Her past

2001 Words
"you were never meant to be born little girl...your mom was a trash...her relationship with my husband was trash and you little evalinge are also their unnamed unaccepted disowned trash!!" "No aunty!! Don't.... don't say such things.....my...my mom loved dad....he loved her too....mom....mom said that I was a gift of ...their love...." The little girl said sobbing on the carpet of the royal hall. "Gift? You were a mistake little girl! A Mistake!! And to correct this mistake we brought Charlie into this world! He is the true first born to this Kingdom of Avanguard. And only he will be the king !!" "I.. understand aunty...he is my younger brother...I truly love him and I would never come in his way" "Don't you dare call him your brother!! My Charlie has my royal blood in his veins not some w***e mistress like yours!! His blood is pure while your...your is tainted" The little girl continued to sob...she being of mere 10 years accepted her step mother's words. She believed everything she said to be true. She believed indeed that she was unpure and tainted. A disgrace to her family A disgrace to her father's royal name. "I am ...sorry....aunty...I..." "I don't need apologies..I have beared with you for 8 years already....just try to not show me your face...that will be the most you could do" "Yes, aunty...." The little girl said and turned around to run out of her aunt's hurtful words. Cleaning her stained face with her small shaking hands she ran out of the halls where she grew up playing. Her body crashed into someone and when she looked up the little remaining tears she held inside also flowed out like a waterfall. "Daddy!!" She sobbed while the king picked her up and placed her head on his shoulders. His hand on her back was the only support she needed. Till he was with her she could take anything from anyone. "Shh, my princess daddy is here...what happened tell me...." The little girl couldn't tell him..once earlier she did and her aunt locked her in her room for 2 days while her dad was out for business. The girl moved her head in a no while the king engulfed her red tear-stained cheeks in his big palms. His fingers wiped the tears away as new ones kept replacing the old ones. "Okay come let's see the horses" He said offering her his finger around which she eagerly engulfed her whole hand. She loved horses. And a horse ride with her father was her favourite of all times. The cold December wind dried away all her tears and soon the trembling lips were smiling. Once the ride was over he pulled her up into his arms and she fell asleep within minutes. Placing her on her unicorn bed and covering her with the quilt he was going to go out of the room when he saw his wife standing at the door. "What Claire?" He asked tired of this family drama of every day. "You know very well why I am here..." "Just a few days more...she is still a child..how will she take care of herself!" He said trying to control his anger "Very good your majesty...keep making excuses...but when the world knows of her and asks who she is you better have an explanation." "That is my problem ..you ought not to interfere" "Your problem...no...no this is our problem...this girl here is the biggest problem....had she died with her mother all this woul-" A slap was heard and Claire stood holding her assaulted cheek. "You better not cross your limits here... don't forget who you are talking about!" "You never care about me or my son....this girl...this girl is all you care about...think wisely my king...you either choose her or us.. the choice is yours...." With this, she was gone banging the door behind. The king had tears in his eyes. He had already made his choice but he didn't have the guts to tell his little angel After all, how could a father tell his daughter that she couldn't have his surname? That she couldn't stay with him. That she couldn't call him daddy in front of this world. He kissed her forehead and said the words that broke her all within. "I am sorry princess" She heard it all. She heard his decision and even though she acted well of being asleep all this time a traitorous tear escaped her eyes. The next day she was taken to a boarding school in another kingdom and since then she never heard of her father again. A caretaker was sent with her..she took care of her and gave her all the allowances but on asking she never told her of her father. On achieving the age of 18 she was free of a guardian rule legally. She escaped her caretaker that day and decided to break the connection which had no spark. Since that day she was no longer a kings disowned daughter. She was just Eva A common girl with no parents and no family. .......................... She woke up with sweat on her forehead and fear in her eyes. Her past had given her deep wounds and still, they burned with the same intensity. Her eyes fell on the white ceiling of the hospital and she looked around frantically. As she moved her head a throbbing pain welcomed her forehead and her vision again got hazy. "Easy ma'am you should not move your head much..." A nurse said to her while filling a syringe with some liquid. "What..what happened...to me?" "You hit your head and had a concussion...also the wound on your head was very deep so we had to stitch it up." "You...you mean I needed stitches..." Oh god Stitches Thank god I was unconscious. "Yes ma'am but it's fine now..no need to worry just lay back and rest...." "But what about the bill...this...this hospital looks expensive..." "That's