Chapter 25

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A dangerous storm was brewing, that much Oya could tell, she was a goddess of storms afterall. She could feel the air tingling with energy, it felt like a highly flammable silent, odorless and colorless gas hung around the whole environment and just a tiny spark would set the whole place ablaze. It could be one of two things; either the very fact that she was gathering dangerously powerful opposing forces together as a bunch in order to battle against another set of dangerously powerful opposing forces for the sake of the world (also her daughter, actually for her it was mainly her daughter, the world comes after). The other reason the atmosphere felt like that could be that gathered right at that moment, were the representatives of all the godly lines she and Aphrodite had been able to touch and seek help from. Aphrodite, Enyo and Hermes represented the Greeks, Mercury and Minerva for the Romans, Bastet and Horus for the Egyptians, Tyr and Frey for the Norse, A couple of Matrikas and Murugan for the Hindu. For the Aztecs were Mixcoatl and Tlaloc, and representing the Japanese were Bishamonten and Hachiman, Anahita represented the Persian, representing the Slavic was Perun who reminded Oya of her husband Sango a bit too much. Oya looked around at the other representatives whose name she couldn’t deduce because she hadn’t met them before this meeting since they were part of the ones Aphrodite herself worked on. All Oya could think about was the fact that there were so many war or battle deities present, this wasn’t a war council meeting, so why send out the ones associated with war? She figured it was already common knowledge that there was no way they would get the peace they are seeking without firstly going to war. They all came here to strategize and plan for a way to ensure the peace and balance of the world is secured, it seemed to Oya now that they would be planning for that by making war plans. Being a warrior goddess herself, she had no issue with war plans, but the fact that her daughter might get caught in the crossfire or right in the midst of the war scared her courage away. Aphrodite came around to meet Oya before the meeting proceeded, “You were entirely right you know? I have received warnings from the Egyptians, Norse, Hindu, Aztecs and Japanese that their forces have been divided and the others are joining up with a body such as ours, I can tell that your lover is responsible for that” she said then paused when she saw Oya’s expression. “Hey warrior goddess, what’s wrong? why the sour expression?” she asked her friend. Oya brought her face up to look at her and Aphrodite was surprised to see tears welled up in her eyes. “What if this was all for nothing and we did all this just so my child could die in the crossfire of the clash between I and her father? What if she really is destined to die if that is what would really about peace to the world?” Oya asked, her voice was strong but the emotions behind them still got through to Aphrodite. She signed before replying “Prophecies are really tricky aren’t they, you did say your oracle said she wasn’t responsible for the darkness threatening the world but at the same time she could rob the world if its peace, right?” Aphrodite said and paused a but before she continued. “Well that does not sound like something that could be done by someone that is going to die, look around, a war council of different gods from different era and heritage from all over the world gathered together to stop and thwart the action and plans of a similar gathering, robbing the world of its peace could not possibly have any other way of coming to pass” she paused again so the implications of her words could sink in. “Oya, this right here has never happened before and I should tell you I had at first really thought it would fail, but like I said, prophecies are really tricky and for this to come to pass, this supposedly impossible gathering here and the one of your lover are the means, your daughter has no fault in this save for her existence, so no way she is going to die, besides we wouldn’t let that happen now would we?” she asked on a final note to her explanation of assurance. Oya felt really elevated by Aphrodite’s words, she understood the very implication of her words and what they were doing here “No, we won’t let it happen” she answered her good friend. Oya steeled her resolve and went to join the others at the gathering, it was time for the war council for the sake of the world’s peace to deliberate on how to fight the war for peace. After being seated and calm descended amongst the deities, Oya stood up to reiterate the reason why the council was gathered. Her child’s life was in danger, but this said is one that its kind hasn’t been seen for millennia amongst deities where she came from, and from prophecy this same child has power and influence over the peace of the world and her very existence could put an end to the new threat of the world, the darkness that no one understands yet. At that point murmurs issued from the seated deities, it was no longer news since the darkness had touched almost all the lines present here in one way or the other and the few that weren’t touched already heard about it and saw the evidence too. No one knew where it came from or even how it operates. Now here was someone saying her child has links with this very darkness (that was saying a lot even if it just prophecy based). Oya continued after it was hush again. The issue on ground was now also being taken about and just like she had done, this person as well is recruiting for the same purpose but different outcome, hence it became their job to fully oppose this other person and the host he has gathered. At this point some of the gods present also gave in their consent to fully back Oya and her quest, then they gave opinions and suggestions as to how to best operate. Glossary Anahita: Persian goddess of fertility, prosperity, water, health, healing and wisdom. Bishamonten: Japanese god of war and guardian of the north, protector of the righteous, punisher of evildoers and patron of warriors. Enyo: Greek goddess of war, twin sister to Ares and commonly associated with Eris the goddess of strife. Freyr: Norse god abd ruler of peace and prosperity, summer rain and sunshine as well as fertility and wealth. Hachiman: Japanese god of war, divination and culture. Hermes: Greek god of trade, wealth, luck, fertility, animal husbandry, sleep, language, thieves and travel, patron god of shepherds and herald of the gods. Matrikas: Hindu goddesses of war, children and emancipation. Mercury: Roman god of commerce, mediator between gods and mortal, messenger of the gods  Mixcoatl: Aztec god of the hunt and inventor of fire. Murugan: Hindu god of war and victory. Perun: Salvic thunder god, a fructifier, purifier and overseer of right and order. Tlaloc: Aztec god of the rain, water, lightning and agriculture. Tyr: Norse god of war formalities, treaties, justice and order.
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