1860 Words

AMBER POV. My heart skipped a few beats before I remembered to breathe through my nose and more goosebumps erupted over my body as the person breathed hot air on my neck before placing a soft kiss there. The scent of soap and a familiar light musky aftershave reached my nose and I moaned internally, and my stomach did a flip in excitement. “Mmmm, you clean up nicely.” Seth breathed hotly against my skin as he continued to pepper my neck with kisses. My heart started to speed up as I arched my neck to the side and I closed my eyes, suppressing a moan. His hand slid from my mouth to my throat and caressed the skin further down to where I had the towel tied above my breasts. I drew in a breath as his fingers played with the knot in the towel. “I didn’t think you were going to come tonight.”

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