
1168 Words
Axel "Mine." My hung in the air as my wolf called out to the girl. I turned around to look if there was someone else there in place of that roguish looking girl, but there was none. In fact, being so close to her made me realize that the flowery scent that filled the forest was hers. How is that even possible? No. The goddess wouldn't choose a rogue as my mate. This must be a mistake, or maybe I heard it wrong. The girl came at me and managed to scratch my neck. Her eyes were bloodshot as she attacked me. Her teeth came all out, and she launched another attack, but I caught her and held her hands so that she wouldn't attack me, but she wouldn't stop. She looked at the dog on the floor and struggled harder. Her mouth opened, and I thought that she was about to call her army of rogues, but instead she barked. What? She barked? Did she just bark? My eyes widened as I watched and listened as she barked again and again. My hands loosened around her, and she ran towards the dog, holding it tight against her chest. Tears strolled down her cheek as she held the dog. "Are you okay, Alpha?" Jonas and the others arrived and looked at the scratch on my neck. "I'm fine," I replied, my eyes fixed on the girl on the ground. "Get her!" Jonas ordered the other two men, who immediately dashed towards the girl. A low growl escaped my lips and my fist clenched as I said, "Do not touch her!" I knew that I was going against my principles as soon as I said that, but something in me just wanted me to protect her even though she looked like the enemy. "She attacked you," Jonas reminded me, his index pointing at my bleeding neck. The girl was quite fierce in her attack. I didn't see it coming. "I know," I replied, my eyes still staring at the weeping girl. My mind kept telling me that it was my imagination. She didn't bark. I was probably too worried that I was starting to see things. How could a human possibly bark? Indeed, it must be from my imagination. "Who are you?" I approached her curiously. I would like to hear her speak for confirmation. "Why are you here?" I sniffed loudly as I got closer to her. She smelled nothing like a rogue, but then what could she be doing in a forest like this one? "She won't talk so easily. Let me get the truth out of her," Jonas moved to grab her. "Touch her and lose your arm!" I gritted my teeth. Jonas looked at me like he was meeting me for the first time. He couldn't believe what he had just heard. I also couldn't believe that I had said that. How could I threaten my own people for a girl I just met? For a girl who could be our enemy. How could I do that? I was starting to feel like a different person. A betrayer. "I will ask the questions, and you will do nothing!" I hissed as I went towards her. "Who are you?" I repeated, slowly squatting before her. Her head raised slowly and I met her ferocious eyes. They were red and murderous. How could she react so much to the death of a dog? Shouldn't she be happy that she didn't die instead of the dog? "Tell me who you are or meet a terrible fate!" I tried to make my voice scary enough to get her to speak, but I couldn't. Instead, my voice was soft as I spoke. She shot me a look and opened her mouth. I became entirely focused on her lips, waiting to hear her speak this time, but I was proved wrong when she barked. My jaw dropped as I watched her. I wasn't imagining. She did bark. "What was that?" Jonas asked, making me aware that I wasn't the only one that heard it. "You heard it too, right?" I asked the obvious. "She just barked," the other man beside Jonas exclaimed. "I bet she's trying to fool us so that she can escape. Otherwise, how can a human bark?" I looked at the girl and scoffed. She didn't look like she was trying to fool us. Instead, the look in her eyes was like that of someone who had just lost a child. Could that dog be her child? Looks like her presence is starting to affect my head. How could a human give birth to a dog? I think I'm going crazy. "Won't you tell us who you are?" I asked again, trying to get her to talk. However, she ignored my question, and she stood up with the dog in her hand. She walked slowly like she had lost her spirit and I followed her, signaling the others to stay put. Jonas was about to argue, but became quiet at the wave of my hand. I followed her and arrived at a small wooden cubicle. I watched her place the dead dog on the floor, and she dug the ground with her hand, her dress was soaked with tears and her tongue was out as she breathed through her mouth. She acts and speaks like a dog. Could she really be one? As soon as the ground was big enough to hold the dog, she put it in and covered it up. I watched silently as she did all that. She stared fixedly for a while before getting up to go. I don't know why I chose to follow her, but something in me kept urging me to follow her like she could lead me to Aaron. She went inside the room, taking slow steps, and my heart became heavy. It felt as if all the oxygen had been taken away from the area. I clutched my chest and tried to breathe. 'Mine' my wolf cried again, jumping to go after her. Why is this girl affecting me so much? I can't even breathe properly in her absence. How could she have such control over me in such a short period? She didn't come out, and my breathing wouldn't settle, so I decided to go inside the cubicle. I couldn't get in as it was too small, so I crawled just like she did when she went inside, and I was stunned to find a man buried in a pit of water with different leaves covering him. I dashed forward as soon as I saw the Auburn hair. I would recognize Aaron's hair among a thousand people. "Your highness!" I screamed as I went to him. I put my hand in under his nostrils. Nothing. There was no breath. I felt anger surge through me as I turned to look at the girl. I hissed as I moved to attack her. "I knew you were no good."
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