Hold my hand

2679 Words
................................................. She was a mystery he was determined to solve, To only have him get his own self lost. .................................................... She entered the cold waters with her hands rubbing on her arms and heart thumping in her chest. She could see him standing in a corner of the pool, with the female population clinging onto him. One of the girl's hand placed on to his bicep as he tried removing it with utmost politeness. An elegant smile on his face as he spoke with confidence. Ignoring him she tried relaxing in these waters. Getting familiar with this feeling of being in the water, the only option with her. She was busy moving her hands in the waters when she saw waves coming to her side. Confused she looked around to see no one. Suddenly someone emerges from underwater and she nearly lost her footing. Holding onto the railing for her dear life she squealed in surprise. "Scared of water little mouse?" His question direct, looking straight through her fears. "N..o...just unfamiliar" He smiles looking around, as if not believing this girl. While she was busy worrying about his closeness. "You....can change your partner if you wish to your Majesty..it will be best for both of us" Her words making his smile to disappear and he grinded his teeth in irritation. Ignoring her proposal, he started with his work. "We start with bubbling, you will take a deep breath, go underwater and exhale through your nose or mouth" The seriousness in his tone made her nervous. He won't understand, it's no use explaining him her fears. "Stalker! Is it clear?" Her hands started sweating as she refused to leave the railing. The very thought of going underwater making her heart thump faster. "I....can't" She refused to meet his serious eyes. Running his hand through his hair he sighed while coming closer to her. "Leave the railing, here hold my hand" He offered her his hand to only have her hold the railing more tightly. Her head moving in a no and his patience falling short with each passing second. He saw goosebumps on her skin, her eyes closed and grip firm. "Stalker" Ignored "Stalker!" Refused He has had enough, this girl will ruin his grades and he can't let that happen. Placing his hand on her arm and pulling her a bit harshly, he made her look at him. Her hand shaking in his grip as he saw her fearful eyes. Breathing coming out heavy as her other hand still held the railing in a tight grip. "See, I can't have you ruin my entire semester. These grades mean too much to me. Now if you will please loosen up a bit and we can start" She understood his concerns. But that's why she asked him to change partners. Why doesn't he leave me alone! She thought. "As for your answer to the previous question, just look around. Do you see anyone else stupid enough to take you as a partner? All of them can swim well..they would never switch!" "But....I....I can be alone you just find someone else" "Not possible, our class has an even total" She was feeling bad Like really bad. It was not her fault though. The trauma she has faced as a child can ruin anyone and she was no exception. His grades are going to go down along with her. She was ready to apologise early. Him trying to teach her, it's sheer wastage of his precious time. Taking in a deep breath she started. Her hand pulling out of his strong grip. "See your Majesty, I sincerely apologize for ruining your grades....but I....I just can't okay? Please try and understand." Holding onto the railing of the ladder that climbed up the pool, she turned her back to him and rushed to get out of the cold waters. His stare fixed at her back. Burning holes in it through his burning orbs. She could feel it and that's the very reason she wanted to run away from him. His anger was dangerous and she feared getting burned by it. But who said he will let her ruin his grades so easily. He gets what he wants. And this girl here cannot stand in his way and ruin all his hard work. Her right foot was on the last step when she felt something hold her tiny waist. She looked down to see two strong arms wrapped around her waist and something pressing on her back. Before she could understand, a strong thrust pulled her backwards. The clear white sky visible to her as she found herself falling back. Her scream couldn't attract anyone's attention as she was already gulping down water. Her body getting pulled beneath the surface with his hands still holding onto her firmly. 