Fear vs Strength

2533 Words
Bright yellow sun in a black sky. Impossible? No possible,try asking an astronaut. A blue sea inside another sea? Possible,ask me when I am surrounded by water and I see those blue orbs staring at me. ...................................................     Your Majesty ?Daniel Knight ?          pov .................................................... I seriously don't know what's wrong with me. I have lost my top floor and this girl here has just bombarded it . I try maintening my distance. I f**k*** try so much but every damn time I land back to her. The theory of circles I read in books is standing on strong foot while I stood here holding her shaking form. Eyes closed Her face inches away from me,leaving all excuses to take in her features to my hearts content. Innocence is all I see in her cuteness. Her palms are flatly placed on my chest and I could see then shaking. "Breathe" My words making her tightly pressed lips to open up and take in air. Her chest moving up while she did it. Did I seriously just kiss her on her forehead? Oh man this is gonna be very very awkward. I could see her relaxing,her senses coming back as each breath of air filled her insides with calmness. "Don't..... leave......" Her scared voice doing something inside me. Forcing me to hold her in my embrace and never let her go. See I am telling you! There is something wrong with me. "Do you trust me?" My lips uttering bullsh** before I could even filter my words. Oh Daniel you sound like an insecure possessive boyfriend right now She merely nodded. Her eyes still closed, afraid to face reality. I hated this. I want to see that fierce lioness. That spark ,that stubbornness. Not this scared and trembling version. Holding onto her wrists I removed them from my chest. Her eyes opening up,scared to see me letting go of her in these dangerous waters. Her eyes ready to tear up as she got slightly distanced from me. Her panic returning. Did she really think I would let her go? She dosen't trust people easily,I can see it now. Before she could utter another word. I picked up her hands from her wrists and placed them behind my neck. My hands moving to interlock her fingers . Her body was pulled towards my chest and she gasped in surprise. Her eyes now staring at me in shock. "Hold on to me tightly, I will swim you to the corner" Her cheeks were changing their colour and I liked this reaction. Her eyes looking at everything except me and I smiled at this. My hand moved to rest on her waist and this time I literally saw her mouth open up in shock. "Your high..ness" She spoke in between heavy breaths. Fog leaving her breath. "Yes little mouse?" I asked now smiling like a stupid jerk. Oh come on Daniel you don't smile .....put on that stoic face. Come on!! "I am...fine now...Do.. you...think ...you can do that without..." Her cheeks turned more red if possible and I swear I heard her thumping heart near my chest. "Do what?" "You know....do it by not touching...me?" I know my touch affected her. Hell after that mistaken hot session in the shower room. Her touch was affecting me too but in a completely different way. It was addicting and I hated addictions. I hated loosing control and that was the exact thing I was doing right now. Cursing myself in my mind. I tried avoiding her eyes. They manage to entrap me in an inescapable prison. And I hate being held captive. Daniel this girl is no good. Be practical you can't have a future with this girl. She dosen't match your standards. Your family will not approve it,nor will your future positions. 'but your heart does' This fuc*"" up heart!! This stupid attraction!! All my humour vanished as I thought about my future. It's no use starting something when I can't end it. It's no use making her feel things when in the end I will not approve. Loosening my grip on her waist I let go of her. My hands turning into fists as I suppressed my inner feelings. She could feel my change of aura. Her eyes taking in my clenched jaw. As soon as I tried moving back,she screamed in horror. "No !! No!! Stop!! Stop!!" Her body nearly jumping on top of me as she hugged me for her dear life. Her face on my shoulder and legs crossed onto my torso. "Get me out!! Get me out of here!! I will die!! Oh god!!" Rolling my eyes in fake arrogance I tried showing his indifference. "If you hover over me like this I am sure we both will drown in few minutes" Who was I kidding Did I forget to tell you how stubborn she is. She refused to leave. Sighing I proceeded to take her towards the corner. As soon as we approached the corners her thrashing started. "Hey!! Calm down ! What the hell are you doing?" Her hands pushed onto my chest hard