I don't need you

2906 Words
"Why did you do it!" She stood behind him with arms crossed in front of her chest. Her eyes glaring at him through the mirror. Least bothered he continued to adjust his hair in the mirror. Not taking note of her presence. "Don't you have the decency to knock before you barge inside shrieking like a Banshee?" Ignoring the stupid name she stepped closer to him,tired of getting his favours every time she gets in trouble. "Who told you to go and suspend them! They bullied me...it was my problem...why do you always have to interfere and act like a damn hero?" He smirked , enjoying her fit of anger till it lasts. "Chivalry isn't dead Stalker...plus I am against bullying so they got this coming" Composing herself she took a deep breath and started again. Her finger pointed towards him as she spoke. "See your majesty I appreciate your help but I -" "Stalker" "I really appreciate it but I am not-" "Stalker" "What !!" She nearly screamed at him, irritated with him interrupting her again and again. He stood calmly enjoying her temper tantrum. His eyes focused on her finger pointed towards him. "Lower it Stalker" She didn't,instead poking it on his chest she continued. "I am not a damsel in distress and nor are you my Knight in shining armour. So it's better if you mind yo-" "Lower your damn finger stalker,I hate it when someone does that" She has so important things to say and this man here was more concerned about her pointed finger. "I won't now you listen good. Don't ever I repeat ever do me any other favour again. I hate being indebted to likes of you" Her eyes shining with determination ,with chin held up and eyes narrowed. He rolled his eyes at this little mouse's bravery. Indebted indeed she was . And he was going to collect his p*****t very soon. "Don't you think it's considered ill-mannered standing in a person's house and threatening him just because he saved your sorry excuse of an a*s ?" His fingers coiling around her finger that pointed towards him. To only have him hold her wrist and push her towards him. Her wide eyes staring at him as she struggled to escape from his steel grip on her wrist. "Stop giving yourself so much importance. This is my kingdom and I rule the way I want. As for your disrespect to the the next king in line I can have you thrown in the basement and make you stay in there till you learn to control this attitude of yours" His threatening words instead of scaring her did the very opposite. Her hand turned to fists as she laid small punches on his hard chest. Sweat running down her forehead and hair running wild in all directions. He enjoyed seeing the little mouse struggle in his grip. Her words not very sweet but definitely amusing. "You fudging caterpillar!! Leave my arm!! You piece of bird s**t!! I said leave it!! Leave it befor-" She couldn't complete. His other hand gripped her neck firmly and pulled her face towards him. His lips centimetres away from her. "You wanna shut it stalker or you prefer me punishing that pretty mouth of yours ?" Pretty The only word she could interpret as her screaming voice has died down somewhere and that blabbering lips were open in a O shape in shock. He smiled and left her all at once. That innocent mind still lost in the words he just spoke. While she recovered from the after-effects,he proceeded towards the door. Calling for her attention at last. "I am leaving for college,get ready in 10 or else you know the way yourself" She shrieked in horror as she looked at herself in the mirror. Some loose track pants and a shirt,hair like that of a nest and odour,well let's not talk about that. Running around the royal halls screaming at everyone to get aside she made her way towards the guest room. ............................................... This arrogant a*s!! Why does he have to look so damn hot every time! Why those eyes entrap me like a show of fireworks. Why his cologne is forcing me to get closer and inhale deeply! She cursed as her right leg moved in anxiety. His eyes too focused on the road to be bothered with her presence. She look down to see the short skirt moving up every damn time. Just how many times have I pulled it down already? Getting irritated she again stomped her foot in irritation. Couldn't he find anything else? The helpers words being, "I am sorry ma'am these are the only few things which will fit you." As if I my size is that of a Godzilla and they will get ripped apart!! She whispered. "Will you stop this mumbling and speak up!" His irritated eyes to land on her as she ignored him and moved her head to the other side and rolled down the window. Her hand to stretch out and enjoy the drizzles and the cold wind. A smile automatically comes on her lips while he groaned in the background. "Just move back dammit! You will get my seat wet!!Hell the leather will be ruined...move back stalker" He proceeded to pull up the window from his controls while she moved them down. The fight going on between the two till he lost his patience. Stopping the car at the sideways he ran his hand through his hair. "Get out" She looked at him in horror. Is this man serious? Looking at him in disbelief she refused to move and instead gave him an angry glare. "Don't look at me like that,you only