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“So, am I in?” Nadia asked, sitting up and turning over. She could feel his c*m starting to trickle out of her p***y. While her eyes cast about the floor, looking for her panties, she glimpsed Pitor’s c**k as he was tucking it back into his pants. He wasn’t huge—he had lost most of his erection after cumming—but even flaccid he was an impressive size. But he was also oddly shaped, at least to Nadia’s eyes. She wasn’t an expert and maybe it was twisted or half-concealed in the shadows as he zipped up, but the professor’s c**k was different from every other one she had seen in her life. “I was in, actually,” Prof. Pitor said, making a small joke. She looked at him nervously before he finally relented and proclaimed, “I’ll allow you in my class. I’ll put the approval in tomorrow.” She breathed a heavy sigh of relief. “Thank you. Do you know where my panties are?” They were in his hand and he displayed them to her. “I was hoping to keep them as a memento,” he told her. She looked askance at him. “Or a trophy?” she suggested. He smiled, “Oh, you’ll do well in my Abnormal Sexuality class.” But he didn’t relinquish her garment. The pause hung between them for a long moment until Nadia said, “I need something to clean up with. I can’t walk back to my dorm with c*m dripping down my legs.” Prof. Pitor tucked her panties into his jacket pocket and opened a desk drawer to hand her a small box of pre-moistened wipes. “I like to be prepared,” he told her while she washed away the remains of his orgasm. “And don’t worry, I’m clean and you won’t get pregnant.” A wry grin from Nadia told him his concern was misplaced. “I wasn’t worried about that at all.” Her parents had sent Nadia away to school well-prepared for all eventualities. Her professor-to-be frowned. “I’ve always thought it was a bad idea for young women to take drugs to prevent conception.” “I’m not,” she told him brightly as she smoothed her skirt into place. “Maybe I’ll tell you more when we’re in class.” She smiled at him sweetly, grabbed her backpack, and strolled out his office door. Sarah found her roommate taking a nap in the late afternoon when she returned home from class. “Get up sleepyhead or you’ll be up half the night.” Though she kept her blond hair cut short, no longer than chin length, it still managed to get in her face while she slept. After only a few minutes in bed it was a mess and she had to push it away so she could see properly. Nadia sat up and realized she was still sans panties. Before falling asleep she had only wrapped her comforter around her body. Luckily nothing was showing. Sarah had no way of knowing what she had done and that made Nadia smile. “I’m awake!” she insisted though it was half a lie. As she moved she felt her p***y still energized by the dose of c*m Prof. Pitor had dumped inside her. The last few drips had worked their way out and now clung wetly to her thighs and labia. It felt good. “How did it go?” Sarah asked as she started emptying her backpack. Sarah played on the college volleyball team and had the shoulders and arms to prove it. She looked good in a tank top especially with her long, dark hair pulled back into a ponytail. If Nadia was jealous of one thing from her roommate, it was her hair. Blond might have been more desirable, but Nadia hated that hers was thin and sparse. “Well. It went well,” Nadia declared. “I’m in his class.” “Huh,” Sarah said absently. “What did you have to do to persuade him to get in?” She looked up with a knowing expression. “I just used my youthful exuberance on him.” Sarah doubtfully said, “Uh-huh.” “…and there was one last place left available. It’s like it was meant to be.” This time Sarah grinned. “Uh-huh.” Chapter Two “The problem with Zeus—and half the other male gods—is that he couldn’t keep it in his toga,” Prof. Pitor said from his position at the lectern. The class tittered at his slightly off-color joke. “He would have s*x with anyone that caught his fancy at the moment, male or female.” There was some uncomfortable shifting in the desks. “Depending on which version of the myth you want to believe, Zeus would change himself into any manner of animal to disguise himself from his wife, Hera, or to fool the target of his affections. Why the Greek youth were so eager to f**k a duck is beyond the understanding of the average American.” His vulgar comment brought a true laugh from the class. “When did Zeus change himself into a duck?” asked a puzzled student in the front row. “It was a swan, actually,” the professor told her. “Leda and the swan.” “Oh.” The student paused. “You’re right, why would a woman want to have s*x with a swan.” “Ever meet a swan in real life?” Prof. Pitor asked. The girl shook her head. “Mean, nasty beasts. Maybe Leda was so surprised at encountering a well-behaved swan it was easy for Zeus to actual copulate with her,” he suggested. The class tittered again. “But that seems unlikely because Zeus was hardly well-behaved. More than likely this spills over into the biology portion of the class. Perhaps the ancient Greeks were trying to explain away some bizarre birth defect that looked vaguely avian. Maybe an unfortunate woman had a miscarriage and an explanation was needed.” The class studiously entered that in their notebooks. No one was quite ready for that information. “But…a swan couldn’t actually have s*x with a human woman,” the female student went on. “It has the…wrong equipment.” “Just glue a c**k onto that swan and you’re good to go,” called out one of the male students. Nervous laughter erupted once again. “Which cuts to the second part of these theories,” Pitor said when the class quieted. “Maybe some of these myths are actually just desires of people to have s*x with animals.” “Gross,” called out someone from the back of the class. No one commented. There was a palpable discomfort in the room. Nadia was starting to realize that Prof. Pitor liked making other people, or maybe just students, uncomfortable where