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AMBER POV. I wipe the sweat of my brow and get up where I was crouched next to the bed. I managed to clean out her clawed wound and I felt relieved when I saw her bleeding red again and it still baffled me to what could have caused her blood to have turned blue. I have never heard of any poison that could do that, but by the way she reacted when she saw her blood and that she conveniently has a vile of antidote in her bag, that she knew exactly what it was. I had so many questions that I didn’t know what I wanted to ask first. I took hold of her side and turned her body onto her back. I had her on her side so that I could patch her up. When her arm fell to her side, my eyes locked onto the birthmark in the shape of a wolf’s head and my stomach turned. ‘Could she really be one of Bane’s?’ I asked myself as I traced a finger over the mark. I so wanted to believe she wasn’t otherwise why else would Jason and Steven act so protective over her. And why not Jack? I looked at her face, she was a little sweaty but that was of the fever she had. Luckily that has subsided, and her body temperature was returning to normal, well at least as normal as a werewolf’s temperature can get. I reached for a clean cloth and dipped it in the cold water and rinsed it out before wiping down her face. I study her features. I didn’t notice it before but now that I was getting a good look at her, she somehow looked familiar, but I was certain that I have never met her before. I was sure I would have remembered her. I sighed and put the cloth away. “Is she going to be okay?” Came Steven’s voice from across the room and I smiled at him. He has been watching from across the room as I bandaged her up. He refused to leave her side. Not even his dad could get him to leave so I told Jason he could stay as long as he covered his eyes when I had to take her top off. I smiled when his eyes grew big when he realized that she was going to be half naked, but he nodded that he would keep his eyes shut. “Yes, she will be alright.” I said and walked around the bed to stand next to him as we watched Rieka sleep. “Will you keep an eye on her for me?” I asked already knowing that he wouldn’t leave her side. I smiled when he nodded eagerly, and I ruffled his hair to which he shied away from. I left the room only to walk into Stanly’s back who was apparently guarding the door. “Oh. I’m sorry miss Amber. I shouldn’t have been standing directly in front of the door.” He said and gave me a small bow. “That’s alright, Stan.” I said and closed the door behind me. “Steven is still in there and I doubt that he will be coming out anytime soon.” I spoke as I looked at the closed bedroom door and Stanley nodded. “Yes, I don’t think he will. It’s very strange, isn’t it? That Jason and little Steven are so affected by this young woman.” He said in thought, and I nodded. “Yeah well, we’ll know why when she wakes up.” I said and waved him goodbye which he returned. I walked down the hall towards the study hall. We decided to keep her close in case she decided to run, and I hoped that she wouldn’t. There were so many things that we needed to know. When I entered the study, Ava, Jason and Seth were gathered around a table and it was only when I got close was when I saw that they have emptied her backpack onto it and my jaw dropped. There was so much more stuff on the table that would never have fit inside of the backpack “How is she doing?” Jason asked and I gave him a smile. “It looks like she is going to be fine. She’s still unconscious. Usually, I would say that she would wake up in a few hours but… with whatever she drank to counteract whatever was in her wound, it’s hard to say. It could be a day or a couple of days.” I said and Jason and Ava nodded at me. Seth ignored me as he kept his attention on the contents of the table. “Where did all this come from?” I asked in awe as I came to stand between the two men and Seth moved over a step to give me room at the table. I know my question was obvious, but I couldn’t help it. Fortunately, Ava was able to explain. “There was an expanding charm on the inside of the bag. Another difficult piece of magic.” She said and picked up a pencil case with doodle drawing on it and opened it. It only held pencils, a rubber and sharpener, just like one would have in a case for pencils so she closed it and put down. Next, she picked up a book and frowned as she flipped through it. “What is it? I asked and Seth and Jason both looked up from their own search. “Nothing.” She said as she flipped through the pages. “If it’s nothing then why are you frowning?” Seth asked and Ava turned the book around to show us. There was nothing. The pages were blank which was strange because the outside of the book looked like it was used quite often. “You, see? There’s nothing.” She said as she turned the book back to her. “There could be a charm on it to hide its contents?” I spoke and she nodded. “I was just thinking that same thing.” She said. “She’s definitely hiding something.” Seth said and I rolled my eyes at him. “Really Seth. Maybe she just doesn’t want anyone to see her drawings?” I spoke but in truth I hoped I was right. “Drawings?” Jason asked as he held out his hand for the book and Ava handed it over and busied herself with something else. “Why would you say drawings?” He asked as he flipped through the book. “Because…” I said and leaned over the table to take the pencil case with pencils inside and shake it at him. “She has multiple different shades of pencils in here that I got a glimpse of earlier and it’s almost the same as the ones that I have in my room that I use for drawing.” I said and put the case down. “Oh.” Jason mouthed and handed the book back to Ava. There was some clothing that were neatly stack and tied together along with a stack of money. “Here has got to be at least a few thousand in here!” Jason remarked at the cash before putting it down next to the clothes. There was also a rolled-up leather pouch that had some