1639 Words

SETH POV. “What the f**k did you do that for?” I snarled at the dark-haired witch as Rieka slumped in my arms. If I wasn’t trying to keep a hold onto Rieka, I would have grabbed the witch by the neck. I lowered Rieka to the ground, intending to do just that and she stepped back from me as she held her hands up in defense. Jenny had the audacity to look at me in disbelief and she turned her head to Ava and Jack who were staring at her dumbfounded and she suddenly looked unsure. “I- She was getting out of control… I had to!” She said as she defended her actions and Ava stomped towards her after the shock wore off, and she snatched the little bag with the sleeping dust from Jenny. “That was not your call to make, Jenny!” Ava scolded her. “What? Are you serious? She attacked me!” She said in

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