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JASON POV. The girl’s head slumped forward as she lost consciousness. ‘Did it work? Were we too late?’ I thought to myself, and I pressed my fingers to her neck and breathed a sigh of relieve when I could feel a pulse. It was weak but at least she had one. “What the f**k, Jason?” Seth sneered at me, and I turned my head to look up at him. He was angry and for some reason I felt anger towards him. I shot to my feet and shoved him against his chest. My actions took him off guard and the vampire stumbled backwards against a desk. “You could have killed her?” I growled at him, and he watched me with wide eyes before his expression turned dark and he made a come at me but was stopped by Ava who must have gotten to her feet behind me and held out a hand against his chest. “That is enough! The both of you!” She said loudly and sternly. Seth and I glared at each other. “The girl could have had information we needed!” Seth said angrily. I felt anger towards him. “That information would have meant nothing if you have let her die.” I said with a growl in my throat. Usually, I wouldn’t get in his way but something about this girl called to me to help her, to protect her. Just like before in the clearing even though I couldn’t see her at first. I knew she was there even though the other wolves couldn’t sense her. I don’t know how or why, but I just knew she was there to help. Just then the rest of our group came running into the room. “What the hell is going on?” Jenny demanded when she saw Ava standing between us to keep us apart and Amber cradling the unconscious girl on the ground. Samantha was watching us with wide eyes and Jack and Stanley stood watching me and Seth cautiously. “Seth nearly let the girl die.” I growled and Seth hissed at me in return. “I wanted answers besides, what makes you think she was dying? She could have been faking it to get out of us interrogating her.” He retorted and I growled at him. “She wasn’t because I felt it.” I snapped and Ava turned to look at me incredulously. Everyone stared at me as though I was crazy. “What?” Ava asked as Jack came forward to speak next. “What do you mean you felt it? She’s not one of us and even if she was, it would be impossible to have a connection like that. You are not her alpha. Heck, you aren’t even an alpha!” He said frowning. What he said was true, but I couldn’t even explain it to myself. “Look, I don’t know how or why, but I feel a connection with this girl. It’s hard to explain.” I said as I looked back to the girl whose head was now resting on Amber’s lap. “Could she be your mate?” Ava asked, lowering her hands between us and I looked at her startled. I thought about what she said as I looked back at the girl who was called Rieka but I shook my head. “No, she’s not my mate. This feeling I have is… different.” I spoke to the occupants in the room. There were a few seconds of silence until a small voice spoke up. “I feel it too.” Steven spoke up and we turned to him in surprise. He was standing in the doorway. When he saw everyone looking at him, he swallowed but gathered the courage to enter the room. “What do you mean, son?” I asked my boy as I watched him walking towards me. No, he was walking towards the girl. His eyes were fixed on her as he walked past me and crouched down beside her. Everyone was looking at him in surprise when he reached out and tucked a few loose strands of hair behind her ear. Steven was a shy boy. Since his mother’s death, he has chosen to be by himself. He barely spoke to anyone except for me, and he didn’t like to be touched and now here he was, touching a girl’s face. “Steven?” I called and he looked up startled as though he has forgotten where he was. “What do you mean you felt it too?” I ask him and he blinked at me. “I… I don’t know. I just do. I knew she was there.” He said as he looked back at Rieka. “After the bad men tied us up… I felt her watching us and I also knew she wanted to help us.” He said and I nodded. “That is what I felt too.” I said and looked at Ava who was looking between me and Steven and the girl. “I also felt her presence at the clearing, and I knew she didn’t mean us any harm.” I said and Jack gave a disbelieving snort. “That’s bullshit.” Jack said as he looked around the room. “If that were true then I would have felt it. I am a werewolf too or have you forgotten?” He said moodily and I shrugged at him. “I don’t know why. Maybe it is because you were turned with a bite and not born into it like me and Steven.” I said because that was the only thing I could think of since nothing else made sense. Jack grunted and walked off to sit down on one of the other desks in the room. “Look, it doesn’t matter what you feel or not…” Amber spoke up for the first time in a while and all eyes went to her. “The fact is that she saved us…” She spoke but was interrupted with a grunt from Seth and Amber rolled her eyes at