
1100 Words
Aaron "Welcome, Prince Aaron," the man I'd been trailing suddenly stopped and let out a loud chuckle, informing me that he was aware of my presence. I thought I was discreet enough. I was just a few steps away from meeting the rogue leader, the man who took the rogue king's place. How did he know that I was behind him? I had to mask my scent with skunk dung to keep them from finding me out, but still he had me figured out. "You smell like royalty, even the horrible smell of skunk couldn't hide that," he muttered in response to my thoughts. I knew it wouldn't be easy to get out now that I'd been discovered. Especially since I was in their territory. Although I had come to the East Blue with my brother and Axel, my best friend, to trail the rogues who had been hurting and stealing from the people in the name of the royal family. However, I was close to finding their camp and couldn't risk them finding us, so I asked that I go alone. Though, I now know their camp and also got to see their huge army. I was hoping to see who the leader was and that was why I was following this man, but now my cover was blown. "Now what?" I demanded impatiently. I knew they wouldn't let me go with all I knew, and I wasn't planning on going easy on them either. Not, after everything they did to the people of Mallory. "You die, Prince Aaron," he sniggered. He even knows my name. I guess he's spent a long time in Mallory to be able to tell who I was because a lot of people often mistake me for my twin brother, Giovanni. Only a few could tell us apart and this man seemed to be among them. "Let's see what you've got," I replied, taking a fighting stance. "Oh, not me," he chuckled. "I know I'm no match for you," he paused and whistled. "And that is why I have them." I followed his gaze and saw several wolves stepping out of hiding. Their teeth clenched as they snarled at me. "Let's see how strong the great Prince of Mallory truly is. That way we'll know if you live up to the tales we've heard." Looking at their numbers, I knew it would be a hell of a fight and couldn't help but wish I had Giovanni here with me. "Kill him!" The man ordered before I could gather my thoughts. The wolves came at me, but I dodged each of their attacks and launched mine, sending them flying at different angles with just a punch. More came as many fell. It felt like they were prepared, or was it because I was in their territory? I couldn't be more proud of my training. I was able to take out hundreds of them, but soon I was starting to feel tired from days of not eating or drinking. I was so eager to find the mastermind behind the terrorism on my people that I didn't stop to eat or drink. I just wanted to find him and make him pay. However, there were so many rogue armies that they kept coming. As many fell, they were replaced by many more. I tried to call Giovanni through our secret link, but it didn't work. He was probably too far away. I knew I was alone in this. The fight went on till the next day and more of the rogue army kept coming. I breathed through my mouth as I fought the new batch of wolves that came at me. I couldn't let them know that I was getting so tired. Out of nowhere, a tall and strongly built man with a dirty, roguish look came towards me with an arrow. I was about to smile knowing that no arrow could pierce through my body thanks to my years of training, but my happiness was short-lived when I noticed that it was none other than silver-headed arrows. Silver was a lethal weapon to every wolf, no matter how strong. The man had a small bucket in front of him, and he had the arrows dipped in it and, judging from the smell, I knew it was wolfsbane. Sneaky rogues! I knew then that it was time to run. I mustn't get caught by this bunch and with those two weapons in his hands, it just got easy. Moving with my back, I fought my way through. They kept coming, and I kept fighting and running until I was hit by the arrow right to my shoulder. The pain was excruciating, but I was taught that if I could keep the pain out of my mind, then it would become less. So I ignored the pain and thought of home. With that, I was able to gather myself and walk further into the forest. It was getting dark again, and I couldn't find my way back, so I went through the forest as my mind dictated. I was hit by two more arrows as the men on my chase seemed to have multiplied. I didn't know how far I had gone or where I was, but everything suddenly went dark and all I saw was darkness as it engulfed me. When I opened my eyes again, I found myself in a hole, covered in liquid that smelled like herb. But, what I find surprising was that there was a lady beside me. She applied some stinky leaves to my wounds. At first, I thought she was one of them, so I pretended like I was still out, but when I saw that she was alone and only had her dogs with her, I knew she wasn't one of them. She always kept her distance from me though. She only comes close when she's checking my body. I don't know how long it's been since I've been there, but I have counted five nights since I woke up. I was hoping to escape once she'd gone out as usual, but as I tried to leave as planned, I heard footsteps from afar and had to stay hidden in the herb hole and acted like I was dead. However, I was surprised to hear Axel's voice as he roared in anger and prepared to attack my savior. I was forced to speak after all, she did nothing but help me even though she needed help herself. I stood up and raised my hand to stop Axel. "Don't hurt her!"
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