Is this a goodbye?

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You see it happening in front of your eyes, You see them going out of your life. But such is the destiny of your love, that neither your pleading words can stop them from going , nor your crying heart. ................................................... Her stormy eyes looked away from her target. Moving back from them. Everyone thought the show was over, some even shouted in disappointment. Raven's racing heart calmed down while your majesty moved up to discard the carton into the bin. "Oh thank God, Eva! Yo-" Raven said but stopped in between on seeing what this crazy girl was doing. Eva stood near the threshold, instead of going out of it she banged it shut closing her targets escape and to avoid any interruption from outside. Daniel chuckled at this while Raven cried in horror. "Please Eva let it go!! You will get expelled!! Why don't you understand! They are not worth it" Eva's eyes land on the scared eyes of her target who stared between the closed door and her murderous eyes. "Stay dad will kill you if you touch me...he...he is the attorney of our will rot in jail all your life" His empty threats fell on deaf ears as she harshly grabbed him from his collar and slammed his face on her knee. "Don't worry, if I have to rot in jail all my life I will make sure the damage is worth it." The remaining students in the class were pressed to the walls, afraid of her anger. She was a psycho and everyone had firm belief of this on seeing her at her worst behaviour. She went crazy breaking few of his bones. Enough to keep him in hospital for the next few days. Throwing him near Raven's feet, she spoke while pressing his already broken ribs with her foot. "Apologize" Her simple request. Raven moved back uncomfortably while the boy struggled to breathe. On getting no response, she increased the pressure making screams to leave his lips. "I am me....I apologize...I apologize Raven... please ask her to stop" Raven's teary eyes met Eva's and she begged with her eyes. Everyone stood stone cold in their places, waiting for the storm to pass. Teachers were banging the door to get inside but no one dared to open the lock. Their eyes were fixed on her as if asking for permission. While hers were fixed on the now unconscious boy on the floor. Her anger finally shutting down and reality coming in. Her career just got ruined. She ended it with her own hands. Suspension was sure even jail was highly probable. Hiding her fears she looked around to find an escape. Her eyes stopping at a window. Was she really going to run? Runaway from all her dreams and aspirations. But she had alternatives, her dreams can be satisfied that way. But if these powerful people plan to make her rot in jail, then everything will be ruined. She will be finished. So many eyes have seen her crimes, not everyone can be stopped. She has to run. Not because she was a coward but because she preferred being practical. Daniel's eyes were fixed on her. All humour getting lost somewhere when he realised her intentions. She was going to leave. Forever. The reality sunk in and before she could step away from the scene, he held her wrist. Her eyes widened on realising that he was present here all the time. "Don't, I am here, nothing will happen" His words were calm, confident and bossy. But she couldn't accept his offer. What if he couldn't. "They will call you a lier" She said with eyes fixed on his. Sadness engulfing her all of a sudden. "I don't care" Came his instant reply, his eyes showing all his promises. The banging on the door increased and soon they will be inside. She tried pulling her wrist away from his hold but he tightly held it. Her eyes shifting between the door and his determined eyes. "You are the future King, your majesty. I am no one to ruin your name and reputation" His grip tightened and his jaw hardened. Why was this girl not understanding? He can't let her go. Especially after she made him feel what no one else could. "Meet me near your favourite bench behind the school building. 11 o clock tonight" He whispered to make sure no one else heard. Her eyes were pleading him, Raven was already crying while the teachers were seconds away from breaking the hinges. "No...I . " "Promise me you will come or I won't let go" Her pleading eyes finally agreed and she nodded. He wanted to kiss her so badly, not knowing when he will be able to feel her tempting lips again. But knowing the situation and environment he stopped himself. His empty palms now turning into fists as he saw her leave. The storm has finally ended but has managed to steal him of a very valuable thing. Her ....................................................   Daniel Kingston pov This girl is really stupid. Who in their right mind would have done that and that also for another person? Even a little bit of warning would have been enough but what was the need to break 4 bones and 1 joint. More than her, I am frustrated at myself Why didn't I stop her when I could. Maybe because I knew what she was doing was right. "The cops of this country are useless! It's been 4 hrs and they still haven't found her! I just can't believe all this can happen in front of all these children in a damn school! Someone can just come and attack my son and all other useless people just gawk at it!! pathetic school!! b****y useless! " "Sir please calm down!! Your majesty will be here shortly! Please calm down!!" The attorney looked at the Principal in surprise. "Daniel? He also studies here?" Before the Principal could reply I moved inside making my presence known. "Yes, I do study here Mr Lawson. At this so-called pathetic school" The attorney's eyes widened as he stood up from his seat, followed by the principal. I mere nodded while placing myself on the rotating chair Motioning for them to sit, I grabbed a Rubik cube from the Principal table and started twisting it. My eyes were focused on the cube but I still saw both of them exchanging a look through my side view. "My apologies your majesty, I