tools inside and a few paper pockets that resembled envelopes, that had different kinds of herbs and plants inside with neatly written descriptions for each one. Seth was organizing some small bottles of liquid in a row. Some were in different sizes and their colors varied from neon yellow to black. I recognized a few of them by the way they shimmered and shade of color but there were some that I didn’t have a clue to what it was. Ava was looking at them too with pursed her lips and I had to suppress a smile. She was jealous. Everybody who knew Ava, knew that she was an experienced witch and one of the most powerful magicals in the country and her seeing that someone else had magical items as much as this, got under her skin. Except for a medium sized box with handmade carvings on that wouldn’t open, there wasn’t much else out of the ordinary. Pack of cards, flashlight, batteries, a map and so on. I frowned as I looked over the contents. “Is this all that was in her bag?” I asked and Seth nodded without looking at me. “Why? What is it?” Jason asked as I looked over the table again. “It’s just strange.” I said as I crossed my arms over my chest. “What is?” Jason and Ava asked in unison as Seth finally looked at me. “She doesn’t have a cellphone.” I said and looked at Ava who seemed to get what I was saying. “That is strange.” She said and both men looked at us in confusion. “Why would that be strange?” Seth asked as Jason just shrugged. I rolled my eyes. “It’s strange because almost everyone my age today can’t seem to live without them.” I said and Jason looked confused. “Steven isn’t like that.” He said and I nodded. Because Steven is still a little young and doesn’t really care for it at this age. I mean, I always keep my phone close. It’s just because of recent events that I haven’t been able to be on it, but she doesn’t seem to have one at all.” I said and Seth spoke up. “Could mean something or nothing.” He said and stood back with his hands on his hips. “There are eighteen bottles of Gods knows what here. Why would she need so many?” He said but it sounded as though he spoke more to himself than to us. “Well, some of them are for healing.” I said and pointed a few out. “And some are for energy, almost like adrenalin shots.” I said and pointed to a few others. “And there are cures for poison but… I don’t recognize the majority of the phials here.” I spoke and looked at Ava who had an equally confused expression on her face. “I guess we’ll have to wait until she wakes up.” Seth said still looking at the phials before his eyes went to the sealed box with the carvings. I knew he burned to know what was inside, but like he said. We’ll have to wait until she wakes up to find out. A yawn snuck up on me as the fatigue of today’s events finally caught up with me. “I’ m going to turn in for the night guys.” I spoke. “Yes, I think we all should.” Ava told the men as she took Rieka’s backpack in one hand and held out her other hand over the items on the table and with a quick chant under her breath, her hand gave of a slight glow before Rieka’s things started to lift of their own accord off the table and floated into the bag. “Night Ava, Jason.” I said and got good nights in return. I turned to Seth last and bid him good night to which he only nodded without looking at me. On my way to my room, I stopped to look in on Rieka one last time. Stanley was still keeping his watch when I approached and when I peaked in the room, my heart melted. Steven was curled up on the bed next to Rieka’s side, fast asleep. It was so strange for me to see him this way. I might not have known him long, but he was a quiet, shy boy. He moved around the manor these last few days since they came here, like a ghost so it was strange to see him acting this way. I approached the bed silently and saw to my satisfaction that there was more color in her cheeks and that she was breathing normally. Her pulse was also steady, so I decided it was safe to retire to my room. She’ll be fine. “Goodnight Stan.” I said when I walked out of the room and closed the door behind me. “Night miss Amber.” He replied with a nod of his head. I made my way further down the hall until I came to my room. I fished my room key out of my pocket while I stifled a yawn and unlocked the door, entering and closing it behind me and locking it again. Force of habit. I snapped my fingers in the darkness and the lights flickered on. I stood and looked at my bed. It was practically inviting me to fall on it and sleep, but I smelled of earth and anesthetic and there was no way I would be able to sleep peacefully if I didn’t at least try to scrub away the chaos of today. Turning away from the bed, I walked to my adjoining bathroom and turned the shower on. Standing in front of the mirror, I looked at myself in the reflection. My hair was a mess and I had dirt smears on my neck and face, and I groaned in embarrassment. Just great! I’ve been walking around like this the whole time, and no one bothered to tell me this. I quickly brushed my teeth as the mirror started to fog up and I got undressed. Putting my clothes on a pile on the floor to throw away later. No use in having it washed. Stepping under the hot sprays of the water felt like a second breath. Every piece of dirt I scrubbed off my skin, the more relaxed I became until I was clean head to toe. Getting out of the shower I quickly grabbed a towel to rub my hair dry before I wrapped it around my body and before I left the bathroom, I grabbed my brush and brushed my hair as I walked back into my room. I stopped suddenly and frowned. Was that window open before? I thought to myself as I watched the curtains sway lazily from the breeze that came from the open window. I don’t remember leaving it open. I thought as goosebumps raised the hair at the back of my head and before I could move, a hand clamped around my mouth as the intruder’s other hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me against a hard body.
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