
1149 Words
Jayden "Ow," I groaned as I opened my eyes. I touched my forehead as I was hit by a sharp surge of pain in my head. I looked around and found myself in the cottage. Well, that seems okay. I was about to sigh in relief when I heard a soft whimpering from beside me. I looked beside me to see a lady curled up. She was wearing nothing, and she was on the bed. Oh s**t! I jumped as the realization hit me. What the hell did I do? I brushed my hand on my forehead as the images from the previous night flashed through my mind. No. I definitely didn't do that! I yelled to myself as it dawned on me that I had spent the night with doggie. My loud voice only made it worse as she flinched and jumped out of the bed, her body fell with a loud thud. I was about to catch her, but the red stain on the bed made me freeze in place. I just couldn't believe what I had done. "I'm sorry," I muttered, but she only moved further away, shifting on her butt. I stood up and grabbed my hair, hoping to pull it out of my skull. This is all Melissa's fault. I wonder what she put in that drink. "Did you clean up?" I hissed as I realized how dumb that sounded, but she probably didn't, since she didn't seem to know how it was done. "Come, I'll clean you up," I picked her up and carried her to the bathroom, gave her a thorough bath, and made sure to clean every part of her body and, for some reason, I wasn't repulsed. Well, why should I? The girl has a nice body and an amazing figure. She might bark like a dog, but she's nothing like that. She's more like a model, and she doesn't stink. Instead, there's a nice scent on her, plus we already had s*x. So, why the hell should I be repulsed? I don't know who I was trying to convince, but I do know that this girl is too beautiful to be such a lousy creature. "Are you cold?" I asked as I noticed that she was shivering. Her response to my question was a nod. I took a towel and put it around her to help kill the cold as I helped her back inside. Call it guilt or whatever, but I just felt the need to care for her. I gave my shirt to her, but she didn't seem to know how to wear it, so I taught her. She giggled as I showed her how to cover her lower part. I took her to the living room, and she hurried towards the puppies. She looked at me and I immediately remembered that they still hadn't had anything to eat, so I prepared their meal. I served the food, and she pounced on it, eating with both her hands and mouth. I frowned in disgust as I saw the stain on the cloth, but there was no time to help her get cleaned up. I needed to go back for the day's meeting at the Pack-house. I stopped by my room to pick up a shirt, but I found it locked. I opened it and looked for Melissa, but she was nowhere around. I sighed in relief. She probably went back to her parents. Without delay, I took a bath and got a change of clothes before moving to the Pack-house. Throughout the meeting, doggie was all I could think of. I mean, how? Just how could she be so beautiful, yet so.... filthy? On one hand, she's the epitome of perfection, but on the other hand, she's a psycho who thinks and acts like a dog. What was the goddess thinking when she created her? Or could she be a result of some heavenly malfunction? "So, what do we do, Alpha?" My beta voice called me out of my thoughts. I didn't realize that I was lost until I saw the look on their faces. I spaced out during the pack meeting, and doggie was all I could think of at a time like that. Aren't I the best Alpha in the world? I don't know if it's the mate bond or if it's the memory of the passionate night I shared with her, but my mind was on her, and it felt as if I wouldn't be okay if I didn't go to her. "If you'll excuse me," I muttered as I stood up and left the meeting room. "We were asking if...." My beta, Lewis, was about to say something, but I was already at the door. I looked back at him and smiled. "I trust you to handle it," I muttered as I prepared to return to the cottage. Halfway through, I saw Melissa around the back of the Pack-house. She seemed to be having a heated conversation with a strange man. I paused and tried to see if I recognized the man, but he wasn't someone I knew. I wonder what they were arguing about. My interest was piqued as I saw them, but I decided that it wasn't right to eavesdrop. I tried to move closer to listen to them, but then it didn't seem right. I stepped on a branch, and it cracked, making me wonder how it got there. However, when I looked back at the place where Melissa was standing seconds ago, there was no one there. Was I hallucinating? Or was it a dream? I saw Melissa earlier. Where did she suddenly go? How did she disappear and why? My mind drifted back to doggie and I snapped my fingers as I remembered that I was going to her. I went back to the house to pick some ingredients that I might need to prepare meals for the puppies. It was late noon when I returned to the cottage, I found her humming a tune to the puppies. "Hi," I waved. She smiled, and my heart fluttered at the sight of her beautiful smile. I like her better when she's mute. "Hungry?" I asked as I raised the bag in my hand. She nodded in agreement and I immediately got to work, preparing the food. She stood behind me and watched as I cooked, staring at me as if she'd never seen someone cooking before, which made me wonder how she must have lived all these years. "Have you named them yet?" I directed my gaze at the puppies as I returned to the living room, gently wiping my hands with the napkin. She shook her head and I looked down at the puppies. A smile crept up on my face as a name came to my mind. "We'll name them, but first we have to name you."
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