Chapter 24

1092 Words
Time in Haven seemed to move faster than the normal rate, a few days passed, turning to weeks, turning to months, but in actual realization time was even a bit slower in Haven than the normal rate. During the time that passed Ami had seemingly overcame all hurdles placed before her, psychologically, physically and mentally. She had conquered her enemies early (the three girls now left she and Zara alone after seeing that trying to make any move on them was inviting a whole lot of trouble than they can handle) Ami had also learnt so much about her heritage, as deep and wide as it is, and one other thing she discovered while learning and studying was that it always became more and more easy for her to do so. The more she tried to learn, the easier it became for her to learn whatever she wanted to learn and that ability did not just stop at books, it extended to arts and crafts, forge and sculpture but her personal best was weapons training. Ami had gotten so good at using different assortment of weapons that she was already teaching others as well during sessions. Even her own tutor had long been changed away from Darren to the sleek and graceful lady she had seen at the grounds on her first time training with Darren. Turns out her name was Selene and she was a Roman demigod born of Bellona, the Roman goddess of war and was blessed by Minerva, Roman goddess of wisdom, arts and crafts, a combination that made her out rightly formidable.  It actually seemed that most of the Romans are responsible for teaching the art of battle and war since they excel so well in it, taking into account the fact that Darren’s heritage was Roman as well. In fact Ami had noticed a few things about Haven; First, the older legacies were not so involved in the educational aspects of Haven, rather they were more involved in the livelihood and administrative processes, and even the students that are legacies mostly study management and administrative courses. Second came the demigods and magicians, these set of people could be found as teachers, instructors, guides and guards. They were responsible for the security and policing of Haven, they teach and protect and students study courses regarding those aspects. Then came the godlings and gods or goddesses, they are fewer and more notable, revered even in a way, they can be seen overseeing, supervising, governing even. Ami had met a few of the older godlings and even fewer that were gods and the only time she dud see them was when there was a big event or challenge taking place or there was a really important issue that needed to be sorted. Ami actually learnt that the gods and goddesses present here as few as they are grew up in Haven and aren’t crowned as a major or minor god in their godly lines, if they had been crowned then they would have no right to enter into Haven anymore. Ami was happy to learn that the crowned gods major or minor couldn’t come into Haven unsanctioned, keeping her murderous birth father out, one thing she was a bit sad for was her birth mother, she really wished there was a way she could speak with her or even get to see her face to face, but the only way required going out of Haven which is something that had to be sanctioned as well. Every weekend Ami got to speak with her foster parents the McAfees and her best friend Sandy. Sandy always had so many questions so the limited time for the call (video call sometimes and other times normal voice only call) was always never enough. Finally, Ami was most happy for her girlfriend Casey, she had been able to create a skin glove embedded with protective spell forms – also created by Casey – so that she can touch others. It was only possible with the help of other older magicians though and even thought it still had a time limit and when its on her, she cannot cast her spell forms but that was still more than enough for now, especially considering the fact that the more Ami grew stronger in her powers, the more resistance she builds towards the hex on Casey’s hands. In those few months, both Ami and Casey had significant growth in their powers, Casey’s only clause being that she had to take off her gloves before she can cast her spell forms while Ami’s clause was her ripping clothes every time she used her powers (yeah, that still happens and to every fabric either hand woven or magically woven). Ami and Casey tried so much to hide their relationship, although a lot of people suspected (even Miles and Zeke) but no one knew anything for sure since they hadn’t come out yet. “Don’t you think we should come out, to our friends at least” Casey asked one evening while they were in Ami’s place. Ami had her head on Casey’s laps and Casey traced her fingers around Ami’s head, the gesture sent a tingling sensation into Ami, partly because of the power working in the gloves and partly because the gesture was so soothing to her. Ami turned her head a bit so she could look at Casey in the eyes, “Babe, believe me I want to but I want to come out to my parents first and my best friend, while facing them not on phone or something, not to really seek their approval though but that’s just how I want it to be” she said to her girlfriend. Casey smiled at her words before replying, “yunno, I really understand you though, you don’t want to be continually seen and revered as a goddess, and so doing something as normal as coming out to your human foster parents first helps with that, isn’t it?” she replied. At first Ami didn’t know how to feel to Casey’s words, but she actually agreed that it was all true, “You really do know me, don’t you Case” Ami said to her and then lifted her head to meet Casey’s which was halfway down as well already, meeting for a kiss. Glossary Bellona: Roman goddess of war, destruction and desolation, linked and associated with conquest and bloodlust. Minerva: Roman goddess of wisdom, handicrafts, professions, the arts, justice and commerce, and was later associated with war.
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