His bad and good side

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"Everyone has a bad side, some master to veil it while others unleash it without a fear.....he belonged to the latter side but the only difference being....his beast knew to unleash it only when the doors have closed" ................................. The Royal palace 12:04 a.m "Sir!! The captive is refusing to cooperate...he says he is innocent..." "3 rd degree....." He said without looking up from his papers "But....your Majesty....he may be innocent...there is no proof...he-" "Did I asked you, Mr Smith?" The guard bowed down his head in fear "Did I asked you, Mr Smith!!" He growled again making Smith shake with fear. "..No....No....s..ir....." "Good...then let me do my work and you do yours.." The guard nodded  "Y..es....your Majesty...." As the guard left, the young Prince leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes. He didn't need a f*****g proof...when he has seen the captive murder in front of his eyes. Innocence...if only it was as easy as it looks. If only looks were not deceptive. The Prince pulled up his coat and made his way to the t*****e chamber. As soon as he opened the huge rustic door screams of agony and pain welcomed him. The guards bowed down as he made his way to a specific cell. The smell of blood was stronger here and he could see why. The body was tied to a chair  The floor was turning red with blood as it seeped down from his arms and legs. As soon as the captive's swollen eyes looked at him ..the only words escaping his bruised lips being.. "Pl...ease......mercy.....mer..cy....your...maje..sty....." "I.... didn't....do...any..thi..ng..." The prince ignored his pleas and moved to stand behind the chair. The captive's body shivered with anticipation and fear. The captive felt his breath on his ear and he shivered from it. "You know.....she would have loved to hear your pleas and see you beg for mercy.." The captive froze and his eyes held realisation. The prince knew.....he knew what he did two days back on the streets of his city. "I see you remember now...good...now let's get it even.." "No...no!!! Please!!! I beg....I ..." "Shhhh...it will be over soon... don't worry..." Isn't this what you said to her when you placed your s**t inside her!! The captive screamed as the prince placed a hand full of salt on the knife wound on his thighs. "Ahhhhhhhh...pl...ease........kill...me......please.....kill...me!!!" "Tsk Tsk don't worry......the pain will end soon..." "This is my kingdom and here justice is delivered by my hands, not by law...." With this, the Prince nodded looking at one of his men and made his way out of the cell but not before giving the final order. "I want him alive begging for death each second of his life...." "Yes. .your highness!" ............................................... Eva pov "You are so lucky, girl!! He is sitting just behind you!!! I mean did you looked at other girls faces!! They were so damn jealous of you!" A girl from my class said to me as I was having my lunch. I was getting this a lot  I mean for them it's an honour but for me, it is my doom. My gaze unintentionally landed on the corner where he usually sat. There he was surrounded by his peers who were laughing at something he said. Stacey sat next to him, holding onto his arm like they were a couple. Her body was clinging onto him but he looked least interested in her advances. "Do you also have a crush on him? I mean I just heard someone say..." The girl asked me and I got blank for a second. "Phew....crush.....no.....I mean.....no I don't like him...." "Oh come on Eva the look in your eyes and the way your eyes stare at him tell me that you are desperate for his love" "No...no...there is nothing like that....I mean he will not even look twice at a girl like me..." I said looking at him once again and to my surprise this time his gaze stopped at me. The smile he had a few seconds back was replaced by a scowl as he stared coldly at me. I was the first one to break our eyes contact as I knew how much he hated me stalking or staring at him. Sh** I cursed in my mind and picked up my bag ready to leave. "Hey what happened!! You haven't even finished your lunch-" "I remembered something...will catch you later" With this, I ran out of the canteen with my head held low but still, I could feel a burning gaze on my back. ............................................. "Class open page number 455 of the second module.....today we will start-" I proceeded to open up my book to the said page. My feet were placed on the footrest of my seat and I was lost in my thoughts when suddenly I felt someone hitting on to my feet, making me lose my balance and grab on to the table for support. I looked down under my seat to see his feet using my seat footrest as his own. I looked up to see his face and found him staring at the teacher ignoring my burning gaze. I found my cheeks turning red with such a simple act of his and I placed my palms on my cheeks stopping myself. I decided not to voice my concerns and ignore them instead. The class ended and next, we had a free period. I was deciding to have a good sleep again when Stacey interrupted my plans "Hey, stalker!! Shoo away! I want to sit here and talk to him" She said motioning me to get up from my seat. It was not hidden now that everyone knew I used to stalk him....they even started making fun of