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He slid off the table and Prof. Pitor faded into the background. Derke’s cat aspect sniffed the air and focused his eyes on Nadia. “Where are you in your cycle?” Pitor called out to Nadia. “What?” she asked, distracted by the frightening monster in front of her. “What cycle?” While Pitor might have held two doctorates and taught at a prestigious school, but he wasn’t above rolling his eyes when it was appropriate. “Your menstrual cycle.” “I had my period two weeks ago,” she reported. “You’re probably ovulating then,” he said. “Don’t resist him. He’s much stronger than you. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it, Nadia. You seem the type.” It only took Nadia a second to realize exactly what Prof. Pitor meant. Her gaze went down to Derke’s crotch. While the rest of his body was covered with the light, tawny fur, his p***s was bare and rampant. There was no way for Nadia to know for certain how well-endowed Derke was before his transformation, but after becoming whatever cat-creature he was now, he was sporting a c**k that was impressive for any creature, human or not. It was red and looked almost human, but Nadia knew that not every c**k was the same and she was more than willing to try out what he was offering. Before she could give voice to her desires Derke pounced on her, actually pounced. He cleared the table she had been sheltering behind and knocked her—carefully—to the floor. Her clothes weren’t stripped off her body, they were torn off, shredded by Derke’s sharp claws and strong muscles. He was exact and careful in his motions and before she knew it, Nadia was naked but for her panties. It was his scent that did it for her. At first she was going to resist. It seemed the right thing to do, but then she could smell something in the air, something coming from him. Logically she knew it had to be pheromones, but instinctively she knew it was the smell of lust and it was what she needed. Once his musky smell was on her, she wanted him all the more. She struggled to turn over, to present her rump to him and Derke tried to stop her at first. Only when Nadia started tugging down her panties did he understand. They were ripped off without further ceremony. It was all happening so fast that Nadia didn’t really have time to think about what exactly she was doing. For some reason the moment Derke put his thick, massive paw down next to her hand on the floor she realized she was going to f**k a cat and there was no way to stop it. She tried, of course, but it was useless. Prof. Pitor had told her not to fight, not to resist and as she struggled to get away Derke just took her actions as an attempt to align their sexes. In short order he had her pinned down into place and she could feel his c**k nudging open her p***y. At that point she resigned herself to her fate and stopped fighting allowing him to enter her. He was large, of course, but not huge. She briefly reflected that she might have had men with bigger c***s but at the moment she couldn’t think of any. Since she was wet it was easy for Derke’s cat c**k to slide steadily deeper without resistance. He felt odd and she realized that she was enjoying the sensation. There was no reason to fight; she actually wanted this, to be taken by whatever cat-creature he was and to fully give herself over to the moment and throw proper decorum to the side. “f**k!” she cried out when he was all the way inside. His taut, muscular stomach pressed against the smooth skin of her ass, providing a bit of velvety stimulation that was unique in her s****l experience. He paused briefly with his c**k buried all the way into her quim and she realizes she was already panting from what he had done to her. And she loved it. The pause stretched into a long moment and Nadia turned to see Derke casting his head around looking for Prof. Pitor. “Go ahead,” the professor called from the opposite side of the room. Nadia saw that he was carefully observing them, a notebook on the table in front him. “Use her as you will.” Derke pulled back and then thrust forward with a force that made Nadia nearly collapse to the floor from off her knees. Unconsciously she yowled in pain. It wasn’t pain from her knees or elbows that hit the hard cement floor nor was it the impact of his body on hers. She experienced a much deeper pain. He made her p***y hurt like never before. It wasn’t his size, she knew she had the capacity for even a c**k as large as his, it was something else, a piercing, scraping sensation. And at the same time the pain was leavened with an undeniably pleasurable feeling that radiated out from her s*x. She wondered if this was what those kinky people who liked to be spanked and hit during s*x experienced. It made her wonder further if she was one of those masochists who liked pain during s*x. She was glad to wonder because it kept her mind off the pain. Each of Derke’s strokes caused a little jolt of pain and a little jolt of pleasure. It wasn’t’ terrible but Nadia was embarrassed that she was enjoying the act along with the fact that Prof. Pitor was intently watching the coupling. It felt dirty…and she realized she like dirty. They quickly settled into a steady rhythm that Nadia could tolerate. Derke brought his body closely in line with hers, covering her hands with his massive paws, pressing his furry belly on her back, and even going so far as to gently bite the muscles on her shoulders. She couldn’t believe how much she liked that. All too soon because she wasn’t ready to climax yet, she felt Derke cumming. His c**k shook inside her body and there was an abrupt gush of hot liquid that