Chapter 7

1392 Words
Sam (POV) "Come on guys, we have to go, we're late." I yelled, grabbing anything that ran by me. I hate rounding up the pups and the only reason I'm doing it today is Jason is a sore loser. I beat him in training this morning and his feelings are hurt. One of the first things they train you is to leave your feelings at the door. I guess Jason missed that part of training. "Come on guys, we have to go. Alpha is not going to be happy were late." I said, trying to do a quick head count. Once I was sure I had all the pups, we ran to the banquet hall. As we got closer to the hall my heart started racing and my palms started to sweat. OK, that was weird, but I don't have time to think about what's going on with me right now. I have to get these pups to the hall and hope that Alpha understands. We finally made it to the hall. It took a lot longer than I thought it would. The pups were a lot more to handle and round up than I thought they would be. I pushed open the hall doors and walked in, followed by the pups. By now my heart was pounding out of my chest and I was having a hard time breathing. I bent over to try and catch my breath. I was not running that fast to be this out of breath what the hell was going on with me. Once I could breathe enough to talk, I addressed the Alpha. "My apologies for being late Alpha, I was tasked with rounding up the pups." I said, now standing and looking at our Alpha. He was not paying any attention to my interruption, he was staring at the young woman sitting next to our Luna. That's when my wolf saw her and everything clicked into place. "Mate", I found my mate. Alpha turned back to me now. "No worries, Sam, I know how challenging that task can be. The pups can be a handful." Alpha said, waving his hands, gesturing for the pups to take their seats. I left the pups to take my seat in the front row. Some of the pups sat in chairs that were close by while others ran to their parents to sit with them. It took a few minutes for everyone to finally settle back down. "Now that everyone is here, I have a few things to inform you of. First I would like to introduce you to our two newest members. This beautiful young lady is Ember." My mate gave a shy wave to everyone. "And this is Alpha Seth." Alpha said, gesturing to the man sitting beside her. Seth didn't wave, he just gave a quick head nod towards Alpha. "They are both my very special guest. I expect each and every one of you to make them feel welcomed in our pack. They will both be training with our warriors. However, both are to have a guard with them at all times. Does everyone understand?" Alpha asked as he looked around the room at us. As a whole, the room answered "Yes Alpha." "Good, now this week we are going to have a lot of visitors. A few Alphas will be stopping by to discuss the recent rogue attacks. I have made arrangements in the pack house should any Alpha wish to stay the night. Some are traveling far. If any wolf staying in the pack house does not wish to stay there while an Alpha is visiting, please see Broody, so arrangements can be made. It's possible that some Alphas may want to look around and, depending on our alliance with them, permission may be granted. However, should this happen, NO ONE is to train in front of any Alpha or any visitors that may be accompanying them. If they wish to see anything other then the pack house, they must have either myself or Broody accompany them. If you see an Alpha unaccompanied wandering around the grounds let us know right away." " I will also be upping boarder patrols. We don't know why so many packs are being attacked by rogues. We think they are looking for someone or something or maybe just trying to thin down the packs. I'm not willing to take any chances until we figure it out. Please make sure you are checking and double-checking everyone who enters our boarders." "And finally, I have closed a few of the stores this week to help keep the town's traffic into our boarders down while the Alphas are here. I have arranged for trucks to come pick up crops and sell them in the market in town. I am taking extra precautions to keep you all safe. I will also have extra guards outside the schools to ensure our pups' safety at school as well. I know some of this may sound extreme, but rogues have wiped out 6 packs so far. We may be the biggest pack, but that does not mean we are off limits. Who knows, they may get brave and come looking for a fight. I have no doubt in our warrior's skills. I know they can handle it should they come looking. Now if no one has any questions or anything to add?" Alpha paused and looked around the room, giving anyone who wished to say anything a chance. no one said anything. "Very well, that will end this meeting. I hope you all have a wonderful day. Sam, a word please?" Alpha looked right at me, still sitting in the front row. Great, this can't be good. Alpha hardly ever talks to me directly. It's always Broody. I bowed my head, "Of course, Alpha" I said, now standing and walking over to where him and my mate were standing. She was very beautiful. Her hair is black, no blue, no wait, black with blue. Maybe she dyes it to look that way. Either way, it suits her complexion nicely. She has two white strips, one on each side of her face, she has to dye them. Her eyes, though I could get lost in them. I have never met anyone with such bright green eyes. They were mesmerizing. I was full out staring at this point. My wolf was practically panting, and I imagined his tongue was hanging out. Alpha pretended he didn't notice, but anyone with eyes had to see she was my mate. My mate. I have never wanted a mate. I'm a warrior. I was born for greatness. I can't be great with a mate. No matter who she is. "Sam, would you mind coming to my office? I have a few things I wish to discuss with you please." Alpha asked, but didn't command. That was just one of the things that made him such a great leader and why our pack was so big. He treated his pack with respect and didn't use his authority unless he was forced, or it was necessary. "I'll take that as a yes then?" He asked after a few seconds of me just standing there staring at my mate. "Of course, Alpha, my apologies. My mind is somewhere else today." I said, now turning and facing him. Alpha didn't say anything else. He just nodded his head and headed for the front door to the hall. "Ember and Seth please join us," Alpha said, walking out the door and heading right for the pack house. Once we made it to his office, he gestured for the three of us to take a seat. No one said a word as we all sat down. We waited for Alpha to address why he called us into his office, but he never said anything, he just sat there with his hands folded looking at Ember and me, who had taken the two seats in front of his desk. Even now, our bond was strong. I could feel her pull, but she was human, she had no wolf, she would make me weak. "So I see our young wolf Sam here has found his mate." Alpha said to the room. Seth gasped and Ember put her head down in embarrassment. I, however, held my head high.
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