In royalty

3457 Words
................................................. "You know when you miss a step on a stair and find yourself falling back. Never expect a cliché hero to save you for you would have already kissed the ground . Use your hands and break your fall for everyone talks fantasy but never show reality. And this life is a reality." ..................................................... Anger is raw It comes without filters. Pure and strong. And he was experiencing it right now. He removed the duct-taped wrapped around her arms and legs. Her body unconscious to react to his touch. Her small kissable lips looked dried and rough as he pulled away the glued tape away from her lips. His fingers instantly running over them to bring back the lost blood flow. She laid immobile in his arms as he proceeded to pick her up in his arms. It's been 5 damn hours since she was trapped in here. 5 damn frustrating hours. Raven's face held shock as she found her unconscious in his arms. Her hands trying to wake her up but no avail. He pulled out a water bottle and sprinkled some water on her face. Seeing no effect he has placed his wet hands on her forehead, cleaning it of all her sweat and hairs. "I will take her to my place, it's not safe here" Raven nodded as the young prince took her to his palace, with her unconscious body in his arms. .................................................. A party was going on in the president's palace. And the organiser was none other than Stacey. Her hands lifting a wine glass, to only have her friends do cheers with their glasses. "You should have seen her face! Like seriously you are messing with a my foot!" They laughed while gulping down the drink and celebrating. Few were already passed out while those with high tolerance continued the beer games. Dancing on the beat of a party song, they were having the best time of their life. To only have one of them ask Stacey and her mood to go sour. "But what if your majesty comes to know? She will tell him..I am telling you!" Stacey just flipped her hair in annoyance and plastered a look of indifference. "I have already threatened her of my dad's power, she is intelligent enough to not ruin her career." They all smiled while continuing the game, unaware of a burning gaze of someone on her back. Silence followed as he stepped into the lights, making his presence known. His arrival making even the President leave his important guests and welcome him. "Your Majesty! I wasn't informed that you were visiting today! What a pleasure to have you here!" But the President's words were replied with silence as his cold eyes refuse to leave Stacey's face. His anger and aura speaking danger. President's eyes followed his stare and he felt afraid. Knowing his daughter's irresponsible nature, he could tell she has done something to anger such a powerful figure. "Is ... everything alright your majesty?" His voice was no longer as confident as before. A hint of fear evident in it. This time Daniel gave him his full attention. A fake smile on his lips hiding his actual mood. "Nice party..any occasion I don't know of?" The President had sweat running down his forehead. "Eh...not of much importance your majesty...these girls just wanted to have some fun so I allowed. You know already how these teens tend to enjoy smallest of things" Daniel sighed with an arrogant smirk lingering his face. His gaze shifting back to Stacey who was literally quivering under his stare. "You are right Mr President for bullying a girl and leaving her locked in washroom calls for a celebration. Am I right Stacey?" Her eyes widened along with everyone present there. The President's hands started shaking in anger at his daughter's audacity. "'s not true...we were just celebrating the weekend....I di-" She couldn't continue. His angry steps towards her made her mouth go shut and eyes to widen. Her steps moved back to only knock down a table behind and make the glasses to crash on the ground. The pieces of broken glass behind making her stop in her place and close her eyes. His cologne making her hands to sweat and legs to shake. Few minutes passed with no one coming for her help. Her eyes widened to only lock on his burning ones. "Do I look like someone you can lie to? Tell me the truth!" She moved her head in a no as she gulped. Her shaking hands held up in defence. "NOW!!" This time she flinched and her body nearly fell back from shock. The leg of a chair to trip her and she found herself falling back on the pieces of broken glass. Everyone gasped in shock and the President shouted his daughter's name in worry. He took steps forward but he was too far away to stop her fall. Seeing the indifferent face of the king in front of her, she feared something for the first time in her life. Image