Did I stutter?

3191 Words
............................................. "They say the brain is the strongest muscle in your body, Then how the hell did this it loose from the hardest working one? (heart)" ...................................................... He stared at the struggling girl in his grip. Her lips shouting curses at him and her eyes were akin to burning pieces of coal in a fire. "How dare you!! How can you say som-" Pressing his chest closer to her, he inhaled her heavenly fragrance. Her words got lost somewhere as she felt his closeness. "So you didn't Fu*"?" He said making her eyes widened at this man's straightforwardness. Not to forget that it was the very quality which attracted her to him at first. Ignoring her shocked expression, he continued his advancements. He placed his one hand on her n***d waist and the other leaning on the wall casually She gulped as she felt his touch on her waist. The lump in her throat didn't go unnoticed by him. Smirking at his effect on her, he smiled to himself while still putting on that cold face. "Isn't this what you came here for? A man's attention...and now when the prince himself is doing the honours, you put on this mask of purity and innocence?" He saw her expression change from anger to fury. Her hands turning into fists at her side as she glared at him with all the hate she could muster. He was pressing her buttons. The anger he felt on seeing her with that man made him do this. It's not fair to burn in hate and anger alone. He was making sure to drag her along. This time she didn't step back. Instead straightening up and pressing herself more to him she spoke up "Just because a girl comes to a club at night ...it doesn't mean she wants anyone's attention. If you come here for Fu*" it doesn't give you any right to think that others also come here for it!" Her voice shaking but not backing down. Your majesty or not, she will speak even if her heart was ready to leap out of her chest. She will speak what is right, go hell will consequences. He raised his eyebrow, surprised and impressed at the girl's audacity. The word f*"* leaving her lips for the first time made him think of doing so many things to her right now. "Not that innocent now little mouse? Are we?" He could see her cheeks redden, reason anger or blush he couldn't distinguish. "I won't doesn't mean I can't" His hand moves higher Lifting her crop top along, making her eyes to widen. "I don't like it when people back talk, especially in that tone little mouse." His face moving closer to her, his cheek touching hers as he whispered in her ear. "So you better shut it like a good girl ...or I can put it to good use in so many other ways" The last part he spoke as a mere whisper but she heard it because of his closeness. Her body stilled as she interpreted his words. Her mind was numb and heart uncontrollable. She felt suffocated all of a sudden and he could feel her taking in deep breaths. "What...what did you just say?" She managed to ask in a shaky voice. His eyes met her anxious and panicked ones as he spoke without blinking. "Did I stutter?" His cold authoritative voice making her knees to shake and stomach to do summersaults. "No...but you did mutter" At this, his fists nearly slammed next to her head and she closed her eyes. His breath hitting her lips and she knew he was too close. Too close for her comfort. "I have seen with my own eyes the kind of girl that you are, so drop with this fake innocence and shitty attitude of yours!" Her eyes slowly opening to see his beautiful eyes inches away from hers. Anger evident in them with slight traces of irritation. "What...kind of girl?" She managed to ask in a mere whisper. Her hands holding onto the wall for support. "The kind that just knows how to wh** around with different men. The one who use men for money and leave them as soon as they find a better one. The one who plays with others feelings like a fuc*** game ..a characterless bit-" He couldn't continue. Throbbing pain on his cheek made him go silent in disbelief. Did this girl just slap him! "Listen good you fuc*** up Royal asshol* !! You don't know a sh** about me so you better keep your trap shut! No one...I repeat no one has the right to question my morals and character...and I especially don't need a character certificate from a manwh*** like you!!" He looked at her with jaw clenched and eyes burning in pure fury. No man let alone women have dared to slap him and say such profanities at him. And this girl here just did that. Her shyness and anxiousness long gone as molten lava of anger ran her veins. A woman's character comes above all and no douchebag like him has the right to degrade him. "What? Why are you staring at me like that? Can't believe that I slapped you...then think again for Evalinge Williams takes no s**t from any man...fuck*** royalty or not!! His hands turned to fists at her sides as he wished to kill this girl in front of her. The words leaving her lips were not so innocent now and her body no longer a captive of his. "Move back your Majesty for cornering a girl and entrapping her is not something decent men do" He refused, his burning orbs daring her to continue. The muscles in his arms flexing and jaw clenching. "I said move back!" Anger radiated from her in waves as her hands pushed his bulky arms for release. "Such ferocity and anger ...tsk tsk little mouse I hate to say it but you just walked into a lion's den uninvited" Her eyes no longer looking at him. Her ignoring him testing the last bit of patience left in him. "You will regret it stalker for I don't forget disrespect. Especially from a puttana like you" Stepping back from her he ran his hand through his hair and pulled up the hood that has fallen. His anger not anywhere near saturation and his mind lost in turmoil. He was going to leave when he looked at her from head to toe one last