wasn't aware you were a student here. Never expected you to be" Was this man daring to mock my choice of career over some useless language classes? "Expectations can be dangerous Mr Lawson, Especially when one has a son like yours" He heard me and I enjoyed his reaction. That grinding of teeth and puffing of anger. His mouth was opening and closing, he wanted to shout profanities at me but knowing my position and power, he restrained himself. "Your majesty the boy is really serious. He is still unconscious and the police have not yet noted down his statement. The other students in the class have already informed us about the person. She is to be charged with section 7,8,9 of the pena-" The principal stopped reading the sections which Lawson has just informed him off. His eyes fixed on my lifted hand which stopped him from continuing. "Sec 7 physical a***e yes, section 8 emotional and physical torment yes, section 9 attempt to harm the victim a definite yes" Lawson nodded thinking justice will be served. News flash Lawson for this is not justice but utter bullsh**. "Before you conclude, just let me complete Mr Lawson. Section 321 of cybercrime: threatening other of leaking her nude pictures, section 221 of penal code: bullying and blackmailing." I stood up from my seat and placed the now solved Rubik cube back on its place. Moving behind Lawson I smirked seeing his scared face. Lowering my face I whispered in his ear. "Section 455: attempt to r**e" As soon as he registers my words, I saw sweat run down from his forehead and he abruptly got up. "This is a lie! My son would never do such a thing! " I sighed while going back to my seat and propping down. "Calm your nerves, Mr Lawson. Anger can be dangerous in your profession. So yes I was saying that your son, oh no not like that. Let me rephrase it. 'the attorneys' son is not indulged in any of the acts I said earlier. Am I right?" "Yes your majesty, he sure has his share of women keeping him company every time, but what you said no,he can't be" He was confident, head held high to show how proud he was. Proud of his position or his sons' actions, I couldn't distinguish. I merely nod. While looking up at the Principal. "Raven,3 best friends of Henry and anyone from those who have given their statement against the girl. I want them here. Now" The principal hurried out of the room leaving both of us to silence. Just like I wanted "I have testimonials, Mr Lawson. I think they know your son better than you do" His immediately approached me, his tone completely changing. "Your majesty your dad and I are really close. I will be grateful if you don't press on this matter much, my son's reputation is at stake here." "I am aware of my father's acquaintance to you Mr Lawson. But sadly it has no play in this. What your son did cannot be ignored, especially when he carries your prestigious name in last." "No your majesty! Please! He has a career to build! You just can't press on these charges! " "5 years, am I right?" Fear was all I saw in his eyes and this made me satisfied. He will come around, I can see it. "Please your Majesty! If not for my son but for me! Please!" "You know my rules, Mr Lawson. Justice comes above everything except one thing" He gulped as I stood up from my seat. "Equality" "If I pardon your son's doings, it will be fair only if you drop your charges against the girl. Which I think you won't agree to, so I will like to take my leave" "No! Please wait your majesty! I agree!! Just leave my son out of this! Pardon him just this once! I swear he will never do anything of this sort again" He won't, Eva has already made sure of that. I remained silent. "Please! He has his entire future in front of him! I swear I will drop the charges tomorrow when the court opens! Just please!" Picking up my school bag from behind the seat, I proceeded to leave. His eyes desperately looking at me for my answer. Just when I reached the threshold, I finally looked back at him. Giving my decision. "Deal" His features calmed down and ignoring his thanks I proceeded towards my next class. ..................................................... Eva pov This is crazy! I am crazy for listening to him. Pacing around the empty ground I impatiently waited for him. It's been ten minutes passed the time already. And he still has not arrived. The entire country police is looking for me like I have committed a murder and here I was standing near my favourite bench waiting for him. I should have left this country, it is not safe staying here even for a second. But my eyes eagerly wait to see his face before I leave. He is the future king, what the hell am I doing!! I should leave! Deciding to leave I took the first step ahead to see him coming my way. His hands were placed inside his short pockets as he casually made his way towards me. His blue eyes shining under the moonlight as he kept his gaze on me. Going passed me he sat at my favourite spot placing one leg over the other. "Why have you called me here?" He didn't reply, instead, he was keenly staring at the full moon above. Why was this man so difficult to interpret. His calmness scares me sometimes. "Isn't it a full moon stalker?" Is this man serious! Here I am most wanted by his country's police and he is asking me about the moon. "If this is what you have called me here for them I am leaving" I proceeded to leave. My anger again getting on the surface. "You are not a fast learner stalker, such a shame" His words were infuriating, I wanted to smash a punch on his smirking face. I felt him approaching me, my back still towards him "Your earlier temper tantrum nearly made you lose your career, but look here we are growing impatient and angry again." I could feel his breath on my neck and my body froze. "Life teaches us one lesson only once, the next time it does, there are only repercussions" "Listen, your majesty, I don't regret what I did. Not now nor I ever will. If you are here to lecture me and tell me what I should and what I should not then I am sorry because you can't change my