they were supposed to feel safe. Pitor shrugged. “Maybe, but it’s common enough, isn’t it? What do the kids call it nowadays? Interspecies erotica?” Some members of the class laughed lightly. “It isn’t something new; it goes back to ancient Greece at least, probably further back. I suppose once a person has explored every avenue of s****l congress with members of both genders, then the only logical thing to do is start making eyes at other species?” He looked expectantly out at the crowd. “Thoughts?” Nadia had many thoughts, but none she wished to share with the class. “Professor?” she asked after knocking on his half open office door and stepping inside. Pitor looked up from his computer and waved her inside. “Close the door if you wish,” he said. She quickly shut the door behind her. “Is it abnormal to have lustful feelings for animals?” she asked. “Why? Are you having such feelings?” “No…well, I’ve thought about it, but it’s not like I want to go f**k a horse or anything like that.” He smiled gently. “My class often stirs up emotions that students don’t understand. And it’s very common, especially for young women brought up in rural areas, for them to have such a strong emotional attachment to their horses that they contemplate intercourse with them.” “I’m from the burbs,” Nadia said blankly not wanting to give anything away to him. “And did you have an animal you had an emotional attachment to as you were growing up?” “A cat.” “That’s not unusual either. But the size difference between humans and cat…” he trailed off. “I know. And male cats have p*****s with barbs. That just seems…dangerous.” “Does that excite you?” Nadia nodded, her eyes bright and shining. “It’s crazy, I know.” “Perhaps with a big cat,” Prof. Pitor suggested. “A cougar, a puma, a tiger.” “That seems dangerous…not just the idea but the claws and teeth. It could get you killed.” “And does that excite you?” he pressed. It didn’t deter Nadia. “It doesn’t scare me away.” “Would you do it?” he asked. “Yes,” she admitted. “But that’s just a fantasy. There’s no way I’d actually get in a cage with some dangerous animal to have s*x. It’s impossible anyway.” “Nothing is impossible given sufficient will.” “But you’re talking about pure fantasy,” she said. He nodded, but it wasn’t acknowledgement of her statement. “Why don’t you come to my bio lab later this afternoon?” Pitor suggested to her. The lab was a standard issue college science lab, as far as Nadia could tell. It was all steel and stone benches with lots of ceramics to make it easy to clean. She didn’t see any animals in the lab which struck her as odd because she knew why Prof. Pitor had invited her here. They had met at his office and he had escorted her to the lab and told her wait. It was only a few minutes in the cold lab before he returned with what Nadia assumed was another student. He was slightly shorter than her and athletically built. He had the perfect body type to join the college’s gymnastics team…if the college had a gymnastics team. Prof. Pitor spoke. “I believe it was the late, great Isaac Asimov who said that science, when sufficiently advanced, appears as magic to the common man’s eye.” In response to that Nadia sarcastically asked, “Are you going to show us a magic trick?” He shook his head. “I just want you to be prepared for what is going to happen next.” “I brought a change of clothes like you asked,” she told him, holding up her small backpack. “But if I’m going to get so dirty that my clothes are going to be ruined, why not just change into scrubs?” The professor didn’t answer. Instead he just gestured to the young man he had brought along. “This is Derke. He’s a fellow student of yours. He went through History of Abnormal Sexuality last year.” The short man just nodded at her and sat down on the edge a steel table. As Pitor busied himself in one of the locked cabinets, Derke rolled up a sleeve. “He’s going to help you out tonight.” The professor approached him with a hypodermic needle and Nadia shrank back. “What are you doing?” She was alarmed at what his intentions might be. Prof. Pitor looked at her with a smirk. He knew he was making her uncomfortable and he relished that fact. He liked pushing people past the boundaries of what made them safe. “Nothing I haven’t done with Derke before. He’s used to it, right Derke?” The young man nodded firmly and looked at Nadia with an almost feral grin. It immediately unsettled her and she wanted to back away, but at the same time she could feel her panties start to moisten. She was scared and excited at the same time; her body told her to run from the danger but her lust told her to stay where she was and let it happen. Derke didn’t even wince when the needle penetrated his skin. “The transformation is often unsettling the first time you witness it,” Pitor said as he disposed of the needle into a sharps box. “Don’t worry; it’s perfectly natural. Well, as natural as this could possibly be.” As he was speaking Derke rolled to his side on the table. His muscles bulged and a change occurred throughout his flesh. Underneath his skin bulges and hollows formed, his body stretched and writhed. Quickly, as if it were an afterthought, Derke started pulling off his clothes, destroying them in the process, but this exposed his skin which was quickly replaced with short tawny fur. Nadia gasped and stepped back, getting a table between her and the young man…or whatever he was. It happened so quickly she didn’t know what to think. As he was facing away, Nadia couldn’t see his face until the conversion was nearly over. When he swung his face back to her she had to stifle a scream of sudden terror. It was still human…sort of, but it had taken on a distinctly catlike aspect. His jaw had elongated into a muzzle with protruding canine teeth. The eyes had angled and enlarged giving him a feline aspect. He wasn’t a tiger or puma or any easily identifiable animal, but Derke was definitely no longer human.
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