filled her up. He thrusted a few more times, but he was largely spent; she could feel his c**k softening. And then he pulled out. Nadia screamed. She didn’t realize she was screaming until her throat was raw from the effort. The pain was tremendous. She tried to whirl around to hit or slap Derke to stop him from what he was doing, but he was strong, much too strong for her. He held her in place while he let her anger slowly ebb away. Her cunt hurt incredibly but at the same time her body shook with the relief of orgasm. When he had hurt her he had also given her an incredible orgasm. The pain and pleasure mixing in her body made her burst out in tears and still Derke held her in place. When he judged she was calm enough Derke abruptly jumped away from Nadia. “Pick her up and put her on the exam table,” Prof. Pitor ordered. “Spread her legs and put them in the stirrups.” Nadia had missed it upon her entrance to the lab but one of the tables was a modified gynecologists’ exam table without padding but with the too-familiar stirrups. She didn’t have strength enough to do anything but go along with their plan. Soon Prof. Pitor was shining a light between her legs, examining her s*x. “Very minor scrapes,” he commented. “Some blood, of course, mixed with semen. You stimulated her correctly, Derke. Thank you. We don’t know where she is in her cycle precisely, but if she ovulates there is a good chance she will conceive.” “What?” Nadia exclaimed as she realized what her teacher was saying. “That’s not going to happen!” Prof. Pitor looked up from between her legs. “With the correct science anything is possible.” “I have an IUD. It’s not going to happen.” Nadia was confident in what modern science had done to allow a woman to control her reproductive destiny. Now the man with the trim beard frowned slightly. “You might be surprised.” “I’d better f*****g not be,” she muttered in complaint. “There is more at work here than you realize,” he told her. “We’ll keep a close eye on you.” Nadia shook her head from side to side. “This is f****d up. Let me up,” she insisted, pushing both Pitor and Derke away. They stepped back and allowed Nadia to sit up. She looked over at Derke and realized that while he was still largely cat-like, some of his features were softer, less sharply defined. “How the f**k did you do that to him?” She crossed her arms in front of her breasts. She wasn’t embarrassed at being naked but some clothing in the cool lab air would have been appreciated. Derke was still naked as well, but his fur kept him warm. The only nice thing about the cool temperature was the steel table under her felt nice on her ravaged p***y. “You saw the injection,” Prof. Pitor said as if that answered everything. Hopping down from the table Nadia spotted her bag behind where the silent Derke stood. She noted that not only had he become feline and fur-covered, he had also grown a few inches, making him taller than her now while before he was, at best, two inches shorter than her. She stepped around him and opened up the bag to pull out her spare clothing. “That’s not possible,” she told her teacher. A little injection just can’t change a person into…this,” she waved at Derke’s changed body while she pulled up her panties. “Perhaps there’s more going on here than you realize.” “You let him attack me!” she nearly shouted, but moderated her voice so they wouldn’t be discovered. It was a stupid action she realized because her scream when Derke was f*****g her had to have been incredibly loud. Maybe the lab was soundproofed. She angrily untangled the white bra she had brought along. “You enjoyed it.” It was Derke who spoke. His words were strange because of his oddly shaped mouth and pointed teeth. “So f*****g what?” she snapped at him as she pulled on thin sweatpants. “I didn’t give you permission to have s*x with me.” “And yet you never said no either.” This was from Prof. Pitor. “But let’s not make this an argument about legal semantics.” “Am I an experiment?” she asked Pitor. “Is that why I’m here?” “Partly,” the professor acknowledged. “But did you enjoy it? Would you do it again?” Before Nadia could answer, her heart started thumping in her chest. She couldn’t lie, but she didn’t want to tell the truth either. She wet her lips and looked at Derke once more. As a human he had been handsome enough; as a cat she couldn’t rightly judge the measure of his attractiveness, but he certainly was striking. “Yes,” she finally admitted and pulled her shirt over her head. It felt good to be dressed again. Derke didn’t look the least bit uncomfortable being the only naked person in the room. Then again, based on the size of the c**k he was swinging between his legs, he had no reason to be embarrassed. “Good,” Prof. Pitor exclaimed. “I think we can work out something where you can be a star pupil.” Chapter Three The next day Nadia received an email from the administration informing her that she had been enrolled for a three credit private lab study with Prof. Pitor. She stared blankly at her laptop’s screen for a minute before bolting out of the room and running to his office. The run hurt; her p***y was still sore from the f*****g that Derke had given her. She burst into Pitor’s office without knocking. She knew she shouldn’t have been surprised, but the sight of an underclassman crouching down on the floor sucking Pitor’s c**k was unexpected. The fact the underclassman was male and not female didn’t faze her at all. Pitor’s eyes had been shut in concentration as he received the blowjob, but flew open with the door. The boy stumbled back from the professor’s c**k.
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