Chapter 34

1682 Words
“Ok so we strategize” Alec said to Ami as they hid in the corridor just a little ways away from the museum and its occult activities. It was obvious to both Ami and Alec that whatever was about to go down in the museum was sinister to its very core and as well something to do with the occult. They could see people arriving randomly and clothed in dark cloaks, they looked ordinary enough, but the fact that everyone had that same garb of cloak on made it look too obviously occult. The sinister aspect came from the aura that started to blow out gently in waves, the first wave hit the Havenites like a wave of nausea, it was revolting even to the skin and it made their skin crawl just to be in such proximity to the place. “They are starting Alec, we can’t do this alone, we need help, we need to I don’t know send a beacon or SOS or something to Haven so they can send more people to come here and stop this successfully” Ami said, she was put rightly frightened and it was obvious even in her voice. Alec placed both hands on her shoulders in an attempt to placate her “Listen, before any sort of help can come to us here they would have been done with whatever dark thing they are doing in there, our only hope is for Mariam and the others to figure it out quick and transport here so we’ll still have a bit more advantage” he said to her. His words registered in her head but the sinister aura rolled over them once more and that blunted the essence of his words “uhn uhn… there must be how many of them in there by now? I lost count after thirteen, we can’t possibly go against that many even with all five of us here, who knows the assortment of the kind of people that are in there” “I’m sure there’ll be no shortage of demigods and legacies at the very least, now imagine there are even a few magicians as well and all are adults, we are just kids Alec, we are no match for them in numbers or power” Ami lamented. “Ami, relax, they don’t know that now do they? They don’t know how many we are or how powerful we are, besides, all we need to do is disrupt whatever they intend to do, even if all we can do is stall it till the auspicious moment is over then we’ve won, it doesn’t necessarily have to be an all out battle you know” Alec explained By now he was actually pleading with her, she had been really strong this whole mission, more than he had expected from a first year, she had exceeded his expectations, he needed her not to loose her courage and resolve now. Ami took a deep breath, and another as she tried to relax “So what do we do?” she asked him. Alec tried for a smile which came out a bit crooked, “Now we just need some stragglers and some good knock out points uhn, the rest is easy” he said to her. “I hope” Ami finished. They snuck a bit closer when there wasn’t anyone in sight for a while, then they got their stragglers, coming in late and hurrying to catch up. Instead the stragglers caught blows to the back of the head from Ami and Alec who came out behind them from where they had hid. After they were unconscious, Ami and Alec stripped them of their weird clothings and as well found a card that seemed to be the gate pass into the event. After donning their disguise, the duo headed for the museum entrance, Ami was virtually shaking as they climbed up the stairs that led to the hallway, but Alec supported her with a hand to her back. When they got to the guards all they did was stretch out their hands in which Alec placed the card and after a few seconds of inspection they were allowed in. “Hey?” one of the guards called after them suddenly, they froze in their strides thinking they had been found out. But when they looked back the guard just spoke to the casually “I would hurry if I were you, its starting” he said to the duo. A wave of relief passed over them and taking the guard’s advice they sprinted down the hallway to the end where there was a huge section of prehistoric findings and display, here they were all gathered. “Hey” Alec whispered to Ami amongst the chants going around the gathering. “What!” Ami whispered harshly back to him, she was still jumpy and felt they shouldn’t be talking too. “You haven’t noticed it yet?” He as her, there was a glint in his eyes that made Ami feel there was something obvious that she was missing. She thought about it a bit and then her eyes widened as the realization hit her like strong breeze. “They are humans” Both of them said at once. There was absolutely no special aura coming in from anywhere save the center of the gathering where the artifacts were arranged neatly around a little girl that was bounded by her hands and legs and gagged as well. The aura indicated the girl was special, but every other person in the room was as ordinary as they came, the room was filled with humans. Ami couldn’t believe the stroke of luck they just had, but then the question was how did humans get the knowledge to do such a thing plus they seemed to know exactly what they would get from doing it, they just didn’t seem to care is all. Ami felt a pang of sorrow at how they had the girl all tied up, “What do we do now?” she asked Alec, she couldn’t bear it any longer. “Wait” Alec said back to her both still whispering to each other “We need to hold out for as long as we can in hopes that the rest of the group will join us here, if not though we’ll act before it gets out of hand” He reassured Ami. The chanting stopped, then someone who seemed to be the leader seeing as his own cloak was lined with silver and gold came forward to speak. “As promised people, evidence of the supernatural and our ticket to gaining the same unspeakable powers they hold" As he said this an uproar ensured amongst the followers which died out after a few seconds. “You can see the unnatural storms about and above us, you can see the abnormal earth creatures about us as well and the demons who have all been our messengers thanks to our benefactor” another uproar and an applause followed this time. “And now as he has promised, he will give us his followers powers unspeakable, powers unmeasurable, powers infallible” the uproar was more immense this time around. Ami wondered if they really knew what they were doing, she herself was clueless as to what was about to happen but one thing she did know was that no matter what happened these people would receive absolutely no powers whatsoever, it really doesn’t work like that. “Now let us offer this sacrifice to our benefactor so he may rise from the bowels of the earth, empower us and rule over the earth as a whole” as he said that the followers started hitting their foot on the floor rhythmically. A follower came forth with a wicked sharp knife and headed for the girl in the center, she squirmed around as she saw him headed for her with knife in hand. Ami looked at the arrangement in the center and saw that they wanted to spill her blood in such a way that it would pool and then flow to the artifacts at the same time, the outline was carved up in the ground already. She looked towards Alec “Now?” Alec dipped his hands into his cloak and gripped the handle of his axe “Yes, now Ami” he replied. Ami’s response to him was as intense as could be, she dug deep inwards and drew deeply on her powers in a way she had never done before since she got control. She pulled in a powerful storm that gathered all the angry storm spirits circling overhead above the museum into it and bunched together as a body tighter and tighter then in one huge lightening blast she released it upon the museum. The lightening broke through the roof and ceiling of the museum and broke up the carved up floor into pieces, the impact scattered the artifacts all about as well. Forks of the lightening hit about three people who were knocked out from the shock. Alec drew his axe and along with Ami who had her swords drawn as well, went to the center where the frightened girl was and they both stood at her sides putting her in the middle and facing the occult mob. At that point the scroll with Ami started glowing and rose to the air, with a whoosh and shrilling sound, three people popped out of a portal and they stood along with Ami and Alec. Now the whole gang was here. “You wanna sacrifice this girl for some stupid sacrifice that will end up costing you your lives? Fine, but you’ll have to go through us first” Alec said brandishing his weapon.
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