Chapter 27

1467 Words
The strategy was solid, the plan was solid, the candidates were out rightly powerful and more than capable for the job. ‘So, how had it gone so wrong?’ Ami couldn’t help but think as she laid sprawled on the floor, hurting everywhere. She was sure there were parts of her that was broken and her healing factor hadn’t kicked in yet, yeah, she discovered she had a healing factor just today in the heat of battle. Yeah, battle, one they had anticipated but didn’t really expect, and even though the battle came, they still hadn’t expected it to have been so bloodcurdling. Ami looked up and saw Alec still battling a few yards away, he alone had been their savior thanks to experience and ability and even now Ami saw he was still pulling the core of the battle away from where most of them laid about hurting on the floor. This was their chance to regroup, with Alec sacrificing himself already to draw the battle away from them, they had to make sure his sacrifice wasn’t in vain. But only Ami was moving so far, she looked around to find the others, Sidat and Kyle were sprawled in a lump around the corner on opposite sides of the street that had suddenly became calm and desolate right before the ambush on the group was sprung and the battle started. Ami saw Mariam a little ways farther than Sidat and Kyle on the other side of the street, her back was to the wall of a building but she wasn’t moving. Ami reasoned quickly, logically who was the best to try to revive first? At first she thought of reviving Kyle, he could create vines or other plants that he can control to help carry the others and he was a good fighter as well should they need to fight. Then she thought of Sidat, his storms were almost as strong as hers and he had better control over it than she did, plus his clothes don’t tear when he uses his powers, he was a better fighter than Kyle and had it had taken long to bring him down, but there was no way he could help with the other two. Finally she reasoned the best possible person she could revive was Mariam, because even though amongst the five of the she had the lowest fighting skills, she made up for it with her use of magic, her spells were powerful and unrivaled and she could actually work on healing the whole team altogether. Ami took a look at herself once more, she looked like she had been in a gruesome accident, with her torn clothes and multiple injuries. She took a deep breath and held it and then she activated her powers, calling the winds to whisk her up to a standing position. Immediately her feet touched the ground, she took off sprinting towards Mariam, one unfortunate fact was that she was the farthest of the three. Ami used the winds to propel herself even as she ran and sometimes it seemed her feet weren’t really touching the ground. After what seemed like minutes but was in fact seconds, Ami reached Mariam. From the rising and falling of her busts, Ami could tell she was still breathing and at that she left off the breath she had held in relief and placed her hands on Mariam’s body. Then before the breath she released was exhausted, Ami called a last spark of her powers to her and as the jolt passed through her it made it’s way to Mariam’s body shocking her to consciousness. Mariam heaved a deep breath and coughed as she came to, she made a few more gasps and Ami tried to calm her down. “Hey, you gotta get up, we gotta go revive the others, I only had enough juice left for one more use of my powers, so I used it on you so you could help the others as well” Ami explained. “Where is Alec?” Mariam asked after a quick scan of her own. Ami became a bit teary at the question, “He is still fighting, a little ways off towards the main street of this road” she replied, she knew of how edgy the relationship between Alec and Mariam was, they did not really like each other because of their different views on things, but still all through the journey till the battle, they had both supported each other and had each others backs. Mariam put on a brave face and steeled her resolve, “Cmon help me with the others, we need to go after him, he is gonna need us” she said to Ami and hurriedly got to her feet then she headed for Sidat who was closer. As Ami followed she had dangerous thoughts of how Alec couldn’t possibly survive, she had deduced that he had sacrificed himself for their sake, the sake of the mission and the world as well. But then a voice of reasoning echoed in her mind to stop thinking negatively, after all their enemies aren’t back her yet to finish them up, which must mean they’re still engaged with Alec, which also meant that Mariam was right and they needed to recuperate and go help him as soon as possible. Even before Mariam got to where Sidat was laying down she had begun chanting a few power words and hieroglyphs blazed alive in front of her as she moved and casted her spell. She got to him and wove a seal with her hands and fingers and the then the hieroglyphs banded together before her. Then she with her index and pinky finger she placed the spell on Sidat, the effect was immediate as the spell dissipated and formed a sort of light blanket all around Sidat’s body. He woke more slowly than Mariam had and he was better coordinated, like someone waking from a deep peaceful sleep, unlike when Ami had revived Mariam and she had woke like a victim that had almost drowned. As he came to fully, his eyes flashed an angry blue, “Oh those suckers are going to get it from me” he said angrily and already a lightening bolt was already forming up in his hand. “We still need to get to Kyle first thunderpants” Mariam said but from her speech, Ami could detect weariness, she figured the spell must have taken a lot out her remaining reserves and she wondered if she can still achieve the same thing with Kyle. As they sprinted off to Kyle, Mariam staggered a bit and it was Sidat that supported her the rest of the way. Before she could cast her spell though they saw that Kyle was moving and so they moved faster to meet him. He was wrapped in a sort of vine that seemed to have dried up, and as he got free of the vines he actually seemed well recuperated, there was more energy behind his countenance. At their expression, he just shrugged and said “Healing vines”. “I need one of those” Ami said. “Cmon guys, Alec is on his own fighting, we need to go and help him and we need a battle plan fast” Mariam said to the group. “I’ll take point, going in hot and flashy and I’ll light up those bastards, Kyle, you and Ami flank me and pincer them. Mariam you support from behind as much as you can, preferably from a high place, but only after you do that healing jumbo on yourself, you not looking so good y’know” Sidat listed off and since it was a sound strategy (besides they didn’t really have time to list and debate on which was the best strategy for them to use) There were nods all round agreeing to the plan. “Now all that is left is to know exactly where they are” Sidat said. “They are that way” Kyle said and pointed out a direction suddenly and surprised everyone, he only just shrugged again at their expression and said “Locator vines”. “I’m definitely gonna need that too” Ami said again as they all started in the direction Kyle pointed out, fanned out in the Chosen formation. As they sprinted forth Ami had just on thought circling her mind ‘how had it all gone so wrong from the beginning?’
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