taken care of miss...just relax...prince Kni- ...I mean your majesty already cleared all dues." You majesty.... Shi*...Shi* Why do I have to be so damn clumsy? The first time he sees me and I blackout. Just great Epic first meet. "Did...did he came...here?" "He is the one who bought you here...he is such a gentleman...you are so damn lucky to get carried in his arms..." This nurse is a big fan of him..I am telling you. "Oh sorry...I just adore him a lot..by the way, what are you to him, miss..I mean if you want to answer only then answer...I am just curiosity..." "I am .....nobody....he just...he just helped me out of courtesy." "Sad...you two would look great together...the way he was worried...anyone could doubt your relationship.." "No... it's nothing like that....he doesn't even know my name" She smiled and moved to the next patient. In 2 days I was fit to leave this boring environment. My head was still covered in bandages but other than that I was perfect. Raven helped me in the hospital every day. She was my constant support. "You know our final semester is starting in two days and it is all physical..." "I know Raven but they will excuse me for some time I guess" "Yaa we will show them your reports if this big bandaged head of yours is not enough" I stared and she smiled. I placed the bundles of my last 2 year savings in my bag and zipped it. "I catch you at 5" "Hey wait Eva...where are you going with this much money?" "To pay my dues to your majesty.." "He will not take it and anyway you won't be able to speak a word to him when he comes in front of you" "Raven encourage me don't make me nervous...today I will talk to him...just wait and see" "Best of luck psycho stalker!!" I rolled my eyes on her and made my way to his class. His class will get over in 5 minutes.. I will simply stop him when he is going to leave. The class ended and one by one everyone left the class. I waited but still, he was nowhere to be seen. My heart was already hurting from anticipation. I couldn't wait any longer. I peeped inside the empty classroom. There he was sitting on the last seat with one leg placed on the other Right elbow resting on the desk and left one playing with a pencil. I stepped further to see a girl standing in front of him. She looked nervous just like me and her words were coming out crooked "I...like.....you....maybe....we... could....." He looked least interested in her words. His blue eyes were fixed on rotating the pencil at its axis. Her confidence kept on breaking as he refused to acknowledge her. "Sorry...I wasted your time..I just wanted to tell you...that I like you" He got up from his seat and this was the first time he looked at her "I appreciate your confession and understand your feelings but sorry I can't return them" With this, she bowed down acknowledging his sweet rejection and made her way out of the class with tears flowing down her cheeks. He walked passed me and was ready to leave not even once looked at me. His cologne welcomed me He walked by this close to me. How is it possible that he didn't see me? The truth is he was just ignoring me. I followed him. I was here for a purpose and I just hated being indebted to anyone. This is my habit..even if it is just 1 cent I won't forget to return it. My words don't come that easily when he is around so I decided to use my body. Blocking the main entrance with my body and extended hands he stopped in his tracks. "I know you hit your head pretty hard little mouse but there is no need to lose your sanity" On getting no reply he sighed in frustration "Okay, what now?" Still no reply...her presence was enough to irritate him. He moved ahead to scare her but she refused to let her guard down. Her hands refused to leave the panes and make way for him. His friends were waiting for him and this girl was being stubborn here. She adjusted the glasses on her nose and pulled down the bag from her shoulder. Pulling out two bundles of bucks she offered them to him. First, he looked surprised...then amazed and finally he smirked with an evil glint in his eyes. He moved forward to evade her personal space. The bundles got squeezed between them as he made his way towards her neck. His cool breath on her neck made her freeze. She stopped her breathing. The breathing moved upward to reach her ears. "You could have just asked...need not offer money to Fu** little girl...you can't afford me anyway.." As his words registered her mind she stepped back from him. Her wide innocent eyes looked into his mischievous blue ones. "This... is for the hospital bill....I was indebted to you..." His eyes held realisation and he grabbed the bundle from her shaking hands. "$104878 is the total amount little mouse...and this is no where around$ 10000." It was already a bad idea she thought. She was stupid to give a few dollars to a person like him. But debt is debt Isn't it? "You...I mean your majesty keep this....I will pay back the outstanding amount later.." He held her shaking hands and placed the bundles back in her palm. "I prefer lump some little girl..but I have a strong feeling that you will forever be indebted to me." His smirk was so arrogant and I hated his words. But still, this crazy heart wants what it wants. And it wants him. "I...will...pay you soon....your majesty..." "Don't bother much little mouse...I often do charity" With this, he was gone leaving me staring at his beautiful retreating back. This man will be the end of me.
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