him. “Okay, she helped save us and got injured so the least we can do is take care of her wound and watch over her until she wakes up.” Amber said and Ava agreed with her. “Fine!” Seth snapped as he glared at the girl. “But she will be guarded at all times. I am not taking any chances.” He hissed and there were a few that agreed verbally with him. “Stanley?” Seth called for his Vampire friend. “Yeah?” He spoke for the first time. “Take the girl to the infirmary.” He said but just as Stanley came forward, I held my hand up for him to stop. “No, I will.” I said and crouched down to pick up the girl. Steven was already standing anxiously as he watched me lift the girl in my arms. I held her bridal style with her head against my shoulder and her uninjured shoulder against my body so that I wouldn’t put unnecessary pressure on her wound as her arm of her injured shoulder hung limply towards the floor. I turned us around to face Ava. “Which way?” I asked but before Ava could open her mouth, Samantha shot forward with wide eyes. “NO, it can’t be!?” She cried out in a shaky voice, and I frowned at her. She suddenly seemed scared, and I looked down at Rieka, but saw nothing that could have frightened her. “Sam, what is it?” Jenny asked in concern, but Samantha shook her head as she reached out and picked up the girl’s arm. I drew in a quick breath as I saw what was on her skin and I looked at Ava who was also staring at Rieka’s arm in shock. On the inside of her arm, she had a birthmark, but that wasn’t what shocked us. It was the fact that it was in a shape of a wolf’s head that had my mind reeling with new questions. ‘How was it possible to have felt so wrongly about her?’ “You see?” Came Seth’s voice as he moved past Ava and took the girls arm from Samantha and held it up for everyone to see. “She is one of them! ” He said as I kept staring at the mark. “And not just anyone, but one of his.” He said as he looked at the girl in disgust. The air in the room filled with bickering on what to do with the girl. Some wanted her to be thrown out and Seth wanted to kill her. “NO!” Steven growled loudly above everyone else as he rushed forward and shoved Seth away, hard. Seth stumbled on his feet and looked at my young werewolf son in shock. Everyone stood in shock, watching my son, including myself. My son has shown his wolf side before, but this was different. The strength he just showed to shove away a three hundred- and fifty-year-old vampire had me gaping at him. Steven was standing protectively in front of me with extended claws as he growled and not just at Seth, but at everyone else in warning. “Why you little…” Seth hissed but just as he wanted to step forward, Amber came running up to him and laid her hands onto his chest to stop him. “STOP!” She said pleadingly as she looked up at him. Seth’s Jaw ticked as he glared at Steven and a growl echo from my throat in warning that I would tear his throat out if he harmed my son. “Seth, please.” Amber begged him and Seth looked down at her. She seemed so small against his big frame. Seth took a deep breath through his nose and released it and took a step back. “We can put her in a room where we can lock her up and we can keep someone on guard duty to watch her.” She spoke to him before turning to Ava for confirmation before turning back to face Seth. “Let us hear what she has to say when she wakes up before you do something you are going to regret.” She said in a gentle but pleading voice. Seth looked down at her again. “Fine.” He said before turning around and walked out of the room. Amber turned around and took a shaky breath before approaching us, but she stopped when Steven gave a warning growl. “It’s okay, honey. I am not going to hurt her, but I will need to look at her injuries so that she can heal.” Amber spoke in a soft and gentle manor. Steven didn’t move. “Steven?” I called and he slightly turned his head in my direction but did not take his eyes of Amber. “It’s alright, son. Amber needs to patch her up in order for her to get better.” I told him and I felt relief when he stepped aside. I’ve never seen this side of my son before, and it scared me a little bit. He acted like an adult wolf over his mate, but that was not possible. He was too young. Werewolves only found their mates when they come of age. It had to be something else. I followed Amber out of the room and waited briefly for her to collect her medical bag before we walked down the hall to one of the rooms with Stanley right behind us. I knew he wouldn’t let the girl out of his site and would watch over her door like a hawk. Once we reached the room, I laid her down onto the bed and immediately Amber went to work as she started to clean the wound. I excused myself as I felt like I needed some fresh air. This whole situation was baffling… especially when Steven refused to come with me. He chose to stay while Amber worked.
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