
2016 Words
Experimental A winner of the 2015 NaNoWriMo competition. Nadia is an open-minded college woman looking for a little adventure. She can’t stop herself from looking for new and interesting men to sleep with. Being willing to sleep with a professor to get into a class isn’t beneath her. When she does, she finds herself inducted into a strange and secret world on campus involving odd monsters and weird humans. Ultimately this transforms her mentally, sexually, and physically. Chapter One “Isn’t it amazing that every man’s c**k is so different?” Nadia asked her roommate. Sarah looked over at the easily-amazed blonde woman and commented, drily, “Yes. Amazing. And, you know, they’re not all supposed to be the same.” “You know what I mean,” Nadia continued on, her eyes unfocused and dreamy. “Every guy is different and yet they all fit in me so perfectly.” Still unimpressed Sarah commented, “Well, you haven’t f****d every guy in the world, or even on campus, yet, so I don’t know if you sample size is large enough yet…even for a slut like you.” “Slut?!” Nadia pretended to be shocked and offended. “Do I have that reputation?” “You’re working on it,” Sarah said. “I’m not judging, I’m just repeating what I’ve heard. If you’re enjoying yourself, don’t let it bother you.” “I just can’t believe that God made everyone so perfectly that any guy’s c**k will fit into any woman’s p***y,” she marveled. She was still riding high from her date with William. The s*x with him was great, even if it was a one-time thing because he claimed he had a girlfriend back in his hometown. Actually, Nadia reflected, that was probably why the s*x was so good. Because she had no obligations to him. Sarah snorted. “If you believe in God and if you can manage to ignore the many people who aren’t born perfect. There are lots of people out there with f****d-up junk.” Nadia blinked. “Yeah. You’re right. And you’re brining down my euphoria.” “That’s what I’m here for,” she commented as she studied her calculus text. Sarah had barely looked up from the tome during her exchange with her roommate. The two couldn’t have been more different in demeanor and appearance. Nadia was willowy-thin, blonde, and small busted; extremely outgoing, she had a well-earned reputation as being sexually adventurous even on their open-minded and socially liberal campus. Sarah was a few inches taller than Nadia, had long dark hair she customarily kept back in a ponytail. She was strong and athletic, playing on the college volleyball team, but for some reason had large breasts for a woman who was muscular. More reserved than her roommate, the only bit of decoration she ever wore was a fabric bracelet on her left wrist. “Maybe I should look for the exotic,” Nadia pondered aloud. “I mean, there are plenty of guys out there with perfect or near-perfect c***s. What about the guys with the really unusual cocks.” “I’m sure they’d love to get laid as well,” Sarah agreed. “And you’re just the woman to do that.” “Thanks,” Nadia said sarcastically. “If you’re looking for a freak show, go see Professor Pitor.” “Who’s that?” “He’s bio prof who teaches ancient history as well. You’ve never heard of him?” Nadia shook her head. Even though both women were first-year students at the college, Sarah seemed to be better plugged into the social side of the academic life. Sarah continued, “Rumor has it he’s a s****l freak, but that’s probably because every spring he teaches a class called The History of Abnormal Sexuality. Apparently he’s a trip to have as a teacher. And, if you believe rumors, he’s more than willing to f**k his students, male and female.” She tilted her head to the side and only now looked up at her roommate. An odd lopsided grin filled the left side of her face. “You should go see him and ask to get into that class.” “You’re dirty,” Nadia laughed. She was sprawled on her bed and took the opportunity to throw a small pillow—oddly, a throw pillow—across the room at Sarah. The dark-haired woman easily batted it aside. “Maybe, but I bet you’re going to go do it.” The next day found Nadia standing in front of Prof. Pitor’s office door with her hand raised about to knock on it, when the door opened and a handsome young man with a flushed, sweaty face stepped out. Nadia didn’t recognize him but was struck by his almost boyish good looks. He paused and blinked at her. “You looking for Prof. P?” he asked with the door half closed behind him. “Er…yes, is he in?” Nadia was confused as to what was happening. He stuck his head into the open space between door and jamb. “Some girl here to see you, Prof.” Nadia couldn’t hear what was said, but the boy pushed the door the rest of the way open, admitting her. Inside was the man who was presumably Prof. Pitor. He wore a tweed jacket he was in the midst of adjusting, plain white shirt and black pants, practically the unofficial uniform of most male teachers at the college. He wasn’t particularly handsome but Nadia was temporarily mesmerized by his ice blue eyes paired with a short, trim beard. “Come in, young lady,” he said in a voice deeper than seemed appropriate for his unremarkable frame. “How can I help you?” The boy who let her in had disappeared and Nadia was momentarily confused by what she was doing. “Um…my name’s Nadia and I was wondering how I go about getting into your Abnormal Sexuality class for the spring.” His eyes roved up and down her body so quickly that Nadia barely caught the quick evaluation. “Ah, it is that time again for class selection, is it not?” Nadia nodded. “Are you a first year student?” “Yes.” Prof. Pitor frowned. “I don’t normally admit many first years to the class,” he muttered as he tugged at his beard. He cast his eyes down and then quickly brought them back up. “I’m forgetting my manners. Please,” he gestured at the wooden chair in front of his desk, “have a seat. Would you like something