of her sprawled on the floor in her blood made her fear her destiny. He stood motionless, his eyes cold and intention clear. She couldn't even plead to him for saving her as she saw his hesitation in doing it. Only when her body was centimetres away from touching the ground. Her face inches away from getting ruined for her entire life. Her arrogance on her beauty and position on verge of getting broken down. Did a hand held her thin arms in a firm grip and stopped her fall. Her eyes widened to see him holding her. "Tell me who did it" His voice a mere whisper, just enough for her to hear. Gulping she opened her mouth to only close it like a fish. Her hands getting sweaty and his grip loosening. "Please... don't leave.... please" Her eyes pleading as she nearly begged him to pull her to safety. With each passing second his grip loosening on her wrist. The President had his hand held up in fear, how desperate he was to save his little girl. But knowing who stood in front of him, he couldn't dare defy the royalty. He can lose not only his position but also his entire career. The man was the future King of their nation, and he a mere follower of his orders. He decided to trust him on this and not interfere. Fearing the repercussions already. Stacey had tears running down her cheeks as she pleaded for her safety. But he refused to get affected, his motive crystal clear. "I....sorry.....yes I and my friends...we locked her-" That was enough. His anger could be felt by everyone as his jaw hardened. His grip on her wrist tightened making his veins to show. The grip was harsh enough for a delicate princess like her to cry in pain. Her eyes shut as cries of forgiveness left her lips. Pulling her up abruptly and stepping aside, she landed on a chair behind with no one daring to rush towards her for consoling. His clenched fist and burning stares making everyone to freeze in their places. "If anyone of you here thinks you can get away with bullying. Think again for you have dared to mess with my rules in my territory." Their heads held low as they not even dared to look up at him. Girls holding onto each other's hands, while some hiding behind others. "All those who were involved in the bullying today. Step forward" His voice dominating enough to make everyone shake with fear. No one dares to step forward making his anger to intensify. "One last time I ask you if you don't willingly you will regret when I get your names. And don't forget I always get the names." Some looked at each other, others nudged their friends. But girls did dare. All stepped forward for they knew what messing with this man here could do. The President now stepped forward to attempt, but his words were cut in between. "Your majesty I will take care of this don't have to get involved with such petty is-" Daniel has turned around like a hungry lion and nearly growled at him. "Petty President? You call this matter petty when that girl was locked in there for 5 damn hours. You call this petty when I found her f**k*** tied with those tapes, multiple bruises on her body and passed out ?" The President's eyes widened to only harden at his daughter in disappointment. "If you consider this petty Mr President, I really doubt your ability to govern my nation" The President's mouth opened in shock as he apologized and hung his head low. Daniel's eyes land on Stacey who held her burning wrist in one hand and continued to sob. His question direct and urgent. "You headed them, right? What has that girl even done to you!!" "I....she.....I am sorry your majesty I won't-" "I am not asking for your sorry dammit!! Just give me the reason!!" His booming voice again making her step back in fear. " refused me...I thought it was because of her....I.....just didn't want her to take you away from me..." Her teary eyes making his burn in hate instead of melting in regret. Running his hand through his hair, he sighed. "Are you girls delusional or what? You think you f**k*** own me! You can put your claim on me !!" " your maj" "Suspension" Everyone's eyes went wide in shock as they looked up to see him. His words final with no loose ends. "You all are suspended from the college this second onwards. There is no need for any of you to come tomorrow" Cries of apologies surrounded him but he least cared. Stacey's eyes landing on her father who sighed and refused to help her this time. Changing the enthusiastic atmosphere of the party to a depressed and chaotic one. He was gone not bothering to adhere to any one of their pleas. ...................................................   