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HOLDING a book in one hand while balancing the handbag and the tote bag that has her lunch box, Carmen opened the door to her apartment. The apartment was the same as it used to be when she left this morning. No clatter can be seen except for the TV remote control that she left on top of the coffee table. She sighed in disappointment. She placed everything on top of the island counter. She washed the lunch box in dejection. It was Friday. She has not heard anything from her supposed girlfriend. Oftentimes, Prima is her by now or in the library before she clocked out. The young woman loitered in her workplace on Fridays since she stayed there longer on that specific day of the week. Maybe the teenager realized that the girls or guys her age are more worthy of her time. She does not need to exert more effort like driving this far in order to see each other. She went to the restroom and took a shower. She lost her appetite. Maybe she will skip dinner, too. She will just sleep her sorrow away. She will start the book tomorrow when she feels better. Clad in a bathrobe and a towel on the head, she went out of the restroom. She put on her glasses before she entered the bedroom. “Babe, happy monthsary!” With a hand on her chest, Carmen was surprised to see Prima on top of the bed. A wide smile was plastered on the teenager’s face. Her arms were stretched wide on her sides. Without meaning to, tears plummeted on Carmen’s cheeks. On the wall of the bed’s headboard was a banner that s ‘happy monthsary’ in gold, bold letters. It was also decorated with tiny white lights that illuminate the small room since she was not given an opportunity to switch on the light. “Babe, you don’t like it?” The hype on her girlfriend’s voice was gone. Prima is standing in front of her in an instant. Her formidable height towered over her. The young woman raised her chin. Her hazel eyes were full of worry. She, on the other hand, was full of tears. Carmen shook her head. She was unable to form coherent words. “I will take it down. I’m sorry if I barged into your house like that.” “It’s not.” She muttered in a small voice. She sniffed before meeting Prima’s eyes. “No one has ever done this to me before.” The younger woman chuckled. “Of course, babe. You never had me before. Besides, I’m your first, right?” She nodded. “I thought you’re not coming today.” “You like my surprise?” She nodded again. Prima wiped the tears from her eyes and cheeks. “Thank you.” “You’re welcome. Go change. I brought pizza and lasagna to go.” “Really? I’m hungry.” “Oh, I know. I can hear your stomach.” Prima said with a laugh. “Just turn around. I want to take a picture with the décor.” Grinning, the tall woman nodded. After a peck on the lips, Prima sat on the edge of the bed, opposite the location of the closet. Carmen hurriedly changed into a pair of shorts and a shirt. She ran to the kitchen to get her phone. The box of pizza and lasagna was on the bed when she went back. Another one that smelled like a fried chicken was in Prima’s hands. “Come on, I want a selfie with you.” She dragged the tall woman. Together they stood on top of the bed and posed for a few pictures with the banner behind them. “I’ll take photos of you.” With a wide smile, she gave her phone to Prima. She made wacky poses. She did twice since her girlfriend take another set for her own phone. She grabbed her phone back and looked at the images in the album. She laughed out loud at how silly they looked. When she turned around to show the picture to Prima, her mouth went ajar. Her girlfriend is kneeling in front of her with a ring in her hand. “I know it’s too early. You will definitely say that I’m way too young to think about a lifetime commitment.” Prima uttered. She followed it with a laugh. “I’m decided. I’m known to be a person who is focus and determine. Carmen Lastrange, will you make me the happiest girl in the world by being my wife?” She pouted. Her tear ducts were on a roll. Tears tumbled on her cheeks like they were on a marathon. “Yes. I will marry you, Prima.” She responded with conviction. Joy embraced her heart. Her brain is not at all working logically at the moment but she is certain that this moment is one of the best days in twenty years. Her now fiancée inserted the single stud ring into her finger when she held out her hand. Carmen pulled her girlfriend for a kiss. “I love you, Carmen. I’m so in love with you.” Panting, she nodded in agreement. “I’m in love with you, too.” “Please don’t lecture about my age and the quick progression of our relationship.” The tall woman said when she was about to open her mouth to speak again. Carmen smiled. She quieted and pressed her head on her fiancée's beating heart. She was pulled closer, too. Her eyes went to the thin band in her hand. It was simple just like she wanted it to be. The diamond rock is on the tiny side and the ring was in the shade of pink. “I like my ring. This must have cost you.” “I spent half of my trust fund for that.” She straightened before she raised her head. Her fiancée snickered at her reaction. “Part of my personal savings. My mom always told me and Pete to save from our school allowances. It’s true that it cost me my savings but it’s worth it. I’m proud to say that I bought the ring from my own pocket. Well, somehow.” The young woman explained with a smile on her lips. “Kiss me.” Carmen immediately closed her eyes when their lips touch. As usual, Prima dominates the intimacy. The shivers were present again. At some point, Carmen is getting used to it. She found herself being lifted. She clasped her ankle together on top of Prima’s behind to prevent herself from slipping. Her hands held on tighter on her fiancee’s nape as their kiss deepened. Their kiss halted when her stomach growled. Her face heated in embarrassment. Still clinging on Prima, the tall woman chuckled. “I should feed my wife.” “Not yet.” “You will be.” She dropped a kiss on the young woman’s lips before sliding from her body. “I might change my mind. I’m really hungry. I smell chicken from your stash.” “I brought a bucket.” “I love you more, babe. Come on.” She pulled the tall woman. Together they went out of the bedroom with the food that Prima brought with her. “Babe, what’s your plan now?” The petite woman asked when they reached the kitchen. “I’m going to marry you.” Carmen rolled her eyes. She turned her back on Prima to get the pizza from the microwave. It was cold already. She has no idea has long Prima has been in the apartment. “I mean, your future plan.” “I’m taking the aptitude test for the defense force. When I get the position, I will be able to pay for our needs.” “That’s good.” “I wanted to give you a house under your name. I want to establish things that you will call your own.” Prima added as she placed plates and utensils on the counter. “How many times are you going to make me cry today, babe?” The tall woman winked at her. “I hope those were tears of happiness, Mrs. Moonshadow?” “Can’t I retain my last name?” “No. You will carry my name, babe.” “Noted.” “Good.” Her fiancée kissed the top of her head before occupying the seat opposite hers. “How about you, babe? What’s your future plan?” “I have simple dreams, Prima. I just wanted to have a family I can call my own. I want to go home from work and someone is waiting for me or I will wait for the love of my life to come home. We’ll eat dinner together.” “I can do that.” “I want a dog, too. Maybe a Shih Tzu.” “I don’t like dogs. I mean, they don’t like me.” “We’ll train the pet. It’s good for the huge house that you wanted. I presumed that it has an equally bigger lawn. The dogs can run around the house.” She chuckled when she saw Prima made a face. “We’ll talk about it. Let’s eat dinner in peace.” In the future, she and Prima should learn how to compromise if they wanted this relationship to work. She glanced at her ring finger. The stone glimmered when the light in the kitchen hit it. At least she like the ring, she thought with a smile before she bit on the pizza.  
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