time. Her crop top still risen from one side. Her flat stomach on display and those long waves of brown reaching her waist. His eyes stopped at her brown ones that were still to recover from the shock of what the hell happened in the last 5 minutes. Her hands holding onto the wall behind for support. Seeing her dishevelled state he cursed himself for dealing with this girl again. How much he wanted her to stay away from him and how destiny was playing and doing the opposite. ..................................................... "27 minutes!!" Mia shouted at Eva to get no response in return. Shaking her shoulders she screamed at her for attention. "You never get late!! What happened!" "I slapped him!!" "Who?" Mia asked confused as she ignited the engine. "He will kill me Mia!! He is royalty for god sake!! Why I have to be so stupid...I...I just couldn't control myself...he spoke about my character...and well you know how I am right...I just slapped him without thinking!!" Her hands were repeatedly entangling with the knots in her hair as she looked here and there in anxiety. "That king's son? Oh, he deserved that don't worry. He required someone to show him his place anyways." Mia's words made Eva look at her in shock. "No Mia..you don't get it. I know he was wrong to say something like that to me but then I....I... shouldn't have slapped him. I...he will rusticate me from college...I just ruined my entire career Mia!!" "Oh come on he won't. Now leave him and tell me how was the mission?" She asked with one eyebrow raised and Eva just sighed. "Fine...they leaned the best lesson of their life." A smile came on her lips as she felt proud of herself. ................................................ He stood in his royal bathroom with huge mirrors covering the walls. A huge chandelier enlightening it with the warmness of yellow glow. A towel hanging loosely around his neck as he stared at himself in the mirror. The redness of the slap still evident after 40 minutes. His eyes zooming in as he placed his hand on the place he felt the sting. His jaw tightening and his jawline looking more perfect than before. "Little mouse you will pay for this" He promised to himself as he opened the faucet and splashed some water on his face. Drops of water running down his face as he held the counter and looked up at the mirror. His perfectly shaped lips moving into a smirk as he just came out with a perfect plan for his stalker. Smiling to himself he pat dried his face and left the room with one final promise. "Let the chase begin" ................................................. "It's over Stacey...we can't do this" The girl looked at him with desperate eyes. Her mouth opening and closing like a fish. "But...your majesty.....why? Forgive me if I did something wrong...I am sorry!! Please" He sighed looking at her pleading eyes. "It's not about you ....I am sorry if I made you think of this relationship as anything else but we can not just continue!" He turned around to leave when she blocked his way. "Have you found someone else?" His rolled his eyes at her, continuing to set away from her. "So the answer is yes! Who is it!!" She didn't leave him, following him everywhere she was eager to know his reasons. "Fine just leave me alone Stacey...yes I have found someone I like now if you will please excuse me!" He made his way towards the canteen, well aware of her angry stare at him. He smiled seeing his plan on the right track. His gaze fell on that high brown bun and long slender neck. Her back towards him as he made his way towards her. He refused to sit on his usual table among the popular, his steps not stopping near them. They all looked confused at your majesty's sudden change in taste. They stared at him as he proceeded towards her. "like really he just said that and-" Her words stopped as raven pointed at something rather someone behind her. He stood behind her with everyone's eyes fixed at him while his only transfixed at her. "What Raven? Will be speak up!" Her voice held irritation as Raven refused to speak. Raven's eyes asking her to look behind her. Agitated Eva turned around to only move back that instant. Her elbows placed on the table for support as she looked up at the man towering over her. "Good morning little mouse, miss me?" His words made her eyes widen in fear as he smirked. His face moving closer and the entire canteen waiting in anticipation. There was pin-drop silence as half of the girl population burned in jealousy. Him approaching someone like her making some put on a scowl. She looked around to see everyone's attention towards them. Her breathing coming out heavy as she barely managed to whisper. "Wh...at are you doing your majesty?" His cologne engulfed her in his manly fragrance and she held her breath. Her gaze dancing between his two eyes, confused as to look into which eye. "Reciprocating your feelings stalker, for what kind of a king I will be if I let my follower go unsatisfied." Her heart started throbbing in her chest and he could see beads of sweat on her forehead. "I....am not able to un-" "Shhh little mouse" He moved closer pressing his body onto hers and finger on her lips. The canteen hall echoed in gasps of surprise as the students took in the scene. Whispers followed and she felt the weight of embarrassment for the first time. She was deaf to the inhold words they were whispering. But he was well aware. Her mind was too occupied with his closeness and actions to understand anything else. His blue eyes and flirtatious tone keeping her inside her bubble of oblivion. "I bet they slept" "Ewww she is so ugly! Why her?" "Did your majesty just approached a girl first? He never does that!" "Why her? You see her figure...she looks like a malnutritioned freak!" "Isn't she the topper?" "Isn't she the stalker?" "She is a desperate bi""! I am telling you!" "What a double faced sl**!" Their