Chapter 35

1690 Words
“Now is this a dilemma or what? You couldn’t have a welcome parade waiting for us or something? Instead you have us facing a mob?” Sidat asked Ami with humor as he brandished his weapon as well. Ami would always wonder how he could always stay in his joking element despite whatever the situation might be at the moment, it was a spectacular thing of an ability. “Impeccable timing guys” Alec said to them. “Yeah, we were about to have all the fun with these guys” Ami added with humor of her own. “Well, well, well” said the leader of the cult, anger and menace filled his expression “we were warned that our activities wouldn’t go unnoticed by some entities, we prepared for that but I guess that wasn’t enough to take you guys down but now we have to do it ourselves!” he said. “My people! Do you want immortality? Do you want supernatural powers? Do you want riches beyond comprehension? Well these five here are the only things standing in the way of you and all that, clear them off before we loose this opportunity!” the leader roused his followers and the started pulling out weapons. All assortment of weapons save for guns could be seen, knives, staffs, swords, clubs, mace, spear even pitchforks were held by the occult mob. “Listen guys” Alec charged his teammates “we have two objectives, one; gather the artifacts and two save the girl, that way we succeed in stopping this madness, also one very important thing is that these are all humans so we can’t kill anyone, no matter what” Ami vaguely remembered that one solid rule hammered into them in Haven was that they must not take any human life come what may. “Right, that makes it a whole lot easier” Sidat said sarcastically and rolled his eyes. The mob charged but they weren’t expecting what they got, to them these were just kids that were different from them but in reality the kids were way out of their league. The first set of people to rush at the Havenites went face first into a force field generated by Mariam, the force propelled them backwards at their colleagues. They recovered fast and headed towards them again and all started hammering and pounding the force field, every hit registered on Mariam’s face as the pressure kept building. “Alec we are gonna need one of your strategies if we are to get out of this alive and also without killing any of them, because in case you haven’t noticed our weapons are wicked sharp” Ami said to Alec. She held on to Mariam to hold her up as she had almost fallen over from exertion, “Mariam also needs to stop this else she’ll faint and she’ll only be another luggage for us to haul” Ami added. “Ok Ami, can you release your thunder, as soon as the shield fades?” Alec asked her, Ami nodded as response to Alec’s question. “Ok then, once the shield drops we’ll need one thunder strike from you, then I and Kyle grab the artifacts and the girl, while Sidat uses any non lethal means to chase back the mob, after which we head straight for the exit, by the exit we’ll need another thunder from you Ami to blast the beams and pillars supporting the top floors and roof, that way the debris will cover our escape route and they won’t be able to follow” Alec explained at length. There was a look of satisfaction and triumph in the faces of the Havenites, surely that plan was absolutely flawless. “Let go Mariam!” Alec shouted. Mariam released the shield and immediately the force field dropped, Ami activated her powers, this time the ordinary part she was used to was all she needed, also as a precaution not to kill anyone. A powerful whoosh and the boom of thunder filled the room, it’s force blasted the mob even father than Mariam’s force field blowback. One disadvantage was that two of the artifacts were pushed further away as well, this made Alec and Kyle take a bit longer to retrieve them and carry the girl as well who Kyle had wrapped with thick and soft vines. By the time they were done the mob had started to move to pressure them again and it was all Sidat could do to push them back. He was in his glowing aura of a multiple handed god who held an assortment of glowing weapons this time rather than lightening bolts. He blew winds and waved his weapons towards them so as to delay their advancement towards the group, but the mob was too persistent and the fact that they hadn’t dwindled in number - since no one was killed amongst them – also kept their spirits high. The mob were on them even as they reached the exit, there wasn’t enough space between them for Ami to work her thunder without affecting her colleagues. “Go guys, I’ll hold them off to create the distance we need” Ami charged. Mariam was about to protest but Ami who had been supporting her just passed her to Alec and she gave Alec as well a stern look. There was no time to be sentimental, this was something that needed to be done if they really wanted to get out of here. “Ok, come to us ok?” Alec said to her to which she nodded her reply. “Sidat!, I’ll take it from here” Ami said to Sidat, he looked at her and put on a brave smile for her, she guessed she needed that gesture after all.  Ami drew her swords and stood at the entrance as her teammates escaped through and started heading out as fast as they could. All she need do is to make sure no one follows them then the mission was as good as successful. The mob hesitated when they saw her twin swords brandished and the look of determination in her eyes, but their greed and stupid beliefs drove them forward to her. The exit corridor was wide enough only for four people at a time, that was really quite enough for Ami to be able to handle in combat. She counted in her head as they came forward four at a time, with the sides of the blades of her swords she dealt a whole lot of lashing to the mob as they kept trying to move past her. The counting in her head wasn’t for the mob, it was for the seconds it’ll take her teammates to fully exit the building. Once the count was done she made a whirlwind move of lashing at the mob till they drew back into the building some more but still their persistence endured. Ami saw two options before her, run and blast the pillars hoping it doesn’t kill those that try to come after her, or stay and bring it down so as to really ensure that no one dies. She chose the later and delved deeply into herself again picking on the power she had used earlier, the more powerful version of her thunder. It answered with urgency and the urge to please, her clothes ripped off entirely as they thunder and lightening descended and she sent it to the pillars and beams of the exits of the building. The deafening roar of the thunder and lightening shook the cultic mob to their very core but not as much as seeing Ami herself being the one to control such immense power with little effort. But their view was cut short as the debris of the top floor and roof fell, blocking all the exits and even the entrance to the building, totally caving them in. “Do you think she is dead?” one of the mob asked. “oh I hope so, she and her dumb colleagues had just spoilt a carefully planned operation that was supposed to be our liberation from this husky and frail form” the leader said in anger. As soon as the team had gotten out the building, Ami’s thunder sounded and closed off the building, by that time though Alec was carrying Mariam and Kyle was carrying the little girl. They all looked back in shock and disbelief and sorrow, there was no way anyone that was caught in such collapse could survive. After waiting a short while, they decided to start going on their way back to the nearest Haven doorway opening,  Turning back they found two ladies in their way, their beauty and composure and slight aura and countenance gave them away as being more than they appeared to be. The Havenites, being used to deities presence knew at once that these were goddesses. “Hello, people of Haven” the first one said, she looked ageless and seemed to always shift in appearance to look even more beautiful than a short while ago. “We seek one of you who has ties to this lady here with me, she is of African origin and heritage, do you by chance know anyone of such?” The goddess asked sweetly but in her sweet voice was a warning as well not to take it for granted at all. “We’ve heard from a credible source that she is here” the other lady said, she looked even fiercer yet beautiful as well especially considering the fact she was dressed for battle. “You must mean Ami” Alec said trying to act natural and not give into the emotions rolling through him. “We’ve lost her ma’am”
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