His rejection

1963 Words
He is a playboy And the girls he plays like to play his games. Those girls are also some rich dad's daughters not nobodies like her She can never compete against them...but there was a difference here All girls compete for his body and position. But she wants to compete for his heart. She wanted to win his heart. Which is next to impossible. Reason First, he didn't even look at her let alone talk to her after that incident. Second, he called her a charity case...and you often do charity and forget it. Third, he is completely out of her league. If she tells him that she has a crush on him... He will politely reject her just like he rejects his other crushes every day. So what she did Well, she tried to stay in the shadows. Secretly watching him without him knowing. She liked doing it and that's enough for her She was happy loving him secretly without expecting anything...or him even knowing. ................. She was happy with it and life was going at a normal pace until that day. She was coming out of her class when two men dressed in black blocked her way "You are to come with us miss Williams....Your majesty has asked for you" She froze and her mouth went dry...She couldn't say no to his order so she nodded and followed them. They stopped Infront of an empty classroom and asked her to enter. His bodyguards closed the door and he turned to look at the nerd  "I think you know why I have called you here Miss Williams" She fidgeted with her specks and looked up at the next heir in line to the throne. "If having a crush on someone is a crime then you can call me a criminal your Majesty" He smirked and stood in front of her seat making her drop her gaze to his thousand-dollar shoes. "Having a crush isn't but stalking someone is" She kept silent accepting that she did commit such crime, not only once but multiple times. "Anyways what do you like about me, Miss Williams?" He asked placing his both hands on the armrests and moving his face closer to her. She held her breath as her insides screamed anxiety. She could feel her hands turning cold while her cheeks burning with fire. "Is it my face or is it my family name? I demand a true reply Miss please don't bother lying" She looked up unable to form words to express herself. She liked so many things about him, how can she explain them all to him. "Well, my dear stalker if you don't answer I am left with assumption." She still didn't reply. Till he stays this near to her breathing itself was a big task speaking was impossible for her. "Okay then my last question Have you stalked about my love life?" She looked up into those pools of blue and moved her head in a no "Well that should have been the first thing you should have searched about me...anyways let me enlighten you a bit ...I don't do relationships...I don't love Miss Williams ..I just fu**...is that what you want from me so that you stop following me?" His straightforward question made her turn a hundred shades redder...the word he used was enough to lower her gaze and burn her insides with a new swirl of emotions. "No" She managed to speak  "Then stay the fu** away from me Miss Williams because I will only break your heart" He turned around to leave when he heard her  "This is what I like about you the most Your Highness..your honesty" He stopped in his tracks No girl has ever said this to him This girl was a very stubborn one and he didn't like that. Turning around on his heel he angrily went towards her and saw her move back with fear. Her back touched the wall and his hand trapped her shaking body between him and the wall. "You like my honesty right? Well then I will be honest with you...let me drop the sugarcoating with you..." She looked up at him ready to listen to his harsh words....ready to accept his rudeness. But what he spoke broke her innocent heart into millions of pieces. "I hate girls like you who follow me like a fuc**** leech...girls like you who know they can't afford me but still beg for my love...so listen good Miss Williams because I hate to repeat myself.....you are not to stalk me again....I hate seeing your face following me everywhere I go so you better not show me this face again and last but not the least....I will never love an attention seeker, a desperate girl like you so better stay away from me!" The last line he screamed at her as he was tired of this psycho girl following him everywhere. He wanted to get rid of her so badly. For a second he saw tears in the girl's eyes and he stopped regretting his words in a fit of anger. She closed her eyes trying to hide her tears but he had already seen them. He expected her to run and she did ,but not before her beautiful eyes looked up at him and she spoke her last words. "Sorry for troubling you, Your Majesty....I will.. ..try not to show you my face again...." She left after saying and for a second I felt bad. She was just a harmless stalker...I should not have lost my temper with her. I should have rejected her sweetly as I do with every other girl. He thought as he saw her going out of the room cleaning her tears with the sleeve of her sweatshirt. ...................................................... She was broken Again after so many years It felt the same Unwanted, rejected..disowned....alone It all felt familiar The ache in her heart  The emptiness in her mind The numbness and shaking if her body. All same But she brought this on herself. She made him hate her by following him every day and irritating him. She should have expected this. For the next 3 hours, she stayed in the bathroom staring at her broken self and crying again and again. Trying to accept his words. Trying to tell her that this was the best. That she was watering a dead plant which had no future. She decided then and there Nothing is more important than her dignity She will not lose it to anything let alone her betraying heart. I will not even look at him from now on....I will crush this crush on you, your Majesty.....I will keep my pride. She thought. And that's what she did....well-tried to do. ............................................... 