The huge gates opened as soon as his Mustang stopped in the driveway. A valet took his car keys to which he politely thanked. Making his way inside the Royal mansion he proceeded to climb up the grand staircase in the centre. His hands busy in removing his jacked and lazily hanging it on his shoulder with one hand. "Greetings Your majesty! May I? A helper asked as he passed on his jacket into her hands. She bowed to which he acknowledged. She was going to leave when he stopped her. "How is she?" "She is fine your majesty. Miss has not woken up yet but the doctors say it's because of the medicine." He nodded "Thank you, you may leave" She left him to silence and his eyes involuntarily land on the doors of his guest room. Loosening up the top buttons of his shirt and rolling up its sleeves. He decided to see her. The lush red carpet cushioning the heels of his shoes as he silently made his way towards her room. Standing near the door, he awkwardly rubs his neck and debate to enter or not. Not giving it any further thought he slowly opens the door to make his eyes to land on the bed. Her dark hair sprawled on the cushion, eyes closed and arms placed on the duvet covering her. Closing the door behind he silently approaches her. His eyes stopping on the marks on her hands and wrists. Trying not to look at them, he decides to focus on her angelic face instead. So peaceful but temper so fierce. Smiling he moved to pull up the quilt when his hands stopped. By mistake, her shirt got lifted and all he saw below was red. Fresh bruises covering the corners of her slender waist. His hands clenched into fists as he tried controlling his anger. Kicking someone this brutally, they deserved much more than suspension. Picking up a soothing cream from the side table he placed it on his forefinger and gently applied it on her bruises. Lifting her shirt higher, he proceeded to tend to her wounds with utmost gentleness. Next moving towards her wrists, he slowly placed her slender fingers on his palm and proceeded to apply the ointment. Once done he again looked back at her. He wanted to do much more than that. He wanted to feel the softness of her hair, run his fingers on her sleeping face, kiss those tempting lips and hurting bruises. But he refrained. Not finding it appropriate without her approval. Not that it affected him before but today he just couldn't. Stepping back he proceeded to remove his shirt and get freshened up in the guest washroom itself. Expecting her to be asleep for long. She woke up to find herself on clouds. The feeling of floating in air making her smile. Moving her hands up to stretch she enjoyed this feeling. To only have her hands hit the headboard and for her to hiss in pain. Awakening to reality she pulled back her hands to see bruises on them. Her wrists had cuts and some white cream was applied on it. Confused she looked around to have her mouth open in shock. Very high ceiling...1. no 2 chandeliers in the room. Huge windows, king sized bed, red velvet carpets Where the hell was she!! Punching herself she wished to come back to reality, but surprisingly this was reality. Lifting herself, curses left her lips as she saw the bruises on her waist. "Those bi***! I will kill them!" Biting her lip to suppress her pain, she continued to get up with the support of her elbows. She wanted to use her hands but they were also bruises. With great difficulty, she stood up. Her eyes falling on 3 big doors. Not knowing which one went outside. Deciding to go with the right one as right is always right, she proceeded while taking in the luxuries in the room. Her eyes had a child's excitement as she stared at everything a little longer. From the gold plated showpieces to a robot-like thing running on the floor. She adored with mouth open. Pulling open the door but not looking in front, she cursed when her head collided with something hard. Her hands instantly moving forward for support and head to snap up. Her cheeks went from pale to lush red as her eyes widened in shock. The mouth which was earlier open in admiration now opened in surprise. Her head did not collide with a thing but a being. Hard chest was felt under her hands and something felt like dripping on her face. Looking higher she found those heavenly eyes staring at her. Water dripping from his wet hair onto her face, making her blink with each drop. He was n***d from above and she was touching him. Not knowing if this was a dream or reality. She did the stupidest of thing ever. Pinching awakens one to reality, but if you dare to pinch on those shining glorified abs of your majesty, you awaken to hell. He cursed at her as she stepped back in horror. Her eyes were as wide as saucers as she saw him looking at her with anger. "Are you crazy or what?" " mean do yo-" Ignoring her he held up the towel to his hair and started drying his wet hair with his back to her. His biceps flexing as he did so and her eyes to lower down in awkward silence. "You are in my house, hostel was not