me because of it but still, they never crossed the line because everyone also knew that I topped my subjects most of the time. I was a bit reluctant at first but then I decided not to create a scene here. I was picking up my things from my table when I felt his gaze on me but I refused to look up. As soon as I got up she nearly pushed me aside to sit on my seat and turn around to stare at his face. I rolled my eyes at her childish behaviour and decided to look for any other empty seats Every other seat was occupied except Stacey's and I hated sitting on it. The reason...well you see the guy that sat behind her was a p*****t and also the same one I screamed at back then. The guy who tried to touch me once and who I embarrassed in front of everyone. As soon as I sat on her seat he winked at me with an arrogant smirk plastered on his face. "Oh wow!! It's a pleasure sitting next to you miss Eva!! For what should I do for your honour?" He asked sarcastically as his friends joined his nuisance. "Just shut the hell up" I said slowly hoping he didn't listen but he did. The smirk was replaced by a scowl and he had burning anger in his eyes. "Don't you think you are too bitchy for a face like this...I mean I have seen more beautiful girls than you who are humble.....you are not that sort of a beauty that can turn heads Eva ....so try keeping your attitude in place!" I decided to ignore him and instead proceed to focus on the book in my hand. "I asked you something b***h!! You better not ignore me!!" He said grabbing my elbow and pulling me towards him. My anger was rising and this was not at all a good sign. I hope I don't regret this. "Leave my arm!" I said slowly staring into his angry eyes as everyone around was hooting for some action. "And what if I don't babe!" He said coming closer to my face and whispering the words in my ear. A shiver of disgust ran down my spine with his closeness  Control Eva!! Don't show!! Just relax!! "It seems like you have forgotten our last encounter?" "Oh, that! How can I forget it!! I still haven't taken my revenge from you, babe!! And I think today is the perfect day for payback??" His grip on my elbow tightened and I could feel his fingers leaving a bruise. Till now some by benchers were surrounding us looking for entertainment while a majority of the class was busy in their groups including Stacey and your highness Daniel. Before I could do anything he pulled me towards him from my elbow and made me land on his lap. I tried getting up from it but he held me down by forcing my hands behind my back. My back was pressed on his chest and his face moved towards the crook of my neck. "Don't worry babe you will enjoy it for sure" He said and I could feel his breath on my neck This bas**** was going to kiss Before I could think my anger got the better of me. I moved my head backwards with so much force that it directly banged on his nose and I could hear a breaking sound. His grip on my hands loosened and I got up from his lap fuming with blind fury. Before anyone could step in my hands moved to choke him and while choking him I pushed him back making his seat fall back. Now the entire class had our attention. He was lying on the ground with a bleeding nose with my hand still choking him. Everyone was pulling me back from him but my anger made me see red. "You bit** !! Just leave me!!" He sneered in anger My grip tightened and his face was turning red now as his nails were clawing my hand. I was deaf to screams of chaos and blind to the repercussions. But then suddenly everything stopped. A cold hand was placed on my wrist and my eyes landed on his beautiful blue ones. There was a calmness in his eyes and coldness in his touch that made me come out of my fit of anger. His beautiful face blocked the face of my target and I found my hands beginning to retreat. "Calm down" Were the words he spoke and my body blindly obliged to his command. His eyes held me captive making me follow his every word. "Take him to the infirmary" He said breaking our eye contact for a second and ordering some boys standing behind me. Everyone was staring at the boy I just assaulted. His neck had red bruises much worst than the ones on my elbow. His friends were carrying his weight on their shoulders and he looked half unconscious. Some students feared my gaze while others blankly stared at me with mouths open. But the look in his eyes was different from them all. He looked calm as always with a hint of respect in his eyes but the words he spoke next were not expected. "Don't be stupid to pull out a stunt like this next time...he may be weak but his family is not" His words made me freeze with new-found horror. Sh*** his father was one of the trustees of this college. He can suspend me without a single word of defence from my side. My scared eyes looked into his and he moved his head in a disappointment. He turned his back on me and made his way out of the class. Everyone's stare made me an anxious mess all of a sudden. I needed to leave all of this drama....I need to relax my nerves. So picking up my back I made my way out of the class with everyone clearing my way to the door. Once out in the open looking up at the clear sky I relaxed. But one thing confused me the most. "Why others touch disgusts me, but his touch enthralled me?" ................................................
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