1870 Words

SETH POV. “RIEKA!” I bellowed after the girl when I saw her shot off into the direction of the woods. Something gripped around my cold heart, and I hated the feeling so much that I snapped the wolf’s neck that I had pinned under my arm. Bane disappeared. After he tackled Rieka to the ground and she shot him onto his ass like it was nothing, he disappeared into the fighting and f*****g hell, it turned into a blood bath in an instant. The girl was right. Bane didn’t just have the handful of men here that was at his side, he had more hiding just beyond the tree line and as soon as the fighting began, they swarmed us like flies. I grabbed a wolf by the neck that lunged at me, and I relished in the feared look in his eyes when he knew it was over for him and I quickly made work of him and thr

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