wanted to enjoy the rain! Now get out and do whatever you wish to!" "I love rain this doesn't mean I f*****g jump into Niagra your majesty!!" He sighed turning around and giving her his full attention. "See stalker I have 7 minutes exact to reach my class on time. If I drive at my speed we reach in 5 but if you continue to irritate me like this then we are never gonna reach ." "Now be an obedient little mouse,shut that irritating trap of yours and pull on your seat belt" "I won't" She said like a stubborn kid with arms crossed in front of her chest. "Stalker" He said with a warning "I said I won't! Do whatever you wish to!!" "Fine by me little mouse" A smirk plastered on his face as he volumed up the music. Putting on the first gear,he left the clutch to have her shriek in shock. The car picked up at the speed of a jet as she was pushed back onto the seat with the sudden thrust. She held the seat for her dear life as she saw him driving like crazy. Her heart in her throat and the breakfast ready to make its way out from the very place it went in. "Slow down!! Your majesty!! Please!!" On noticing that the speed was not coming down any sooner she started shouting on top of her lungs Her words not so decent anymore. "f**k*** slow it down you maniac!! Oh sh*** no!!" She saw a truck coming there way and her eyes widened. Her mouth froze like an iceberg as her hands roughly push his shoulders to make him aware. Too close,they were too close!! Within a second her body flipped to a side making her nearly land on his lap. Her hand landing on not so very decent place as she felt a mountain between two plains. Confused she moved her hand while her face was still pressed on his lap. Her hand stopped as she felt her fingers touch a metallic thing. Zip? Her mind froze along with her body when she realised where her hand was placed. "FU**" Came a loud groan from him and that was when she leaped back like a scared tiger. Her body to nearly crash on the windows, trying to make as much distance between him and her as she could. Her hands up in surrender as if she had committed a murder. Her lips dry and eyes looking anywhere except him. Oblivious to her the car has slowed down as he looked at his scared little mouse pressed in the corner of the passenger seat. Her eyes wide in shock and mouth opening and closing in shock. "I.....am..... Sorry...I...... didn't.......intend.....by mistake . ....you just...turned and I ....." Her innocence gets him addicted to her. Those red cheeks and that scared trembling voice. Oh how much he wanted her lips to speak his name right now. How his name would roll out of her luscious lips. "That's why people wear seatbelts little mouse" She nodded acknowledging her mistake ,scared to look up at him and have her eyes to drift somewhere. Stopping the car in front of the school building. He placed on his shades and asked her to get out as he parked his car. He saw her hands shaking as she tried opening the door but failed. Her brown hair acting as a shield for her blushing cheeks . He didn't though such a small thing like this could affect this girl so much. It was normal for him but for her,it looked like she has touched poison. A sweet addicting poison if we could rephrase it. He smiled at her in his mind while moving forward to open the door for her. His hand to unintentionally touch her thigh as he tried opening the door. As soon as he touched,she nearly jumped at her seat. Desperate to open this damn door and run kilometres away from this man's presence. But unluckily his cologne engulfed her in a cloud of intoxication and his touch sending watts of electricity down her spine. Her shy eyes landed on his calm blue ones and her hands tugged on the door handle harder. His face just inches away from her and she could swear that she felt his subtle beard touch her rosy cheeks. "Easy little mouse. We don't want to break the lock and get entrapped in here,now do we?" Refusing to look up she could feel his gaze on her. His words making her leave the handle that very instant . Her chest moving up and down ,just a inch away from touching his toned one. His eyes moved to look at the handle and that was when she looked up. Taking in his godlike features from such close proximity. The morning sun making the sweat on his forehead to shine like diamonds. Huh? When did it stopped raining? Too engrossed she decided to ignore and continue to enjoy the view till it lasts. Those deep blue eyes reflecting the unknown depths of deep Pacific. And those lips, tightly pressed in irritation as he struggled with the locked handle. She moved back, pressing herself closer to the seat and farther from him. Her hands lifted up at her sides as she felt like dying with his closeness. The door finally clicked open as he muttered something in the lines of some child lock. Not caring,she nearly rushed passed him making him almost fall down on the seat. His hands stopping his fall as he shouted at her retreating back. "Take this thing along!" She turned to have him throw her bag at her. She caught it in surprise and nearly stumbled back. Smirking ,he closed her door and ignored her while looking ahead. The second he realised she has turned her back on him. He stared at her retreating back. Putting on his shades