
1178 Words
Axel Three weeks. It's been three weeks since I lost Aaron. I knew that he could take care of himself, but I'm his best friend. We promised to always protect each other. Besides, the people we came down here trailing were dangerous people. The bunch of rogues who had been lurking around in the kingdom spreading terror in the name of the royal family. Even though I knew that a dozen of them were no match for Aaron, I couldn't help but worry, as I knew very well how sleeky those rogues could be, my father was killed in the war with the rogue king many years ago, leaving the Pack vulnerable. But thanks to the King, we were given adequate protection as he brought the Clayville pack under his rule, thus making our pack a part of the great Mallory Kingdom. I went to school in the Palace and there I met my backbone, the Princes. Aaron and Giovanni have become my pillars of support since the passing of my father and I couldn't have asked for more. We grew up together and have been best friends since then. We were never apart. Wherever you see one, you'll see the other two. However, the continuous yet discreet attacks of those rogues have brought us thus far. Giovanni decided to go south alone, but he wanted me to stay with Aaron and that was how we ended up here. We spent weeks trailing the rogues before we finally found them again. Aaron decided to take a look at their camp while I get backup, but still hasn't returned since he left. I knew Giovanni would not forgive me if anything happened to his brother, because everyone in Mallory kingdom and cities beyond knew that the two were inseparable. They were the two edges of a sword. The pillars of our great Mallory Kingdom. "Did you find him?" I asked the head guard. We've all been searching for Aaron together, looking through all homes and taverns and hotels. "No Alpha," the head guard looked down in disappointment. I wonder where Aaron could be. "Look everywhere! Do not spare every hole around here!" I yelled in my frustration. Now I couldn't help but worry. He's been gone too long. Could he have been taken by the rogues? No. That can't happen! Aaron can't get taken by the rogues! I brushed my hand through my curls as I thought of what to do next. I couldn't possibly go back to Mallory with news of the missing Prince. How could I do that? "You...." I pointed at one of the Delta wolves that was assigned to accompany us. "You...and you...." I chose two more and got on my horse. "...come with me," I ordered as I mounted my horse. If they can't find my friend, then I'll do it myself. The rogues were wise enough to choose to travel on a ship, and we also came here with one. They chose the deep forest of the kingdom, a place where people seldom visited. Even though some of them resided in the city, some of them still stayed in the rural areas, especially the parts with less civilization. So, to avoid being recognized as foreigners, we had to adapt to their ways, hence we hired horses to move around the place. Good thing we were trained on horse taming and riding, otherwise we would be long dead as the rogues would have easily recognized us. "Where are we headed, Alpha Axel?" Jonas, one of the Delta wolves asked as we set out. "To find his Highness," I replied without stopping. I was restless. Something in me tells me that Aaron is in trouble. "Hyah," I yelled, instructing my horse to move faster. I went deeper into the forest, following the description that Aaron had given before he left. Good thing we told each other everything. However, I got lost in the middle of the forest. "The Prince won't come here," Jonas said again, making my irritation grow higher. "Not everyone is a coward like you!" I snapped. I was tired of hearing their hopeless tones. They were starting to lose hope that Aaron was alive. I couldn't let that happen. "I was just....." He tried to explain, but I wasn't ready to listen. My anger was at its peak and I could feel the brightness in my eyes. I knew that my eyes would be glistening and would have switched colors by now. It would have gone from hazel to gold as I could feel my wolf struggling to come out. "Keep searching!" I yelled as I jumped down the horse to look around. After hours of searching the same area again and again, I felt a pull in my chest. I didn't know why my wolf chose to stop in that place, but the moment I felt the pull I knew that something was up with the place. But what was it? I looked around in search of the reason behind that, but nothing was seen around. My chest stiffened, and it felt like my heart had stopped for a few seconds before thumping again, but this time it thumped faster than it should. What is this? Why am I reacting this way to this place? Could it be that danger is lurking around somewhere? "Alpha Axel, is something wrong?" One of the Delta wolves asked. I opened my mouth to speak but nothing came out. Instead, I jumped back on my horse and rode off. It seemed as if some strange force had taken charge of my body. I tried to connect with my wolf, but he was strangely quiet. Every attempt made to reach out to it was futile as he refused to answer. My hands suddenly stopped, letting go of the reins. I jumped down, and my nostrils flared, letting the most beautiful fragrance float through. I closed my eyes and opened them again, inhaling that beautiful flowery scent. I followed the scent, and I was brought to just another deserted part of the forest. Just when I thought that there was nothing to see in that strangely fragrant forest, I noticed a silhouette. Walking on tiptoe and making sure that no sound was made, I went towards it. Strangely, the scent became stronger. Could the source of that beautiful fragrance be here? As if to answer my question, I noticed a beautiful yet dirty looking girl curled up in a corner. Judging from her appearance, she looked like a rogue. I went towards her, ready to catch her. Who knows she might know where to find Aaron. However, as soon as I tried to touch her, a dirty looking dog suddenly came at me. Reflexively, I dug my paws out and hit the dog before it could scratch my face. The dog fell with a loud thud, and the girl came running towards me too. I raised my hand to fight back, but my hand hung as I heard my wolf, who had been quiet, suddenly growl, 'Mine.'
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