to drink?” He gestured to a small collection of bottles on the bookshelf behind him. For just a moment Nadia thought the bottles were liquor, but when she focused she realized they were just water and soda. “Oh, just water, thank you.” He was an extraordinarily polite professor who had more than enough time for students who were only considering taking a class with him, Nadia thought. She had never before been offered a drink when she went to see a professor. “Still or effervescent?” he asked. “Um…pardon?” Now Nadia was truly confused. He chuckled gently. “Bubbles or no bubbles? I fear I spend too much time in Europe.” She laughed along with him. “No bubbles.” The professor selected a cobalt blue bottle, twisted off the cap and poured the contents into a pair of glasses he produced from his desk. Nadia quickly realized he had done this before with other students. That was okay. She was willing to play along if it got her into the class. “Why do you want to get into my Abnormal Sexuality class?” he asked her upon sitting down behind his desk. To gather her thoughts Nadia sipped at the water. The flavor was slightly off before she realized it was mineral water, something she was accustomed to. “I’m undeclared right now and I want to explore as many possible majors and fields as possible before I settle down.” “A good plan. Tell me how you’re going to earn your way into my class.” Nadia blinked. “I don’t know,” she said hesitantly. “I was hoping space would be available.” He hid his smile behind his glass as he sipped from it. “I expect a little more from my students.” “I don’t know what I can offer you.” Pitor easily slipped into professorial mode. “The class is challenging because it attacks many commonly held beliefs about sexuality we in American have. I can’t have a student in class constantly challenging my methods of teaching nor my content.” “I won’t do that, Professor.” She nervously took another sip of water. “Prove it,” he said. “Bend over the couch so I can f**k you.” “What?” Nadia asked and immediately realized she was surprised he had asked. He was handsome enough and having s*x with Prof. Pitor was perfectly in line with something she could imagine herself doing, she just wasn’t sure if doing it in his office was the wisest choice. Instead, she half-dodged the question. “I thought it was against school rules for students and professors to have, um, a s****l relationship.” “It is, but you are not my student. Yet.” “Okay,” Nadia heard herself saying. She drank the last of the water in the glass before putting it down on his desk. She stood up and walked over to the old couch that occupied one wall of the office. It had seen better days. The brown leather was faded and cracked, but it looked incredibly comfortable. As she stepped to it, she wondered how many other young students had been in her exact same position. Still, she didn’t hesitate as she started to bend over the arm of the couch. “Pull up your skirt first,” the professor instructed her. “Oh, right,” Nadia agreed and hiked up her skirt to expose her very practical and comfortable white cotton panties. She bent over the arm, putting her ass in the air and her head down on the cushions. The blood rushing to her head made her dizzy which was a pleasant sensation. “The nice thing about young ladies who attend school here,” Prof. Pitor said as he stood up from his desk. “Is not only how willing they are to please their professors, but also their very shapely bodies. Do you mind if I remove your panties?” he asked politely. “Please do.” Nadia nearly giggled at his formal question. She wondered if there was something in her glass besides the mineral water. Pitor knelt behind her and carefully tugged the cotton panties down her legs, exposing her ass and quim, before pausing and maneuvering them over Nadia’s functional sneakers. She opened up her stance to give him easy access to her s*x. “You are willing young lady,” he said. “Willing to please,” she giggled this time. The professor was still kneeling behind her and instead of standing up he leaned in to the apex of her legs and licked her from her c******s to her back opening. Nadia shivered. c*********s was largely unnecessary at this point; she was already soaking wet. His tongue felt good on her s*x, and it delved incredibly deeply between her labia. “Oohh,” she moaned. “I don’t normally do this,” she warned him. “Have s*x?” he asked, pulling back after having determined he needed no additional work to get her ready. “Have s*x with a professor I don’t know just to get into his class,” she explained. “As I already implied, I have unusual teaching techniques.” Professor Pitor stood up and unbuckled his pants. A moment later he was nudging his c**k head into her cunt. “Ooohhh,” Nadia moaned deeper and lower this time. She wanted to reach around and feel his c**k going into her, but she couldn’t, her hands were gripping the sides of the couch cushion. His c**k was huge. Nadia had had many c***s in high school and now college and Prof. Pitor’s was easily the biggest. She knew she could accommodate him; it was just a matter of effort. “Go slow,” she whined. “You can take it,” he encouraged her. “I know you can.” “Uh-huh. Go slow,” she repeated as he pulled back a bit and pushed in further. After a few more attempts he finally slid all the way home and Nadia sighed in contentment. “Do you f**k all your students?” she asked him, her face still pressed against the cushion. “I try to,” he told her as he gripped her hips and started f*****g her harder and faster. Their coupling didn’t last terribly long. Nadia wrote that off as the thrill of a first and nearly anonymous f**k. When he came it was with a long, strained grunt of power and his c*m heated up her p***y to the point where she came herself. It was a pleasant and enjoyable little f**k.
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