as she pushed herself away from me. Climbing out of the pool she sprinted out . Sighing I ran my hand through my wet hair while rubbing my neck in awkwardness. .................................................. The usual empty halls were for a change filled with echoing cheers. A large group of students stood laughing at someone who pleaded for reasons. Her hands holding onto the boys t shirt as she asked for reasons. Her eyes flooding with tears. "Why? Why did you do it!" Her broken voice coming out in a mere whisper as she layed her heart out. On the other hand the boy stood with an arrogant smile on his face. His hands trying to loosen her grip as he hated her desperate attempts. Her tears only irritating him because of some reason. "I did nothing okay! I told you this was just for fun! Plus why are you being so clingy? It's not like you are my girlfriend?" Her grip tightened as she looked at the boy in disbelief. Was he kidding her "Lies!! You lying bas***! It was you who said I mean so much to you!! It was you who said I was different! Why....why did you say it if you never meant..." The boy sighed as his friends enjoyed the show. "I don't believe you! Just how desperate can you be? I have a girlfriend ...why will I say these things to you?" "You....you are lying!! You said you are single....why?" "Oh come on I don't need to do anything of that sort when girls are already crazy for me. Just look up at me...Do I Henry Lawson really need to lie to a girl to get her attention?" The crowd cheered at the words of the son of the Kingdom's Attorney. His position explaining his arrogance and attitude. "But Henry...I....we ....how could you?" His smirk widened at the girls devastated state. Too used to with breaking hearts every day. He harshly grabbed his collar out of her grip and she nearly fell down on the ground with a wounded heart. Her hands quivering and eyes tearing up. While he stood at his full height with a smug face . Adjusting his collar back to its place. Lowering his face to her level,he whispered to make the strong girl feel so weak for the first time in her life. "I have those pictures Raven, don't you dare to complain against me if you value your leftover reputation" She stared at his shining shoes as her teardrops fell on them. Her world crumbling down as he stepped over it will his power and arrogance. ................................................... Eva's pov I returned to my room with beetroot coloured cheeks and sweating body. My head landing on the pillow with a long sigh. The only moment which I could relive in my mind was that of him kissing me. My hands pulling out a pillow and I hugging it for my dear life. Feeling the heat leaving my face I nearly jumped to look at myself in the mirror. My eyes doubling in size as I saw myself. Of this is how I looked..oh god it was clear. He would know how much he affected me. My mixed emotions were interrupted when I heard someone slamming the door shut behind . Turning around I saw something that made me forget all my earlier joys. There stood my only friend,her tears ruining her mascara and her lips quivering in tears. Within a second I had held her. Enclosing her in my warm embrace I allowed her to have a breakdown. Raven's usual strong and badass attitude seemed to have been lost somewhere as her vulnerable side surfaced. Her tears speaking it all. I can guess the reason. These is generally only one reason that does this. The very reason I fear it. The sh** of boys and love And if today my friend here is crying because of some stupid douchebag I swear I- "He will ruin me Eva...he will leak my pictures..if anyone see it!! What...what will I do...my dad will kill me Eva.." "Shhhhhh" Her anxiety was growing each second. Her normal serene eyes were chaotic. Her assuring hands were shaking. And her eyes..depths of pain and mountains of fear. This is not good. My anger was burning like molten lava,searching for a vent out. Holding her shaking hands in my tight grip I made her look at me. "He will do nothing! Trust me Raven!! He won't I promise!! Now tell me what happened?" Making her drink some water I encouraged her to continue. "He...I...we were together since last 6 months...but he asked me to keep it a secret...I was fine with it...I thought he loved me....but today...he....and his friends they.....they bullied me..they said I was a desperate bi**....he refused to acknowledge me...I....how can he do it Eva!! Dosen't he feel anything for me!! We shared so many moments!! Were they all fake? How can someone...how can he?" I nearly screamed at her loosing my cool. "Boys!! Oh god so it's about a boy!! It always has to be about a freaking jerk of a boy!!Are you stupid!! Why