2615 Words

RIEKA POV. I felt myself stir to consciousness and I blinked open my eyes to the dim light of the lamp that illuminated the room from the bedside table. I winched at the stabbing pain on my back as I turned my head to stare at the light. The pain didn’t bother me. After living a life as I have so far, I have come accustomed to it. I continued to stare at the lamp. It was so strange to see light coming of an electrical object instead of candles and light orbs like I have been used too. The light stood so still as it flooded the room with enough light to see the room clearly but not too sharp that it would hurt my eyes and when I strained my hearing, I could hear a faint buzzing as the electricity coursed through it. “I really am here.” I said to myself as I turned my gaze from the lamp to

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