mind. I have already decided." This time I turned around, giving him my full attention. Finding him much closer than I thought. "I am leaving, forever" I swear I saw something flash in his eyes. But he covered it the very next second. He stared. Silently His jaw clenching but eyes not showing any emotion. I thought he would not speak but then he proved me wrong. "You can't" His reply simple but at the same time firm and sure. How was he so sure and who was he to stop me. "See your majesty unlike you I don't have anyone to fight my case in court let alone bail me out of jail. I am a scholarship student, not a rich celebrities daughter. My entire life let alone career will be destroyed. I am nobody and nobodies like me don't even get a chance to speak before they get sentenced. You should not engage with likes of me your majesty" My crush on him is just an infatuation. I am sure I will get over it in time. I meant each and every word I was saying. "I want to thank you for all those times you helped me I guess this is a goodbye" I was getting really uncomfortably. I don't know why I was saying all this. He kept staring at me and I tried avoiding his scrutinising gaze. On getting no reply I turned around my back towards him. This is it. I took one step back to be pulled two-step towards him. He pulled me back from my waist by placing his arm around it. I felt him place his chin on my shoulder like he was inhaling my fragrance. Butterflies erupted inside my stomach making my eyes go wide. "You like my honesty right stalker? Let me be honest with you." I gulped as he whispered near my ear, making shivers run down my spine. "I never thought someone like you could make me feel so much. Jealousy, possessiveness, anger, hate, obsession. You name it and I have felt it. How can you do it, what have you done stalker?" Each word he spoke made my stomach churn in a different kind of uncomfort. Is this a dream? How can he? My mouth was wide open in shock when I felt his fingertips cupping my chin. His warm touch making me frozen as ice. "I....what are you saying...I didn't...." He smiled. Genuinely smiled for the first time. "Such oblivion, such innocence. What am I gonna do with you?" I wanted to turn around, to see those blue eyes. To see if his words were genuine or not. But my movement was hindered by his firm grip on my waist. Pressing my back on his chest he continued. "You can't leave after getting me addicted to you Eva. I won't let you. Stalking me was your decision, stopping you from not doing it is mine" My heart was thumping out of my chest. What is he saying, didn't he hated me stalking him? What the hell is going on. "I.... can't...I have to go.. please leave me, your majesty. I have already decided" I was rejecting him. He was my dream and now when it is getting fulfilled, I am letting him go. I know you must think that I am stupid. But I have a dream bigger than him, my dream to join the military forces of my country. If I stop today my dream will be ruined. A punitive is not allowed in the military. I will be disqualified. "Fu** your decision stalker. This is my country you stand on, those are my people chasing you and these are my arms imprisoning you. I Fu*** won't let you go" Has he lost it! Why is he doing this! Why can't he just let me go? These feelings are just temporary...I am sure he feels the same with every girl he dates in the beginning. Plus there is no 'we' He and I can never be together, not that he will want me after a few days of having fun. I may be a dreamer but I also he reality. And this between us is far from reality. It can be infatuation, possessiveness but not love. "Leave me" Came my firm order. My mind ready to take control and shut this stupid hearts childish crush. "I am sorry" Came his reply as he moved his lips near my neck and placed a soft kiss over there. His head dipped in my wild hair as he did so. My breathing stopped but what happened next made my vision go hazy for a second. Was it because of the teardrops of his betrayal or shock in my body I don't know? His left hand that stood by his side, moved up to be placed tangent to us. His fingers curled halfway in a way we motion someone to come. And when my confused eyes moved up, I stepped back in shock to only find support back in his arms. There were men, a lot of men coming towards us. They had batches on their uniform and guns in their hands. Within seconds we were or rather I was caged in a circle of gunned men. "Raise your hands, Miss Williams. You are under arrest" His betrayal stabbed right into my heart. Breaking it into million pieces. His hands still held me for support expecting my reaction. Feeling like a pawn in his game, tears streamed down my face. It was over. I felt his finger swipe away my tear, but not a single emotion of regret could be registered on his face. He looked least bothered by his betrayal. Was this the man I fell for? More tears escaped my eyes making him turn me around and look into my eyes. His grip still firm on my waist, not caring about what others would think. The police were coming closer every second but my body lay limp in his arms, tired of running the whole day and now by his betrayal. Ready to accept my fate that he will write for me, I allowed him to hold my exhausted body. My face was pressed on his chest as I whispered the last words before losing consciousness. "Why?" .................................................. Unknown to her he replied after she surrendered herself to his arms. "Because I have started falling for you Stalker" He whispered as he gently wiped her tears and secured her safely in his arms. The police forces stopped a meter away as the young prince showed them his hand. Picking her up in his arms he made his way inside with the troops behind. ................................................. "Love is a foreign word but care seems domestic, So I decide to shower you with it, even though it is not very majestic" ...................................................
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