3 months later.... Eva's pov "Miss Evalinge can you pay a little bit of attention here!!" Called the teacher and I came out of my thoughts. "S..orry. Ma'am" "So class I am rearranging the sitting arrangements for the last semester...and I will not listen to your tantrums..my choice will be final!" I looked up and my eyes went on his back... No Eva no!! Don't look there.... don't look. I placed my face on the desk and lowered my body on it trying to put my head down. She started calling names and everyone started sitting as per her sitting plan. As soon as she came to my desk she ordered me to get up and I rose from the seat lazily. Great! This was my favourite seat. But what she spoke next made me take two steps back ready to run from here "Prince Daniel....you can have a seat here .." She said offering my seat to him. He nodded and placed himself on the wooden bench trying to adjust the seat as per his height. As soon as I turned around to leave I heard her voice "Where are you running off to miss Evelinge...come here ...you are to sit here" She said pointing at the seat in front of him while writing something on her notepad. "Ma..am..... can...I...si-" "No objections kid...I told you beforehand!" I gulped and nodded. Slowly I placed myself on the seat just Infront of him. At least I can't see him now I thought. Even though he can see my every movement. The class started and I felt my cheeks burn red with just knowing the fact that he sat just behind me. Control Eva.... don't be like that silly girl again. He probably doesn't even remember me. Even if he does he only hates me. I decided to ignore and complete my work but it got interrupted when a bunch of my classmates gathered around us...not us but him to be exact. "You will come with me after school ....right your Majesty?" I heard Stacey say in a flirting tone. I didn't hear his reply...just a  "Hmm" "Prince Daniel....are you even listening...I said-" "I heard you, Stacey...I said I will." I heard her scream with happiness as her minions boosted her. "Th..ank....you..your Majesty...I will see you after class.." "Hmm" He again replied as if he was not interested. But at least she got to go out with him...I on the other hand was not allowed to even stalk him. But again we can't forget that Stacey is the President's daughter. I sighed and again placed my head on the desk leaning on it. Not again Eva!! Leave him!!! "Dan she is hot man! How come you didn't bang her till now..." "I am busy man...I don't have time for this..." "What's keeping you so busy these days..you don't even hang out with us anymore." "Oh, nothing much....just Dad is giving me some tasks to do...I have to get them done before the deadline..." "Oh okay, I'll catch you later man...." I was not interested in his talks...in his life...just don't listen Eva. I felt really tired because I was practising late last night...I yawned and next, I know sleep engulfed me. I woke up to a loud ringing sound. I looked around to see that the classroom was empty. I loudly yawned and stretched my arms as I leaned back on my seat. Placing my hands behind my head I said to myself "Your Majesty.......Prince..Daniel!! Will you like this....I like you....will you date me!!" I tried mimicking those girls who tried to flirt with him in the last class. "Fu***** people treating him like he is some God...as if...that arrogant bastard!!" I said hating him after he said those harsh words to me that day. I may have thought that the class is empty but I didn't look behind me. That's when a voice spoke from behind me "That's the first time I have heard someone call me that" I froze  Not daring to look back to see if this is real Of god, I created a blunder didn't I? Gathering enough courage I looked back to see him sitting there engrossed in his work. The table was full of papers and his fingers were rotating the pen-like he usually does. Sensing my gaze on him he looked up at me from his papers. No mischief was visible He was serious and irritation was clear. "Eh.....you...are.....here....sorry.....I...." Not able to complete my sentence because of the freezing of my brain...I grabbed my bag and ran at full splint away from him. Shit man!! He heard everything!! Why did I curse him!! That was the first time I cursed him and he heard it. I stopped when I entered my room and banged my door shut. Throwing myself on the bed and hiding my face in the pillow I screamed in frustration. "I hate you Daniel Knight!! I hate you!" When I knew that no matter what I will always love him.
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