Chapter 33

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A very strong rolling wave of nausea hit both Ami and Alec as they landed roughly on the lawn of a school yard and right there Ami hurled out part of her lunch. Alec helped her to hold her hair and as well gave her water to rinse up, he himself felt the impact of the rough portal transport but at least they were there with all their limbs attached which was a win in any case. “Do you know where we are?” Ami asked after getting a hold of herself. Alec looked around and sighted the name of the school inscribed on a monumental headstone, he pointed at it so Ami could see as well. “A high school” he replied. “Oh I know where we are then, I saw this school on the map, it is still a few blocks away from the museum” Ami stated then she looked around some more. “We must have been propelled here by that statue” she said as she located a head only statue of a Roman god, she couldn’t quite place his name but she knew he was a god of boundaries. “We need to move before anyone finds us here, its getting dark too, hopefully that’ll work in our favor” Alec said and they moved ahead with Ami leading the way since she knew which direction they were heading. “How did you get so good” Ami asked as they walked along the sidewalk a bit hurriedly but not so fast as to arouse suspicion from onlookers. “Excuse me?” Alec asked not knowing what she meant or what she was driving at, at that moment. “Oh I’m sorry, I just wanted to ask how you got so good at fighting and making plans and strategies” Ami responded. She knew he was a legacy of powerful gods but then it was rare to see legacies at the front lines, they were more ‘watered down’ in a manner of speaking because they aren’t directly descended from gods, but rather they are usually born of demigods and magicians, also they don’t have as much potent godly content in them unlike godlings, magicians and demigods. “Well, being a major legacy has its perks, it means more of the godly content is passed down to me and the thing about the godly content of a legacy, minor or major, is that you have to hone it and train it like a skill for it develop well” Alec replied. Ami started to understand now, for demigods and magicians, they had it like an innate ability, bit for legacies it became a skill they learn and train. “Descending from two war gods was something I couldn’t pass up, it rarely happens this way, so I figured it must be for a reason, hence, I started to develop it so much so till this stage I am, and I’m still developing, even as we speak, learning from others as well is a form of development and I have learnt from you as well, believe me” he explained. Ami blushed at his last statement, she wondered what he could have possibly learnt from her these past few moments that they have been together. They walked on in silence for a while. “Now you tell me” Alec started, “How does it feel to be a goddess?” he asked. The question shocked Ami a bit, for one nobody had ever asked her such question, not even Casey and it made her to start wondering what it actually meant for her.  How does it feel? To be as she was? She honestly had no answer to that, but she did know she wasn’t so much different from them all. “It is pretty ordinary I guess, I feel just like you feel, pretty basic, just a person privileged to have powers, or isn’t that the way you feel?” She responded and had to ask to know how they felt, maybe if she discovered a difference between she and the others then she would know why they always revered her and decide if it is worth it. Alec chuckled a bit at her response, “Well I don’t really think it’s the same thing though, to be a god or goddess and to be a godling, demigod, magician or legacy, for one the rest aren’t immortal you know, but your kind are” he answered. That hit Ami like a blow to the gut, what?, she is immortal?, for one she did not feel that way during the battle at the safe house, heck she did not feel that way a few moments ago when she barfed up her lunch after the portal traveling. But Alec was serious, heck she herself knew it from her studies and all, she just hadn’t had time to really evaluate it. For one it doesn’t mean that she cannot die, it just meant she can’t really die completely, she would always be reincarnated, to fully die would take some serious divine intervention. Alec could almost laugh as he saw her expression, “You hadn’t really thought of that before have you?” he asked her to which she shook her head, he chuckled to that. “Well, remember that whenever you want to feel like the rest of us” Alec said still chuckling. Ami’s mind though was reeling, she had already thought about what it meant for her relationships, she would watch people grow old and die, even though it’ll take longer seeing as they had godly contents in them as well. Nevertheless, they will still grow and wither away while she remains till the end of time, fading like the gods do overtime but unable to be erased completely, living in a sort of limbo. “This is bad” she said out loud without meaning to. “Uhn? What is?” Alec said getting a bit on guard. “Oh I did not mean to say that out” Ami said blushing a bit. “Oh, you know you shouldn’t dwell on it though, not yet anyways, I need you fully awake and aware on this mission and it really isn’t as bad, not for your kind” Alec said as he relaxed back. “What do you mean my kind” Ami asked with brimming curiosity. “Well for deities that do not ascend like those at Haven and those who chose to roam the earth, immortality is different for them, while they get reincarnated after any death like the ascended gods do as well, they don’t fade over time like the ascended gods do” Alec supplied. “They don’t base their essence on the worship from mankind, so their existence is well regulated, just like a normal human with special powers that just can’t die” he explained “But as for the ascended gods though, they get their essence from mostly the activities of humans concerning them, this increases their powers exponentially but should the activities about them from the humans cease, they start fading off, being little more that ancient memories or ideas, myths if you will but still very much present” he finished. Now Ami saw why the deities of Haven would choose not to ascend, if they do they will just fade out because no one amongst the humans can acknowledge them since they don’t have any idea of their existence besides hardly do people worship these gods anymore and even most of the ascended gods were already on that path. Ami nodded slowly as she got to understand well enough the situation of her existence, but it still did not solve the matter of her loved ones, family and friends, aging and dying most probably before her very eyes. But like Alec had said, that was a discussion and evaluation for another time, for now its full focus on the mission. Just then she felt it, that electric feeling in the air, the taste of storms in her mouth, the very same kind of feeling she had felt as they came from Haven and right before the battle of the safe house ensued. She held Alec by the arm to stop him from moving further and pulled him away to a corner hidden from view. “What is the matter, we are almost there, the museum is right there” Alec said and pointed to the building just a few yards away. “Venti, angry storm spirits” Ami said and she was sure that the reason she was feeling this and the others were not able to was because of her ties with violent storms. “We pulled the short straw Alec, they are definitely here, this is the museum they want to use for the awakening” Ami said.
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