3 seconds. The time her face went underwater to be pulled up by the force on her waist. The chlorine taste making her gag and thrash in his strong arms. "How....ho...w dare you.....you assh***!!! The sweet words leaving her lips as she found back her breath. His chest moved in laughter behind her as she scratched his arms on her waist. Her legs moving but to no avail. " I almost forgot this feisty side of you" "Just LET. ME .GO!" He again laughed and instead of leaving her, he pushed her thrashing body towards the corner. His strong chest directing her towards it. As soon as the wall came near, she sighed in relief seeing the railing. As soon as the railing got in her reach, she desperately grabbed onto it with his arms still enclosed on her waist. She struggled to move towards the corner while pulling the railing, while he kept pulling her towards him. Enjoying her struggled and not so sweet words. "Ahh leave me!! I swear I will cut these useless arms and feed them to the dogs if you don't leave me this instant!! Leave me you jerk face.....you rotten apple...you stinking skunk!!!" Her cheeks were turning red as she saw people staring at them. Some laughed while others envied her closeness to him. "Everyone is watching...please...leave" He smiled at this, enjoying how uncomfortable his touch made her and how much others stare bothered her. "Really?" With this, he gave them all a good show. Pushing her front to the wall of the pool and touching his entire front to her back. He trapped her between the wall and him. She forgot to breathe as she felt his closeness. His wet hair dripping on her shoulders and his body heat transferring to her. "What....what are you doing?" She managed to ask while holding the railing with a deadly force. He didn't reply. Instead, she felt his nose touch her n***d back. Moving up and down in a seductive manner, making her knees go weak in a matter of seconds. His breath hitting her neck. "I won't leave unless......." His breath hit her earlobe and her heart leapt out of her chest. "Un..less?" She managed to ask in her shaking voice. "Unless you agree to do everything that I say" His proposal made her hold on to the railing tighter. Her teeth grinding in frustration. "Never" She could feel his face muscle move and she knew the jerk was smirking. "Never?" He asked and she was going to shout profanities at him when she felt his hand move up. Her eyes widened in shock and all her words died in the pool of new feelings entering her body. "No..no.no....stop...no....please..please...." He was just teasing her, he had no intention to scare his already scared little mouse. But her scared body and that epic reaction. His threats were worth it. Moving circles on her stomach and teasing her a bit, he tried to get her approval. "So....will you do-" "I will!! Yes, I will!! Just leave...." The very next second he left her. Her hands immediately grabbing the railing tightly as she found herself going down. Coldness hitting her without his touch but at the same time, her heart getting to ease. Taking in deep breaths she calmed herself. While he enjoyed her reaction. The bell has already rung and students were leaving the pool. The coach looked in his direction and he pointed at his wrist and then showed his two fingers. Understanding, the coach nodded and left them to silence. Crossing his hands on his chest, he waited for her to come back to her senses. Enjoying her struggles. She saw everyone leaving, she also wanted to leave. But when she moved her toes to find the floor. She found nothing. Fear hit her full force. The realisation came upon her as she realised his intentions. Deliberately he has brought her to the deep side of the pool so that she can't escape him on her own. She can only try jumping out but had small height was a hurdle. "You scumbag!! You planned this!! Didn't you!!" She shouted while tilting her face to look at his unpleasant arrogant one. She tried jumping out, her knees bruising as she tried keeping them on the railing and jumping. After 5 minutes of long struggle, she cried in frustration. Her arms hurting after using so much force and her hands freezing. "Need some help little mouse?" He asked in a mocking tone, making her scream at him. "Don't you dare!!! Don't you dare touch me you p*****t!!" He laughed at this while holding his hands up in the air in fake surrender. "I swear the second I come out of this....this dying situation...you will be dead meat!! I will kill you with my own hands...twist your neck in the worst angle and smash that irritatingly handsome face of yours against my own f**k*** locker!! These fingers...I will cut them one by one to my heart's satisfaction and then I-" "I won't continue if I were you Stalker. After all, the person you are talking about is your only saviour" She again started her struggles, ignoring his earlier words. "Dammit!!" She muttered to herself after failing again. Her defeated eyes looked back at him. He moved forward knowing she has finally surrendered. "So now hold the railing firmly push back both your legs together and try kicking " She gulped before she could protest he stopped her. "You said you will do as I say" Lowering her head and breaking his stare, she tried. Both legs he said but it was impossible. They were not coming together. "Push yourself a bit away from the railing, lower your head" His voice was all stern and serious. All humour vanished in a few seconds as he came to business. She struggled and he patiently waited. Waited for her to