he pressed on the accelerator without leaving the clutch. His Mustang roared like the muscle car it is. The entire college turned to acknowledge his arrival and girls nearly jumped in excitement. But strangely his eyes were still focused on the back of the retreating girl. Her legs looking longer in that short skirt as she innocently swayed her hips. He could see boys and girls stare at her as she passed by. He smiled knowing the reason quite well. When tomboyish khaki pant and combat boots girl decides to wear a sexy skirt. Heads are going to turn and whistles are going to be blown. But knowing her reputation the heads that turn soon get lowered in respect and whistles that are blown will be rewarded with punches and threats. Smiling at this unique piece of art that God has created,he ran his hand through his hair in awkward shyness. His gaze went lower to see that his not so innocent thoughts about this girl has once again managed to rise the mountain between the plateaus. "Fudge you little mouse!" Cursing he was gone leaving the crowd in cheers of awws and clouds of smoke. .................................................... They changed our schedule and you know what the worst part is. They included swimming as our last period. Others love it! They are so happy to relax after such a hectic day. But for me , I am scared. The only thing I have stayed away from all my life is a pool. Reason you ask, well an incident of my past that still haunts my nights. So I stand here in a corner running my hands on my arms as I see everyone entering the pool in excitement. My toes pressing each another as I fear the coach's whistle. Raven passes me an encouraging smile as she went to get some towels. I just smiled trying to hide my only weakness. Afraid of anyone seeing me like this, I tried hiding in the corners. Suddenly shouts of excitement echoed the large room as I saw him enter. Those biceps flexing as he ran his hand over his dark wet locks. A towel hanging on his n***d chest and his abs at full display. I swear I saw a girl nearly faint from his hotness. Their hands covering their mouths in shock as he smirked at them and passed a wink to acknowledge his fans. I stepped back, trying to hide more in the shadows. Escaping from even slightest of attention. He dived into the pool and I had to nearly close my ears to block the irritating screams that followed. 200m champion of last 4 semesters Your majesty was the undefeated one. And without a doubt he earned the right to flaunt it. Instead of enjoying the attention he continued to swim. The small eagle tattoo behind his neck seemed like roaring in the wind. Taking away my gaze from him I sighed and turned around to be met with the angry face of my coach. "You are to swim Ms Willams , I don't expect someone like you to slack around" I nodded while my mouth went dry. "Coach....I....don't know how to swim..." The coach looked down at the notepad in his hands. Least interested in my concerns. "Your final practical exams are 1 month later and swimming is a compulsory activity. You have to lean it if you wish to score good" I nodded as the realisation settled in. There is no way I will step into that pool. "If you want I can assign someone to teach you." "No.. No Sir..it's fine I...." "It's not just about you miss Williams ,your partner will suffer as well. If you wish good grades for both of you, start learning" I was confused now. Was this also a paired sport. Why can't I be alone! "Partner...coach?" "Yes Miss Williams you will be partnered as per your roll numbers." He started at the list of roll numbers in his hand. "Evalinge right.....you are paired to...... My body going numb as I thought about the alphabets that comes before e. A B C D E.... E for Evalinge And D for " Holy sh**" I screamed in horror as the coach looked up at me "Pardon Miss Williams?" "Noth-ing sir...sorry I..." "It's your majesty Daniel Knight. I will let him know that he is to train you, luckily miss Williams he is the best one for this job. Good luck!" My mouth wide open as I started at the coach's retreating back. Good luck as if? Did I just got doomed!! Oh God save me!! Why me!!" I slid down to sit on a chair and cursed my luck. My hands covering my face and my stomach doing summersaults. My heart thumped in my chest as I saw the coach calling out his name and approaching the pool. He rested his arms on the railing as he listened to the coach and nodded. Soon the coach moved back, ending the conversation. And that's when his eyes searched for someone. "No...no please no" I begged folding my hands and praying to the angels above. To only look back and see his head turned towards me and those striking blue eyes starting at me. An arrogant smirk lingering on his lips. My heart leaped in my chest as my eyes widen in shock. Hands all sweaty in nervousness , I gulped and looked met his stare. A then he winked. That royal douchebag just managed to wink at me with that cocky smile plastered on his handsome face. "Oh God kill me now!!" .................................................. You say she is shy? Try messing with her and she will show you new heights of boldness. ...................................................
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