Chapter 26

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A rasping knock sound that could only be from Cliph the nymph or another air nymph came from Ami’s door. Ami and Zara were at the general room of the house where they lounged about with books and food sprawled about. They both had no classes that very day as the weekend approached but then they had decided to catch each other up on the courses where they were lagging behind. It had been going so well till they got hungry and got lunch brought by some pf Cliph’s cousins, after lunch though the girls had become really weary and both of them had dozed off. Zara didn’t really make for a chatter partner seeing as she could only communicate with the sign language, and Ami was still about the beginners level on signing although she was really improving thanks to Zara’s insistence. The rasping knock came again and this time it was loud enough to jolt both girls awake and before the third knock Ami had gotten to the door and opened. It was Cliph as expected and she looked really flustered, “Young goddess, you are being summoned to the council hall” she said to Ami after bowing as was her greeting to Ami every time. “Uhm, ok, but what’s wrong? Did something happen?” she asked getting a bit worried at Cliph’s expression. “No, uhm, Yes, I mean, something did happen but not in Haven and your presence is needed, you’ll definitely learn more about the situation when you get there” Cliph said trying to keep the worry off her voice and expression, it did not work though. “Ok, I’ll be there as soon as I can” Ami said and as Cliph bowed and left she rushed back in to freshen up and get a change of clothes. Zara seemed a bit confused, she didn’t get all that was conversed so Ami made a quick summary for her, after she decided to stay till Ami was back. In a flash Ami was done and headed to the council hall, it is a building that was closer to the center of Haven and had a representation of all godly lines as well dribbled or painted or inscribed on it. From what Ami to tell though, these representations were those of the gods and goddesses that represented war and battle or strategy and planning or wisdom and knowledge. This particular council hall was for readiness for quests and missions outside of Haven, or so Ami had heard. On getting in Ami found a few people already in, they number about thirteen in total. Amongst those present there was Mirabel, the major legacy of Athena, she had been the one in charge of orientation when the first years newly arrived some months back. Ami also saw two people that she knew for a fact were part of the deities residing in Haven, a god and a goddess. The goddess was a teacher as well and took Ami and the other first years literary studies. As for the god, he was the one in charge of the security of the whole of Haven. Then amongst the students present, Ami recognized first the super cute second year guy who had also been amongst the winners of the challenge held a few days ago, he was rumored to be a really powerful demigod as well.  Kyle she believed was his name and he was said to be born of Demeter, the Greek goddess of fertility of the earth, agriculture and the harvest and that he was also blessed by Hecate, the Greek goddess of the night, magic and crossroads. Personally Ami felt the combination was odd but seeing as he was said to be one of the powerful ones, she guessed it must work for him one way or another. Others she recognized were Sidat, a third year godling hosting Indra, the Hindu god of war and storms, he was also said to be a really powerful godling, and then there was also Mariam, a fourth year magician who follows the path of Isis, Bastet and Nut. Finally there was Alec, a fifth year Major legacy of both Thor, the Norse god of war and thunder, and Frey, the Norse god of the summer. Immediately after seeing these set of people gathered, Ami knew this issue was a dire one indeed, all four were the most powerful entity of their years and from that Ami understood something, since she was the only first year present, this could only mean that they must have had deduced her to be the most powerful entity amongst the first years. “Welcome Ami, now we can start” Mirabel started immediately “there has been a couple of attacks on a couple of our safe houses out there in the world, for the first and second years in our midst you might not know this before now but we do have some safe houses out there to be used by the people of Haven when on a mission or quest or even on a personal errand” she said and paused a bit before she continued. “These safe houses are almost as safe as Haven itself, which is why it was really bothersome to have heard it was attacked out rightly to target some specifics, the perpetrator or perpetrators attacked the buildings serially till they got what they were after, four safe houses at different locations, hit and desecrated and looted” she paused again so her words could sink in. “As at now that is the best we can divulge to you all, you have been chosen as the swiftest and best response team we can send out reassuringly, eventually the whole information will be made known to everyone as time goes on” “But know now that what is required of you should you accept this mission is to salvage whatever we can from those safe houses, deduce who the enemy might be and how they were able to infiltrate successfully into some of our most secure locations and also if possible, retrieve the items that were looted, the important ones therein that is” Mirabel stated. “So do you accept this mission?” she asked all five students. “I do” said Alec straight away without so much as a thought, same with Mariam and Sidat, only Kyle thought on it a bit, but then he as well gave his consent. Ami looked around when it was her turn to answer, Haven had given her so much, much more than she could have hoped to get from anywhere especially because of her status and the circumstances surrounding her. Now Haven needed her, no way she was going to turn it down, besides, getting a mission and being successful could mean they would grant her an outside permit like Miles and Darren have, then she would finally be able to visit her foster parents to inform them of her and Casey. “I do” said Ami. “Very well then, what you’d need has been packed in those five bags, check the tags on it to identify the one that is yours, after we place a solid strategy in place you guys are to head out immediately after” Mirabel said and pointed to a couple of people holding the bags. Ami could see her black tag from where she was, she reluctantly stood to go take hers from the holder, she was really baffled at how urgent this matter was turning out to be, heck, she wouldn’t even get to say goodbye to Casey or Zara or Zeke or Miles or Darren. ‘Well, it isn’t a final goodbye’ she thought to herself ‘I’ll be back soon’ and even as she had those thoughts, right beside the thoughts were the doubts, heck, she might not make it back especially if the perpetrators as Mirabel had said were as powerful as they seem to be. Ami shook her head to clear off the doubts, she was going to make it back no matter what, and she was going to be successful in this mission as well, so bring it on!
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