do it on her own. She almost did what he asked. She was laying diagonal with her legs kicking the water and hands stretched out. Except for the part where she had to put her face underwater. She felt happy, she never knew she could do this much. But then his next words ruined it all. "Leave the railing" Her heartbeat increased and her hands were shaking. But his order remained. "Stay like this, don't lower your legs. Just push yourself back and leave the railing" Closing her eyes and decided to face her fear. Pressing her palms on the pool wall she pushed herself back letting both her hands go of the railing. But what she didn't expect was to have her face go underwater. The second her face dipped into the cold waters, her fears resurfaced. Her legs stopped moving and she found her legs going down. Hands moved to find the railing but it was nowhere in reach. She froze. Her eyes opened underwater and it was the last straw. Her memories came flooding in and along came her fears. 7-year-old Eva She hated baths Especially the ones her aunt gave her. She didn't care about the shampoo hurting her eyes, She didn't care about the hot water burning her skin. The only thing she cared about was getting it over with. "Please aunty...I don't want to..." The little girl pleaded while looking at her aunty's angry face. Holding onto her shoulders tightly her aunt screamed at her. "Shut it girl! Hurry get in the tub! I don't have all day!These maids also have to go on a leave today!" The girl nodded scared of her aunt's anger. Getting in the tub she cringed at the hot water. Her skin burning as she entered,but not a single cry of pain left her lips. Trying not to irritate her aunt any more. "Claire!!" She heard her father calling and her aunt instantly left her. Not before telling her to remove her clothes and sit quietly. The little girl heard shoutings outside. Her aunt/stepmother and father were again fighting. Closing her ears with her tiny hands, she tried blocking their angry noises. Her legs shaking. She heard breaking noises and that was it. Tears left her eyes. She obeyed her aunt. Sitting there in the same position waiting for her to return. She did return But what followed scarred the little girl's mind for life. "You!! It's all because of you!! A bastard child!! A f**k*** burden!!" She was scared,her tears were flowing as her brown eyes looked at her aunt with fear. Fear of getting hurt. She blocked herself trying to hide from her anger. But who was she kidding? Her Aunt's anger had only one vent And that was her. Her silky hair was roughly grabbed by her aunt's manicured hands. And next, she knew her face was dipped underwater. She thrashed. Her little 7-year-old body convulsed and struggled but her aunt's grip didn't lose one bit. The silence underwater was deafening. It was scary as she found her lungs giving out. She tried holding her breath, but slowly she found it going away with each bubble that left her mouth. Her heartfelt heavy Heavy under the pressure of so much hate. The grip on her hair stopped her from taking in that breath called life. But here in this castle, even breath didn't belong to her. Her struggles seized Her body lost To only have her say the last words in her mind "I miss you mom" ................................................... An arm around her waist and a chest near her face welcomed her. She was paralysed to move but she didn't want to anymore. His body gave her the warmness she much needed and his hands, the assurance. Her breathing was coming out heavy, she coughed out the chlorine water that entered her mouth and all this while he refused to leave her. His other hand gently placed on her neck as his blue eyes looked at her with concern. She didn't look back at him. To embarrassed for him to see her fears. Too mad at her self for getting in such a situation. Her lips were moving but words refused to come out. Her hands moving to grab onto his shoulders tightly. He could see it all now. Her reluctance to swim, her fear of water. They were all clear and staring back at him through those brown eyes. He could easily tell the reason now. She was traumatised. He has seen enough people in his life to understanding human emotions. He was a deep man and he could see through her depths now. No words could comfort her right now. His touch, the only thing capable to soothe her burning past. So he held her tightly in his arms, staring at those scared eyes hiding from his stare. His mind telling him to kiss those trembling lips and ease her mind of all stupid shits. So he did kiss. But not that quivering feature of hers, instead that calm one that had the power to soothe all of her other features A long gentle kiss was placed on her forehead and that was when. She closed her eyes to welcome this bliss. .................................................. Every fear has a ground But surprisingly every happiness doesn't. ...................................................
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