that has been eyeing the gamma position. Getting bored with what she was doing, she hit the punching bag hard. Before it bounced back, she made a roundhouse kick. She turned around when she heard a clap. It was followed by the sound of the punching bag crashing on the floor. “You have to pay for that.” “I know.” Prima grabbed the busted punching bag. She dragged it towards the supply room. She lined it together with the other busted ones. After reporting to the supply officer of the bag she just destroyed, she asked for the billing she has for the week. She went back to her brother who was chilling on the bench press. Pete grabbed for the bill. He shook his head. “I’ll pay. What time are you leaving?” “Three.” “When are you going to bring her here?” “Soon. She doesn’t know that I turned into a huge dog.” “Perks of having a human mate. Did you get her contact numbers?” “Of course.” “Did you ask her?” “No.” Pete exhaled. “You know, you’re a classic stalker.” “I know and I’m stalking my own girlfriend.” “At least you found your girl.” “I know, right. Some of us can keep our pants up.” The incoming alpha chuckled. He tackled his sister and pulled her out of the gym. Three of her friends were bantering at the bench under the tree. It was a few meters away from the main entrance of the fitness center. All of them were still in their running shorts and dry-fit top. Judging from the plastered sweats on their faces, they just finished their daily run. “She’s here!” “Hey, gamma.” “Prima donna, yo!” She made a face at her friends. She pulled away from her brother’s clasps and sit beside Dara, the other girl in the group. The two other men bowed a little at Pete. “Is Dara treating you right, Calvin?” Her brother asked one of the two guys. “Of course, Master. I’m a good bed warmer. She needs me.” The long-haired guy answered with a wide grin. “It’s a good thing you are. Just keep on warming my toes.” Dara bantered back. Zeeki laughed the hardest. He even slapped Calvin’s back. “In a year’s time, you’ll be rolling on your back and start barking like a damn dog. You’re a good pet, my friend.” “Hey!” The mated couple reacted. Dara and Calvin have been in denial when they realized that they were mates especially for Dara who treated Calvin as a brother. It was Calvin who turned seventeen first. He did not tell anyone that he found his mate yet. He waited for a few months until it was Dara’s turn to find her mate. Instead of running towards her mate, Dara ran to the woods when she found out that it was her friend that was destined for her. There has been a courtship after their acceptance. Calvin has to prove himself that their friendship is a good foundation of their mating. Eventually, about half a year ago, they finally marked each other and completed the mating bond. Aside from the additional kisses and the need to be in each other’s space, there was not much of a change in their relationship. They still pranked and tease each other like kids. “No one has the right to say bad words like that to my mate.” Dara said with a scowl. “That guy is my pet, alright. Bark, baby, bark.” Zeeki snickered like a freaking hyena. “Are you ready for the match, baby girl?” Pete questioned. He was still chuckling at her friends’ tactic. “I was born ready.” She said proudly. “Are you ready for this?” Calvin stood up. He flexed his muscled arm. He posed like he was in a body-building competition. “More, baby.” In the end, Zeeki joined him in flexing his own body like a ballerina. They sort to dancing like idiots. There was never a time that they gathered together without being playful. Laughing and pranking was a normal thing to do when the four of them joined forces. However, when it comes to training, her friends knew that no one gets in the way. Her tedious drill in the past year had taught her friends that she intended to become the pack’s gamma and no one can stop her. And for the sake of competition, the three clowns signed up for the same position just to have a fight on the day of the match. It pays that she got friends even if she barely socialized with anyone.
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