
1021 Words
Zoraya "I'll call you Blue because of your eyes," his voice travelled to my ears and I raised my head in amazement. Are my eyes blue? What is blue, by the way? I didn't know what he was talking about, but it felt nice to hear his voice. Every time he speaks, I never want him to stop, but he isn't much of a talker. "Do you like your new name?" He asked and I immediately nodded. I didn't want him to stop talking, and even though my whole body still ached from whatever he did to me, I felt the need to smile even though I was in pain. "That's great," he clapped. "Now, let's name them," he went towards the basket where Zara's pups were laid. He picked one and raised it up, taking a good look at it as if in search of something. "I think.... Bobby suits him," he muttered before putting it back in the basket. ".... We'll call him Bobby." Bobby? What is that? I looked at him and back at the pup in the basket and soon realized that he had just named the puppy. So, that's how naming is done. I sighed in realization, happy to have one more thing figured out. So, when he said Blue, was that my name too? I blinked as I tried to think of a way to ask him, but I gave up when I could think of none. The only language I speak is understood by no one but Zara. So, I kept quiet and watched him name the other puppies too. "We'll call you Ronnie," he said as he picked the next one. "And we'll call you Annie," he smiled as he picked the last one. I wonder how he knew which name to call each one of them. He was able to distinguish them. "Sounds nice, doesn't it?" He asked again, this time he came close to me and smiled as he put Annie in my arms. I decided to nod as a response, since he wouldn't understand if I spoke. "So, I'll call you by your names from now on," he said before going back to check what was cooking. He served the food and boiled some whitish liquid for the puppies. He poured it in a long cup with t**s. "Annie will have milk first," he was smiling to himself as he took the puppy from my arms. He put the cup in its mouth and emptied the contents before putting it back. He did the same with the other two before returning his attention to me. "Why aren't you eating," he stated, reminding me that I had food in front of me. I looked down at the food and started eating. The food was cold, but I liked it. I don't know what he did to me, but every time I try to sit as he's taught me to do, I feel pain in my lower body. "Good," he clapped as he stood up from the table after eating too. I couldn't help watching him eat, and I admired his style of eating. The way he sat upright and the way he held the spoon. The way he ate slowly and calmly, plus the way he swallowed the food without making a sound. Everything about him screamed perfection. I stared at him like I hadn't seen anyone like him. Honestly, I haven't. All my life, I lived in the small space outside the Graysons' mansion. It was the only place I could call home. No one visited our space except when we were to get punished. The only person I knew was Zara and I learned everything from her. Hence, seeing the way Jayden acts makes me wonder if it's how his kinda are and why we have so many similarities yet are so different. I mean, I have always wondered why I look so different from Zara. After all, she is the mother I grew up to know. So, why am I so different from my mother? However, seeing Elena and a lot of others in the mansion, I realized that I was more like them than I was like Zara. What I didn't understand was why I had to stay with Zara when we weren't related? Why was I made to live like that? And who were my families? "There's nothing left," he signaled to the plate. I looked down and realized that the food was done. He took the plate and cleaned it before rushing off. I didn't know why he was in such a hurry, but I heard him say, "I have to go!" I stared at the door as it closed, wondering what had happened. I managed to move my body to the bed and lay down. I was tired and in pain. The spot between my legs aches so much, but I couldn't stop wondering why he seemed so hyper. Even though I knew that he could take care of himself, I still couldn't stop myself from worrying. I didn't know when I had to go off, but when I opened my eyes again, he was back and this time, he was towering above me with his hand roaming my body. His breath stuck with a strange smell, and he kept calling out to someone. I couldn't make out what he was saying, but he was clearly saying a name. Before I could understand what he was trying to do, he had taken off my clothes, rendering me n***d. He went on for a long time, I couldn't tell how long, but when he was done I was completely weak and so was he. He fell asleep right beside me and so did I. I wanted to ask who he had been calling out to the night before, but I knew he wouldn't understand what I was saying, so I decided to stay quiet. "You should clean up," he said before leaving again. The expression on his face was sullen, like he was sad or displeased, or was that guilt I saw in his eyes?
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