
1950 Words
Still Nadia hesitated, not drinking. “What does this do, exactly?” she asked. “It will help you…change.” “What if I don’t want to change?” That elicited an explosive scoff from Prof. Pitor. “If you didn’t want to change who you are, you wouldn’t be here, would you?” Nadia gave his words some thought. It took her some time to realize that Prof. Pitor didn’t mean a change in the way she thought or acted, but an actual physical change in herself that couldn’t be accomplished by easy physical means. “I’m not sure I want to change the way you want me to.” “Don’t worry. You have some choice in your destiny. Drink.” With one nod of her head Nadia agree and raised the beaker to her lips. With the first sip she tasted nothing, but then the liquid turned bitter on her tongue. She winced and had to resist spitting it out. “Swallow,” Pitor demanded of her. “Don’t spit it out. Don’t waste a drop. It’s very difficult to create and I won’t have you wasting it.” The sip sat on Nadia’s tongue and she gagged a few times, unable to swallow and unwilling to spit it out; she wanted to please the professor. He clamped a hand over her mouth, using his forefinger and thumb to pinch close her nose, while holding her in place with the other hand behind her head. The sudden lack of air to her lungs stiffened her resolve and Nadia managed to force the liquor down her throat. “Good,” he told her and picked up the beaker where she had set it down on the lab table. A glance told her she had only swallowed, at most, a hundred milliliters. “Don’t taste it,” he helped her out. “Just bolt it down.” “Now you tell me.” “Experience is the best teacher.” Though the drink was awful, Nadia managed the rest in one terrible gulp, letting it bypass her tongue entirely and just pour down her throat. It didn’t burn but it wasn’t pleasant either. She looked at Pitor expectantly. “Well?” “Well what?” he asked innocently. “Where’s the change?” she demanded. “Oh, this is just the precursor for the change I’m developing in you. It’ll be a while still.” She made a face. “Great. Thanks. Now what?” Prof. Pitor started packing up the few bits of equipment he had gotten out to treat Nadia. “And now you wait. I’ll see you tomorrow morning at eight sharp before you have to go to class, and then again at eight in the evening to keep the dose level in your system.” “Can I at least have some water?” she asked. He gestured to the lab sink and some of the glassware that was drying on the rack next to faucets. “So chivalrous,” she commented sarcastically. “I’m your teacher, not your boyfriend.” She ran the water and swallowed down several glassfuls. “Do you want a blowjob before you leave,” she offered. He smiled but shook his head. “Sadly, I already have plans for tonight. But I’m not surprised at your offer. The precursor often instills lustful feelings. You might find yourself going to bed with someone you might normally not over the next few days.” Nadia laughed at him. “How would I know. I like variety.” On the walk home to her dorm Nadia found herself looking at everyone around her and evaluating them on one scale only: would she sleep with them. She wished she had kept count during her short journey because she was certain of the roughly hundred people she saw, she would have said yes to ninety of them…men and women, it made no difference to Nadia at the moment. She briefly considered ducking into a bathroom of the union to jill off just for a little relief, but that seemed a shame. There was an urgent lust burning in her p***y and she needed to share it with someone. It was Wednesday night, so there were only a few parties going on off campus, not many but enough to give her ample opportunity to find someone to hook up with. All she needed to do was get to her room, make a quick change to clothing that was a little more party appropriate (that is, slutty), charm her way into the closest party, and pick a guy who was willing to f**k an available woman. It was simplicity itself. So great was her need she practically ran the last bit of distance to her dorm, raced up the stairs and down the hallway to burst into her room. When the door slammed open, bouncing off the bumper set into the wall, Sarah nearly shrieked with fear. “What the f**k! What’s the matter with you, Nadia?” It took Nadia a minute to understand that Sarah was asking that Nadia was out of her mind for slamming the door open, not for being crazy with lust. “Matter? Me? Nothing? I’m fine. Well, not really fine. But I’ll get over it.” Her eyes were wide with lust and mental disturbance. She tossed aside her jacket and glanced at the clothing hanging in her closet. What to wear…? “You look like you’re having a psychotic break,” Sarah commented. She was wearing one of her customary tank tops, her arms and shoulders bare. Nadia wished her roommate was wearing shorts to show off her legs, but the form-fitting yoga pants were almost as good. Apparently Sarah had been sitting in front of her computer working on a paper for one of her classes; Nadia had interrupted her. The screen was covered not only with a word processing program but windows with web browsers open to various research sites and the college library website as well. Two small chat windows filled the bottom corner, hinting that Sarah was either distracted by friends or working remotely with classmates. “No, no. I know what I’m doing,” Nadia assured her. She pulled off her sweatshirt which stripped her down to a camisole and jeans. Her fingers trailed over her clothes but paused on nothing. Though she had seen or heard nothing that should