safe after what happened so I bought you here" She just nodded while taking hidden glances at his toned back, the same back he stared at for hours in the gym a few months ago. "How are you feeling now?" "I'm fi-" Her words stopped as she remembered what happened in the washroom. Her anger surfacing and shyness going underground somewhere. " all happened because of you!" Her sudden change of temperament taking him by surprise. Ignoring he continued to dry his hair while staring in the mirror. Unaware to her, his eyes have caught her staring at his back earlier through the mirror. "It's not my fault they go crazy because of such a simple act of mine" His voice sounding bored and irritated. Flaring up her anger towards him. "Not your fault? It is your fault!! If you hadn't stopp-" She placed her hand on her mouth, stopping herself before uttering bullshit. "If I hadn't...what little mouse" He asked raising his eyebrow and stepping closer to her. He looked so hot with that raised eyebrow She can't raise one eyebrow can he do it she thought and envied his perfection. "Don't....stay there....stay there your majesty!!" His laughter filled the silence of the room. Amused at her reaction as she moved her hands forward and pulled her body backwards. "Why little mouse? Scared or does my closeness affects you?" "Huh? No...why would it affect me. It's not like I have not seen a hot body before" He smirked and she flustered. "So you do admit that I have a hot body?" " it!" She screamed frustrated to only realise that her legs have managed to reach the bed behind. Gulping she stood still as she saw him approaching her with small steps. Each step making the thumping of her heart faster. She didn't dare to look up, bowing her head she found the intricate carpet design to be very interesting. "If I hadn't what little mouse?" He repeated his earlier question. Her breathing became heavy with his closeness. Trying not to inhale his heavenly cologne, she held her breath. "Tell me " His command made her give in and whisper the truth. Her eyes looking up to see if it was true. "If you hadn't stopped...sleeping around with them. They thought have fallen for me" His gaze hardened on her as she saw him clenching his jaw. His eyes staring back at her with something she couldn't decipher. "I mean ...I know it's a can you...even this thought must be repulsive for you...but you rejected her and she thou-" "Shhhh" Pressing his finger on her lips, he silenced her to stare at those doe-like eyes. Silence prevailed in the room as they were lost in each other. His hand moving on her neck and his body pushing her back to have her land on the soft mattress behind. She could see his gaze flickering between her eyes and lips. His n***d torso touching hers and again igniting those hidden feelings. "Don't" She managed to whisper and he froze. Realising their position he immediately got up and pulled out a shirt from the wardrobe. Deciding to leave he was going to rush out of the room when her words stopped him. "Tell me the reason....why..did you stop?" Her eyes were pools of innocence as she asked him with a blush covering her cheeks. Instead of leaving, he slammed the door shut. His emotions were in a turmoil and all thanks goes to this girl. Stepping towards her he crawled over her, continuing from where he had left her. His hands lifting her bruised wrists as he attacked her neck with feathery kisses. Not expecting such a reaction, she was shocked enough to move let alone stop him. Her earlier words ringing in her mind as she cursed her stupid self. Her question was why he stopped sleeping with other girls, not why he had stopped just now. "I...meant....I..." She managed to whisper to only have him kiss her harder. Her legs turning jelly and her body flushing in colours of red. "You shouldn't say things you don't mean little mouse" His voice sending shivers down her spine as she moved her neck to a side giving him all the access he wanted. His lips moved down to only have him leave kisses near her bruised waist. His breath hitting her skin and her body reacting. "I am sorry" Being his last words as he placed a long lingering kiss on her naval and pulled himself away. Surprised she pulled herself up on her elbows and saw him leaving after showing her emotions she never felt. Covering her blushing face with the quilt, she screamed in frustration to only smile with happiness later. Her legs kicking like an excited child and heart racing. ................................................... Standing with what is right is like swimming in the opposite direction of a storm. To only have God to change its direction and crash you onto a nearby piece of land. ...................................................
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