Chapter 36

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Oya had not wanted to believe the report from one of their allies that her daughter had been spotted outside of Haven. How could that even be possible? she had been counting on the fact that she would be in there for very long, long enough for another solution to show itself. But when the report came she had to move out knowing fully well that if it was true then the spies and allies of Osoosi would have the knowledge as well. All the while that she and Aphrodite had been on their way here, her single prayer to Eledumare was that the information should be false. But alas, here they were and her fellow colleagues actually confirmed the information and not only that, but they were also now giving her a new information, that her daughter was dead. The shock to Oya’s system was responded to by violent winds, harsh winds started up and whipped about angrily and also at the group. “Who is responsible?” Oya asked in a dangerously low tone, “Was it Osoosi? Or his allies, tell me now so I can end the person’s tenure on the earth, as we speak the person is living on borrowed time” she said with froth and fright. Meanwhile the emotional state of the Havenites only got worse, they had been trying to be strong and hold it in, but now, seeing their friend’s mother feeling as such for her daughter, their strength and bravery crumbled and crumpled and they started weeping one after the other. Serious racking sobs and serious crying burst forth from their mouths. That got to Oya and she calmed a little, she lost her daughter but come what may these guys also lost their friend, she shouldn’t be so insensitive. Aphrodite started to console them all and told them to move to a much better place than on the streets besides sirens could be heard already indicating that the police were on their way to the scene. They found a diner and went in, Aphrodite placed a charm on the diner sending every human out except for the waitresses and cooks. “We can talk here now, the charm also contains a soundproof element to keep what we are saying from getting into others ears” she said to the group. Oya was besides herself with anger, sadness and worry, she didn’t know what to do or expect, in fact she hadn’t even expected to be in this situation. “what were you all doing out of Haven in the first place, and who is responsible for her death?” Oya asked a bit harsher than she planned it to come out, but she didn’t care, they should cut her some slack, she had after all just lost the child she had tried so hard to prevent something like this from happening to her. Alec being the leader of the mission stood up to talk, but sat down back after being gestured to sit vack down by Aphrodite. He explained without leaving any details as the mission started from Haven, as they were chosen by certain criteria to build up the mission team. As they built up plans and strategies right from Haven, as they left by means of portal transport thanks to Mariam’s adeptness, at that point both goddesses looked at Mariam and actually saw true potential. Alec continued on how they moved on and Ami warned about the eerie and unsettling feelings she had, then on how the suspicions grew and they had to be extra careful as well. Then he got to how they got to the safe house and started on their mission properly, but then the ambush that had spoiled everything and drained them all. Then he explained how they had won by the breath of an hair and still had no clue as to what to do next, he mentioned with cracking voice how Ami had been the one to find out the intent of the enemy and put them back on the mission which they had to break into two groups if there was to be any chance of success. He got to how he and Ami were the ones who discovered and infiltrated the enemies base at the museum and how they had found out they were humans that were into occult practice. Everything went downhill from there as they tried to save the girl as well as complete the mission and Ami had chosen to make the ultimate sacrifice to that effect. “You should have killed those godforsaken humans” Oya said bitterly. “We can’t ma’am, we have been ruled against that” Mariam answered, talking for the first time. There was a bit of silence before Oya spoke up again “How long do you think it’ll be?” She asked facing Aphrodite. “The first time is always rough you know, but considering it was a sacrifice on her part that should make it a bit more easier, but one can never tell” Aphrodite replied. At this point every other person there was lost as to what the goddesses were discussing, they kept looking at each other’s faces in the hopes of getting a clue to what was being discussed. “I’m glad it wasn’t any action on Osoosi’s part that caused it though, it would have been more drastic and he could have gotten a way to make it permanent” Oya said again to Aphrodite who nodded slowly in response. “Wait, wait, wait” Sidat