have focused her lust, Nadia felt the unmistakable sensation of wet panties. Her p***y needed attention, or so her body was telling her and she was more than willing to go along with what her body was demanding. Without warning she whirled around to look at her roommate who had already turned back to her computer. Sarah tucked a few stray strands of hair behind her ear as she tapped away at the keyboard. “Sarah?” “Mmm?” “When did you know you were a lesbian?” “What?” Sarah turned and looked at her, her face flushed, a lie ready at her lips, but then she controlled her anger and answered. “I don’t know. That’s an awfully strange and forward question.” She meant the last comment to deflect Nadia’s interest in her personal s*x life. Abruptly Sarah switched tactics. “Who is it that you’re always constantly chatting online with? She has to have a name.” “Cassidie.” “Is she from your high school?” “Yes.” Nadia smiled. “That’s nice. So, when did you know?” she asked, going back to her original question. Sarah shrugged self-consciously. “I don’t know. I always sort of knew, I just didn’t tell anyone about it.” When it sounded to Nadia that her roommate was about to go off on the difficulties of growing up queer in a straight world, she cut her short. “How many people have you had s*x with?” she bluntly asked. Anyone else might have tried to wiggle out of the question but Sarah answered boldly. “Just Cassidie.” “So one. Huh. Want to double your number right now?” “What?” It then seemed like too much effort to go out hunting for some guy to sleep with when she had a willing—probably—participant already in her room. Nadia bent down and kissed the stunned Sarah on the lips. She didn’t kiss back but she didn’t pull away either. When the kiss ended she told her roommate, “I’m really horny and I need to do something about it right now. Give a girl a helping hand?” she asked, tugging on Sarah’s muscular arm to encourage her to get out of the chair and into bed. “Umm…I don’t think that’s a good idea, Nad.” Sarah was resisting but not as hard as she could have. Nadia knew her roommate was stronger than her and easily could have stayed in her chair if she wanted, yet she was able to tug her up to her feet. “Why not?” “I think you’re drunk. Never a good idea to have s*x if only one person is drunk.” Nadia shook her head. “I’m not drunk. See?” She breathed heavily in Sarah’s face and then followed that with another kiss, this time slipping her tongue between Sarah’s lips. Once more Sarah didn’t resist but she put little effort into kissing back. “No alcohol.” “What drugs did you take?” Sarah asked as Nadia manipulated her over toward the bed. That question seemed perfectly designed to give Nadia pause. She didn’t want to lie but she couldn’t fully and truthfully answer either. Not wanting to lie, however, was different from actually lying. Actually lying Nadia could do. “Nothing dangerous,” she promised. “Just a little something to get my motor running.” She grinned. “Why? Don’t you want to? I’ve seen those long, lingering looks you’ve given me when you think I haven’t been watching. You like looking at my body.” She ran her hands down her sides and immediately felt stupid for the effort; she wasn’t a dancer and trying to act sexy was just pathetic and she knew it. “A little ecstasy? MDMA? Molly? What is it called now? I never would have guessed you for the type to use that sort of drug.” Nadia emphatically shook her head. “I’m not. Professor Pitor gave me…something. He said it might make me horny.” “I went beyond might.” They were at the edge of Sarah’s bed now both standing incredibly close. Nadia imagined she could feel the heat of Sarah’s body while Sarah was wondering what Nadia’s body felt like in comparison to Cassidie. “He’s been known to give students experimental substances.” “Really?” This interested Nadia. She wondered if Pitor made recreational drugs in addition to what she had seen used on Derke. “That’s what I hear.” “Wanna have s*x?” Nadia asked bluntly. “I’m horny and I need to work off the energy.” “Have you ever had s*x with a woman?” asked Sarah. “Have you ever had s*x with a man?” Nadia countered. “It’s rude to answer a question with a question.” “No,” Nadia answered. “But I want to try it at least once.” “I’ve never had s*x with a man,” Sarah admitted. “So I won’t be breaking your perfect record,” Nadia pointed out. “This is a bad idea. There’s going to be terrible consequences.” “We’ll just say it was a bad idea and chalk it up to the drugs,” Nadia decided as she pushed her roommate down to the bed. When Nadia laid down on top of her more muscular friend and kissed her, this time Sarah kissed back. Nadia found that undressing a woman was a lot easier than getting a guy out of his clothes, not that the men weren’t willing to get naked, but she always felt a bit confused when trying to get her latest partner’s clothes off. For her part, Sarah was surprised at how eager and unashamed Nadia was in exploring her body. There was no hesitation or game playing; she was there for one purpose only: getting Sarah naked and enjoying her body. Once her bra was off, Nadia happily sucked and nipped at her roommate’s breasts. She didn’t stop there; Nadia kept moving down Sarah’s body and eagerly, nearly too fervently, pulled off her practical athletic-style panties. She was delighted to see Sarah trimmed her pubic hair back to a short plush and shaved the edges back to a neat triangle. This she immediately determined was because Sarah was athletic and on the volleyball team.
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