didn't you tell me!! Why are you so naive... don't you know about these spoiled assho*** ...they go around playing with hearts and you fuc*** let them!?" Her cries worsened and I tried controlling myself. Pacing the room I looked at her in disbelief. "I am sorry...he told me not to tell anyone...he didn't wanted his family to know about it ...I wanted to tell you...I seriously di-" "Hey it's fine! It's not about you not telling me... it's about you being stupid and falling for him!" Her whole body was shaking with pain while mine with pure anger. "Eva...he said ...if I tell anyone or complaint against him...he will leak my pictures...he said he was keeping memories of our moments...I never thought-" "Stupid!! Stupid!! So damn stupid of you Raven!!" "I am sorry...I don't know what to do...Eva I am doomed....you didn't see how everyone was looking at me...they ...." "Oh come on they are nothing more than jokers who laugh at lame jokes... don't give a sh** about them!" This is not good If I am correct then this will not stop here. They will bully her,embarrass her ,degrade her and she is already so affected. I can't let this happen. I just can't sit around and watch everything. They are going to get hell for messing with my friend. And they will wish they didn't. Crouching in front of her I asked in a firm voice. "Name?" Fear entered her eyes as she saw into my burning ones. "No....Eva...you can't...he is very powerful. He will destroy your career" I smirked at this and placed my hand on her shoulder. "No Eva seriously you are already-" "So what !! You expect me to sit here and watch you like this!" "With time....I...it will be fine...I..." "It will be Raven ..I know but what about that emptiness inside you...you either throw it out or crush it...but never...I repeat never keep it inside you!! It will destroy you from inside..it will swallow you...." I have kept it inside all my life and I know how it slowly kills you. I will not let her do the same thing. "Tell me now!!" My anger has taken over now. She could see it and I could too. But sadly there was no going back. "The...atto..rney's son..Eva please....but don't..." "His NAME!!" "Henry....Henry Lawson...section B" And that was all. I was gone the very next second with her at my trail. Her pleas falling on deaf ears as I saw red. My heavy footsteps echoing in the silent halls as she came running behind. People parted their ways. Just like a drawback before a tsunami. ................................................ He sat between his friends laughing . They boosted his ego while he enjoyed the fame. Making a laughing stock of someone's emotions was a game for them and he was the king in it. "Oh man you should have seen her face! She usually acts so tough but today our king here just killed it!! Please...why....why did you do it...." Laughs echoed the classroom. But soon all the humour vanished from their eyes. The boy stared at his friends who suddenly looked stuck by a lightning. Their eyes focused on something behind him. They gulp down their saliva as they saw the storm approaching them. All the while, Henry enjoyed his victory by boosting his own ego. "But I got to admit guys...She was a good fuc-" He couldn't complete. His shirt was grabbed from behind and he was pulled with a full force. Descending his high throne with a nasty fall. Groaning in pain while holding onto his waist,he looked up to see into the eye of the storm. "Eva... please....I beg you... please don't" Raven's eyes showed fear while hers were fearless. "Oh sh**! Are you crazy!! What are you-" She tugged on his pocket to make it tear apart. Grabbing his expensive phone,she didn't waste a second to smash it into the wall towards his friends. They crouched down luckily on time and some even managed to hide below the desk. The news spread like wildfire and students came rushing in. The windows and doors were flooding with children. The royal majesty sat in a corner with one leg placed on the other. His bag loosely hanging on one shoulder as he enjoyed the drink in his hand. He was going to enjoy the show with the balcony seat offcourse. Taking in the form of the approaching disaster in those innocent eyes,he was ready to see a catastrophy. With a smile on those perfect lips he whispered his thoughts in the deadly calmness. "This fire of justice in your eyes Stalker, It makes me wish to burn all the penal codes of my country in mundane." ................................................... The voice of justice is louder than thousand lies of fame. Just like silence can kill a heart without a mere prick of pain. ....................................................
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