suddenly interrupted “What is going on here, aren’t you taking this a bit too lightly? You said she was your daughter but you are already relaxed and what discussing other issues?” he challenged. “Sit down boy and don’t ever regard us like that ever again if you don’t want to be miserable for the rest of your life” Aphrodite said and her flashed in anger such that everyone shrunk away from her without meaning to. Sidat on the other hand held his ground, standing with his hands firm on the table. “Hey, enough ok, he is just concerned is all and he is clueless as to the reality of the situation” Oya pleaded with Aphrodite. Aphrodite then calmed visibly and took a deep breath, only then was Sidat able to pry his hands from the table and sit back down, the others then discovered he had not been holding his ground, rather he had been held there painfully against his will. The Havenites readjusted their seats and mentally they readjusted their approach and manner of speaking and relating with these dangerous goddesses. “Listen, my daughter is a born pure goddesses, both sides of her parents are pure gods as well, she has not am ounce of mortality in her, so she really isn’t dead, besides, where I come from there is hardly any god or goddess that did not have their first deaths, after the first resurrection they become fully more of themselves” Oya explained to the group. “So my daughter will resurrect after a while, how long it’ll take is what I don’t know yet, but when she does resurrect, she’ll be changed, having even more powers than before and developing more into her aspect and specialty” she explained some more. “The problem I have with this is just that I hadn’t been able to meet with her to prepare her for all these before it happens to her, the change will be drastic and can lead her astray as well, it has happened before, all I can do now is hope for the best because I have really failed as a mother to her in every way” Oya finished in a sorrowful tone. At that point a bit of relief mixed with a bit of worry took over the expressions of the Havenites, they hadn’t totally lost her after all. “Ok so granted that we do not know when she’ll resurrect, do we know where?” Alec asked Oya stood up suddenly at that question, even she had forgotten about that issue till this smart guy asked the question. “She will be resurrected at the point of the origin of her heritage” Oya said partly in shock and partly in fright. The same thoughts were going through almost everyone else at that point ‘What could be the reason for the sudden fear that gripped her?’ “Where is the place of the origin of her heritage?” Aphrodite asked a bit cautiously. Oya looked at her as she replied “Nigeria, where the gods of her heritage has no idea she exists and neither does she know one thing about them or there” as she said that, she sat back down and buried her head between her hands. “Uhm, we need to go, and set up something quick” Aphrodite said to Oya and tried to rouse her. Oya refused at first but at Aphrodite’s insistence she reluctantly got up. “Uhm excuse me your eminences” Alec put in quickly “Please we need safe passage to one of our doorways into Haven, I’m sorry for bringing that up now, but none of us is really in any shape to fight should we encounter any other opposition” he explained. Oya only looked at them all bleakly before replying “fine, you all can come with” she said to them. She called forth a storm cloud and they all got on it then it whisked them all away faster than sound. After dropping the Havenites, Oya and Aphrodite got together to talk. “What are you going to do now? Aphrodite asked. “Same thing I did here, rush over there and gather allies to my cause, only that it will be so very difficult because no one will want to go against my husband Sango, he is a fiery one, and just the knowledge of this getting to him at this time, so late, almost out of hand, he will most definitely have a fit, a flurry, and most probably throw a tantrum, no one wants Sango to throw a tantrum” Oya answered and heaved a heavy sign. “Just when I started thinking there was hope for her survival after all, this had to happen, sometimes I wonder if Olodumare has a hand in this or it’s his quietness that is giving grounds to all these” Oya said again very sorrowfully. “Cmon, don’t be like that, you’ve fought every step till now in every way you know how to, you can’t stop now, keep fighting, because that is the only way it can make sense after all, and I’m sure the fates are watching and know the reason why it has to be like this” Aphrodite charged her dear friend. “Thanks dear friend” Oya replied “Well, now I’m off to Nigeria, see you sooner or later, hopefully” She said and headed off on her own after hugging her friend the love goddess tightly, Oya was sure Osun would definitely love to meet her, yeah, they would get along perfectly fine.
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