
1396 Words
Zoraya "Why would I know an animal like her?" My heart dropped at his words and a lone tear trickled down my face out of nowhere. Jayden just denied me. He called me an animal. My heart shattered into a million pieces as I watched the look on his face as he said that. I thought that he was different from the others who saw and treated me like an animal. I thought he wasn't like the others who avoided me because of my way of speaking. I thought he was different from the others who treated me ill, but he turned out to be the same as them. Why? Why did he have to ruin this? I was starting to get used to having him around. I was starting to believe that he was a nice human being, the best after Zara, but it turned out that I was wrong. Jayden is nothing like Zara. He betrayed me. He denied me. I held tightly to Annie and Ronnie, clutching them tightly against my chest as if that would change the pain building up there. "Then why was she in your cottage?" Someone asked in response to Jayden's denial. "Haven't you been frequenting this place in the past few weeks?" The lady stepped out from among the crowd. Her brown hair, long and styled to rest on her shoulders. The green dress she had on hugged her body so tightly that her curves were evident. "Don't you dare, Melissa!" Jayden roared, seemingly angry. "I know you're the alpha, Jay, but you do owe us an explanation of how and why you have a strange woman in your cottage while you've been spending most of your days in the same cottage over the past weeks." Jayden frowned as his eyes settled on me. I knew that he was about to utter something hurtful again. "I don't owe.... " Before Jayden could say whatever he was about to, he was cut short by the objecting voices of other people. "Melissa is right, Alpha, please tell us how you didn't see this woman when you were staying in this cottage in the past few weeks?" Jayden darted his gaze towards me again as he opened his mouth to speak. I immediately closed my eyes to avoid hearing what he was about to say. "Are you all saying that I invited this creature to my cottage? Is that it?" Jayden yelled, anger evident in his tone. I wonder what he is so angry about. Is he angry because he was seen with me? Or is he angry because they called me a thing? I doubt it's the latter because it was him who first referred to me as a thing before others did. "Who knows, you might have done that to spite me," the pretty lady whom I realized was Melissa, replied with a shrug. "Cut the crap, Melissa, why would I get something like her if I wanted to spite you?" Jayden pointed at me, his eyes filled with disdain as he stared at me. He looked nothing like the man I spent so many days with. "I am the Alpha and can have as many women as I want, I'll have them lined up if I want." The murmuring increased among the crowd as some of them nodded in agreement to his argument. He's right. Jayden is handsome and cool, at least he used to be cool. Any woman would want him. So, why would he want to be with someone like me? "Still doesn't change the fact that this thing was found in your cottage," the lady argued further, and this time Jayden didn't speak. I felt bad seeing him in that state. It's all happening because of me. "She is not supposed to be found among sacred people like us," another woman yelled, pointing ferociously at me. "She should leave!" "She must leave!" They all chanted. "But she seem harmless. Why can't we just give her shelter," a lady answered from among the crowd. She was the first and only person who spoke up on my behalf. My eyes dampened. "Since you all think she can't stay among us...." Jayden began, making me raise my head. I stared intently at him, hoping to hear him defend me and stand up for me. However, my hopes were shattered as he completed his words. "....then she shouldn't." I closed my eyes and let the tears fall. That was it. He murdered the last ounce of feeling I had for him. Without waiting to be told, I moved in the best way I could, crawling off. A part of me still hoped to hear him yell as he always does when I crawl, but this time nothing came. "Throw her out!" The crowd chorused and Jayden signaled some men who lifted me carelessly before dumping me like a bag of refuse in the thick forest far from the Pack. I kept my eyes fixed on Jayden as I was being taken, hoping that he would stop them, but no, he was unfazed. He looked at me like he was seeing filth. The men weren't careful, they dropped me so hard that I could feel my bones c***k from the fall. I looked down at the pups in my arms and sighed in relief to see that they were safe. All my life had been spent in that cage at the Grayson mansion. I knew nowhere to go or how to survive outside the cage. The one person I thought was my saving grace turned out to be a villain. With no idea what to eat or how to get it, I sat in one place and hoped for a miracle to happen. I was in no condition to do anything for myself or for the pups I had with me, so all I could do was hope. Hope that a savior will arrive that will take my pain away and help me get these puppies to safety. As if they could hear my thoughts, the puppies whimpered and laid on my lap. I couldn't bear to see them so hungry and homeless, so I crawled towards a leaf and sniffed it to be sure that it was safe to eat. "Eat this," I crushed it with my hands and gave it to them. They stared at the leaf for a while looking clueless about what to do with it, so I put it in my mouth to show them that it was our substitute for food and the sooner we got used to it, the better for us. Days passed, and we remained in the forest, only this time I had no hope of ever leaving. Crawling through the thorny leaves, I went in search of rotten and fallen fruits or leaves to eat, as well as feed Ronnie and Annie. Suddenly, I heard a loud gunshot. Running on all fours, I returned to the shed to find some strange men who seemed to be in search of something. "Did you see a man run through?" One of them asked in a fierce tone that made me shiver. I shook my head in response and crawled out of the way. The scary looking man looked back as if he was about to say something, but the search seemed to be more important, so he left. Releasing my breath, I looked down at the puppies and sighed as I laid down the food for them to eat. However, Ronnie suddenly grew restless. He ran towards the other side of the forest and I ran after him, wondering why he was running so fast. My jaw dropped as he stopped by a small pit covered with dry leaves. He dug the ground and continued barking, so, I leaned closer to help. I knew that he wouldn't do that without a reason. After all, we've been in that forest for weeks, I don't know how many, but I do know that it's been a while yet Ronnie never acted the way he has right now. As I joined him to dig, a brown cloth came into view and, thanks to my time with Jayden, I got to know that humans wear stuff like that to cover their nakedness. What I don't know is why a human would be hidden in the ground.
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