whispers making him clench his hands into fists. Isn't this what he wanted? Everyone, to question her innocence? Everyone to point fingers at her and tarnish her image. But then why was he feeling bad? Why he felt like each foul word that was meant for her was equally his? She was staring at him, her eyes lost in his as he felt her be lost in her world of dreams. Bystanders words didn't seem to make any effect on her and this confused him. But then a voice roared among the whispers making everyone go silent. "So she is the one huh?" Stacey's voice came from background and he smiled at the beginning of this drama. Eva stood up and moved away from him as his touch burned him. Her cheeks few shades redder and her stare fixed at the tiles floor. His little mouse was scared of him and he liked this. Her hands behind her back as she showed him respect. In complete contrast to her ferociousness last night. It was an act or reality, he really couldn't tell. "You choose her over me! I am the president's daughter and she.." Her scrutinising gaze looking at her from up to down and making a disgusted face. "a mere scholarship bi** from some mediocre Shi** household!" The words she used made Eva look up and Raven to step forward. Eva's hand holding onto Raven's wrist, asking her to step back. Stacey's gaze now went to Eva as Daniel refused to acknowledged her. Her finger pointing at her as she placed grave accusations on the innocent's shoulders. "How dare you take away my man you freak! Don't you feel an ounce of shame when you follow him like a desperate wh**!" Eva closes her eyes, bound by the repercussions of reacting to this and signing her suspension with her own hands. While Daniel enjoyed this with a look of amusement. The pain she felt making him satisfied. He leaned back on a seat and enjoyed the show as soon others joined Stacey's side and cornered out the silent one. His smirk widening and his thirst of revenge quenching with each foul word they spoke. He can speak up and all these people will shut their mouths forever. But then he wanted her to suffer. As much as her actions made him suffer last night. Raven has started shouting for her friend's defence but Eva stood silent like an inhuman statue. "Oh come on your friend trapped him!! Everyone knows how crazy she was for him!! " "She didn't do such a thing!! Just shut your mouth you bi** or I will punch the fuc*** daylights out of you!!" "Oh, so you don't believe me! I am sorry to say but she has even fooled you with her innocent facade!! I saw her okay I saw her leaving the boys shower room!" The hall went silent and Eva's eyes opened up to look at her in shock. Her body going numb. Stacey stepped closer to her with a smirk on her face. Taking in her loose fringes in her fingers and rotating them she asked in a sickeningly sweet voice. "Tell them I am lying Eva darling. Didn't you and your majesty spend an entire period in the bathroom fu-" She couldn't complete. Raven has slapped Stacey with so much force that her head moved to a side. Stacey looked up shocked and embarrassed at the same time. "You b***h!! I am not lying! Ask your friend if you don't believe me!" Raven's eyes landed on Eva's down casted ones. Her inability to look back into her eyes made her see the truth. Eva on the other hand closed her eyes tightly and her small hands held the hem of her skirt for support. The tear lining on brink managed to slip past and run down her rosy cheeks. It was now that he realises that things were going overboard. Stacey knowing of their mistaken session in the shower came as a surprise to him as well. He straightened up while pressing his hands inside his pant pockets. Her red nose and rosy cheeks getting stained in tears doing something inside him. Yes, he wanted to hurt her a bit and play with her for fun. But things were going out of control now. She was getting much more affected than she should and those teary eyes were a shred of evidence to it. "Eva ...." Raven's words get lost as she shakes her shoulders for replying. But it looked like the innocent girl had taken an oath to not reply today. Her silence making everyone's words a not rebuttable belief. Stacey wanted her to reply. To say something so that she can degrade her further in eyes of Daniel. But her plans got destroyed by this girls ability to stay silent. Not able to control herself, Stacey held her plait from its root and pulled her harshly. Eva's eyes widening at her audacity. Before she could pull it again a strong hand held Stacey's wrist. She looked up surprised to see your majesty blocking not only her grip but also Eva's tear laden eyes from her view. She pulled harshly but he refused to leave. His angry gaze making her run away from there for her safety. "ENOUGH!!" His angry voice boomed in the halls making everyone shut up. Stacey gulped her saliva seeing most of his anger directed towards him. "You dare to touch her again and you have to deal with me!" Elongated silence made everyone back down. Stacey now holding rubbing her wrists to soothe the burning pain. Her face red in embarrassment and head bowed down. "Forgive me your majesty...I..swear....." "Just shut the hell up!!" This time Eva's eyes met his. His anger decimating on seeing the vulnerability in his little mouse's eyes. His one hand moved to rest on her waist as he made his final declaration. He regretted his actions. He went overboard and there was only one way to reverse it. Looking back into her eyes he announced making the entire college gasp in shock. "I present before you my past stalker and future girlfriend, Miss Evalinge Williams " ................................................ "You can never hate the ones you love without hurting yourself, You can only pretend to hide and try to fool yourself." .....................................................
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