1497 Words

RIEKA POV. I thought my heart was about to stop when Derick said those words to me. it was all a trick. Yes, he did have his own motives for coming here, but he also knew the main reason that I would have risked giving it all up to come here. It was to save Amber from Bane. Ignoring the pain in my body, I bolted back towards the manor before either one of them could stop me. I hoped he was lying, I truly did, but it made sense. I expected Bane to have come with a small army, but instead I only now realized that the men he brought with them, hidden or by his side, were weak wolves. They were only enough to distract us and if I had to think back to when the fighting occurred, Bane quickly disappeared from our sights. I pushed myself to run faster. I could have transformed but I was just as

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