Chapter 8

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Sam (POV) "Yes, Alpha, it appears I have." I said, smiling. I always wondered what my mate would be like if I ever found her. I may be rejecting her, but she was still breathtaking even for a human. "Please, Sam, it's just us, call me Jameson." Alpha said, now smiling at me. I didn't say anything. I don't understand why we were here. Wolves find their mates every day. They don't get called into his office. Why was I? "Have you made a decision?" Alpha asked, looking between both of us again. Ember didn't answer. I know it sounds bad, especially since I'm about to reject her, but I really wanted her to claim me. I wanted her to say yes. I accepted him as my mate. But she didn't, so I didn't say anything either. "OK, I can give you guys sometime to talk before you make your decision, but it must be made tonight." Alpha said, now rising from his chair. "I don't need to wait, I have my decision now." I said way more confident than I felt. "Very well, What have you decided?" Alpaha asked, now sitting back down in his chair. "I have decided to reject my mate." I said, feeling the pain the moment the words left my mouth. My wolf let out a grail. I heard my mate gasp beside me. She felt my rejection too. I couldn't look at her. "Sam, there is something I must tell you before you formally reject your mate." "There is nothing you can say my mind is made up." I said, now standing. "Sam, please sit down. I'm not trying to change your mind. There are just a few things we need to talk about before you reject your mate formally." I don't see how anything we had to discuss could change my mind, but I didn't want to argue with Alpha. We both know if he used his authority on me, I would have to sit. I like my free will, so I sat. "Thank you." Alpha said, nodding his head at me. "We have a lot to talk about." Ember's (POV) The atmosphere in uncle James' office was intense, although that might just be me. Rejected. Is he really going to reject me? For what? He doesn't even know anything about me. Well, fine, I don't want him as my mate anyway. "So Sam, when you" "No!" I yelled, interrupting whatever my uncle was about to say. " I want to know why?" I demanded, now jumping to my feet and putting my hands on my hips. "You don't even know me, to just reject me. I want to know why?" My heart hurt so bad I felt like tears were going to fall any minute now. I will not allow that, he will not see me shed one tear over him. "My decision has nothing to do with you, at all." Sam said, finally looking at me. "It doesn't matter who my mate is." "Is that supposed to make me feel better? Why? I need to know." I know I sounded like a whiny kid, but I don't care. I know myself, and this will drive me crazy. "My dad was a warrior. Growing up, I always knew that's what I was going to be. I always said if I found my mate I would never put her through that. My training is intense and long. I train seven days a week, which means you would be training seven days a week. Which brings me to the most important reason for rejecting you." "When I become a warrior, that means you will always be on the front line. I can't do that to you. I can't put you in danger like that. It would not be fair to you or me. I would always be worrying if you were OK, and that would make us both weak. You being human does not help, but like I said before, it really doesn't make a difference. My mind was made up years ago. I'm sorry I really am. You seem very well suited for me. I think you would keep me in line and not put up with my s**t. But I can't." OK, not going to lie, I was totally ready to rip his head off, then he told me his reason. My fire was burning out. He made a lot of good points. If I was the Queen, I couldn't be on the front lines, and me not being close by would make him weak and kill us both. How can I be mad at him for wanting to protect me? Ugh, of course my mate would be a warrior. Not that there is anything wrong with being a warrior, but it would put us both in a lot of danger. Growing up as a human in a wolf world is not easy. I didn't know what to say. On one hand, my heart felt like it was being ripped out of my chest by his rejection, but on the other hand, I completely understand his reasoning. I just nodded my head at him to afraid to say anything and trigger my tears. I could not look at him anymore. It hurt too bad, so I turned to my uncle to finish whatever he was going to say. My uncle looked me right in the eyes. I swear I could hear him tell me how sorry he was, and the pain would get better all from that one look. I couldn't take it anymore. I broke eye contact first and looked up at the picture of my parents hanging behind my uncle. After a few seconds, my uncle finally filled the silence. "Sam, I completely understand your reasoning for rejecting Ember. Your parents were two of my closest friends, and both were the best warriors I have ever met. I get it, I really do. I'm not trying to change your mind. There are just a few things I need you to know before you formally reject Ember." "What I tell you may or may not change your mind." James waited a few seconds to see if Sam was going to say anything. When he didn't, he went on. "When you were about four years old a sorceress visited our pack. She was not here long, but while she was here your parents were tasked with protecting her and her guest." I knew he was talking about my mom and me, but I didn't say anything. I just sat there and listened. "You were so little and never wanted to leave your mom's side and, since there was really no danger, your mom let you hang out with her while she was with the sorceress. You both became very close and one night she had a dream about you. The moon Goddess had come to her. The next day she came right to your parents and I and told us about her dream with the moon Goddess and everything she said." I looked over at Sam and noticed he had leaned forward a little. I could also see that he was paying more attention to what my uncle was saying now that the moon goddess had been mentioned. "She said that you would be a great warrior and save many lives. You will also become a warrior guard." Sam gasped. "A warrior guard, really? Me? Wow!" Sam said, sounding amazed by this information. My uncle gave him a few seconds to wrap his mind around that. "Yes, but there is more. She said you would only have one mate because of your warrior guard bond, your mate would be your charge. There is no other mate out there for you. You also need to understand that if you reject her you both will still be bonded, not romantically though. Rejecting Ember will block the romantic bond between the two of you. Ember will be your charge. I have never met a warrior guard, so I can't give you much information about what your bond will be like, but I have heard it is the strongest bond there is. A bond between a warrior guard and their charge can not be broken. Your souls are connected the same as they are with your mate. If one of you dies, you both die." "Wait, I have a few questions," Sam said, now sitting on the edge of his chair. "I'll try to answer your questions the best I can." My uncle said, folding his hands on his desk in front of him. "OK, so my reason for rejecting Ember is to keep her safe and off the battlefield. So if I'm understanding correctly, even if I reject her, she will still end up on the battlefield?" "I don't know how that works. Like I said before, I never met a warrior guard. I'm not sure if you would be on the battlefield. A warrior guard's job is to protect their charge at all cost." "Rejecting Ember may not make a difference as far as your reasoning goes. Your warrior bond would still put her next to you wherever you are. I don't know a lot about how the bond works, so this has to be a decision the two of you make together. No matter what you decide, you are both still bonded. What I do know is that you have to decide before midnight tonight if you are going to reject Ember or take her as your mate." My uncle said, now looking between us both. "What? Why do I have to decide right away?" Sam asked, sounding angry now. "You and Ember are bonded no matter what. Normally, if you reject your mate, the bond is broken. However, with the two of you, the bond will remain, which is why the decision must be made as soon as possible to prevent as little pain as possible. The longer you wait, the more it will hurt if you do decide to reject Ember. That could affect your warrior guard bond, and that bond can not be messed up." my uncle stood. "I will give you both time to talk and process everything I just told you. Oh, I almost forgot everything we discussed must not leave this room." My uncle said, using his Alpha voice to give the command. I could feel the weight of his words, but they didn't affect me. I could tell by the way Sam was bent over he was feeling the weight of the Alpha. My uncle walked to the door and stopped with his hand on the doorknob. "One last thing you should know. Ember is not human, she is my niece and our future Luna Queen. You may use my office for as long as you both need to. Let me know when your decision has been made." And with that he left with Seth following behind him, closing the door quietly. Leaving Sam and me alone.
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