I love to hate you!

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.................................................. She was only a game for him, Till she dared to break all his rules. .................................................. His one foot was placed on the locker behind, and arms crossed in front of his chest. A bored look evident on his face as he stared at his new 'girlfriend' in front of him. Her words a stuttering mess and her body posture much worse. With back slouched down in surrender and eyes moving in confusion and anxiety, she was pacing the locker room mumbling some sh**. "You know girls die to be in your place" His cocky remark not doing much to distract her. Her pacing instead increased if not came down. Rubbing his head in confusion he sighed. Her anxious eyes stopping at him to only have her pace towards him now. "Just go back and tell them I am not your girlfriend!" Her voice stern, leaving no end for negotiations. "And why do you think I will take orders from someone like you?" She sighed, fisting her hands and lifting her chin to look at him. "See your majesty I don't understand what is your problem with me. First, you threaten me to stay away from you and now you do the exact opposite. Do I look like a game to you?" His gaze hardened, not liking the hint of disrespect and mockery in her tone. Stepping closer he spoke in an arrogance laced voice. "I don't waste my time on likes of you miss stalker. I did it just to stop them from embarrassing you any further." She dared to roll her eyes at him and raise her hands in fake surrender. "Oh, so generous of you your majesty!! Should I kiss your feet for I owe thou such pleasure?" Her mockery not settling well with him. Pushing her on the locker behind, he trapped her between his arms. "Do I look like someone who you can joke around with miss Williams?" "And do I look like someone whose feelings you can play with?" Their eyes fixed on each other. Challenging one another. "You have a crush on me and I just rejected you-" She interrupted making his anger to flare up. "Had not have. I would have never liked you had I known of this obnoxious and pretentious attitude of yours! You think girls die to touch you for think again for your touch disgusts me now!" His breathing came out heavy, his face lacking any emotions. Her adulterated mouth has managed to poison his insides. Her small lips shouting profanities at him. Tempting him to shut them in a punishing kiss. Before she knows his hands have moved up to hold her neck in a dominating way. His thumb pressed on her cheek as his fingers coiled around her slender neck. "You have a very filthy mouth girl, shut it bef-" "Oh, so now when I speak the truth it gets filthy? I am telling you to don't mess with me your majesty for I am not someone you can play with!" He smiled at her hollow threat. His thumb moving higher to be placed at the corner of her lip. Her body froze as she fought against her feelings. There was no doubt in it that she was still attracted to him but she will never admit it. Her heart thumping in her chest as she saw his gaze fixed on her lips. "You started this game little mouse, I was just following your trail" Her next words coming out crooked as she predicted his next move. "Do..nt you dare-" But he has dared with all his bravery. Dared to fall into those depths from where there was no coming back. His lips have crashed onto hers. To make her widen her eyes in shock. His earlier kiss has taken her day's peace and nights peace for so many days. She wondered what this one will do. He loved to shut her up and maker her legs jelly. The effect of his touch fully known to him. Her breathing coming out heavy as he slightly pulled back to merely command her to breathe through her nose. He didn't stop after that, kissing her like a wanderer in a dessert gets tempted by an oasis. He showed her heights of ecstasy with a mere kiss on her lips. Her words were lost as emotions flooded in. Hot tears rushed out as she found herself addicted to him beyond her control. His eyes softening as he took in the shivering and sobbing girl in front of him. Her tears evoking foreign feelings inside him. The reason behind her cries was unknown to him. She enjoyed this kiss then why this show of waterfalls? Her cheeks have turned a hundred shades pink along with her button nose. Her eyes busy looking at the floor under his stare. "Fu**" He muttered to himself as he felt ashamed of his actions. Hell, how can he get carried away by his emotions to such an extent? When he saw this girl in the club, he thought her to be just like his flings. The flings who die for his attention, get fuc*** by him and then they go their own ways. But what he was seeing in front of him defied his logic. This girl was beyond any logical explanation and he hàted not knowing what kind of a person he was dealing with. The shy, innocent kind or the confident and bold one. He liked the latter ones more and he thought of her to be one of them but now he thinks he was mistaken. Or maybe one of her two sides was a false pretence. Slamming the locker in frustration he found her looking up at him with big fat tears running down her eyes. "See girl you are not that innocent now if you will please stop crying and making me guilty!" His words had the adverse effect. Her lip started to wobble as she pushed him back from her. "You are an inconsiderate bas*** your majesty!! And I hate you!!" She was ready for a splint away from his presence but he had no such intentions. Stopping her by holding her wrist he pulled her back towards him. Her hands trying to pull away but failing miserably. "Listen good little mouse. I have nothing to do with you, you can go from here and forget about this. We can continue to ignore each other for the rest of the semester and we can go our own way after it." Her eyes found sincerity in his words until he spoke his next words. "Or we can continue from here, have a good time for the rest of the semester. And then go our own way with no strings attached ." He suggested with an eyebrow raised but face emotionless. His suggestion made her anger flare-up. She spoke through her quivering voice. "I am not that kind of girl your majesty. I can't do physical without getting emotions involved." He smirked at this, not believing her words. "Oh really then I guess you are good at pretending as well. Luring a man with her body and seductive moves is what innocent girls do?" He said pulling her towards him and placing his hand on her waist. His words didn't affect her much, she already knows he has seen her with that man in the club. "My business is none of your concern. But just for your clarity, it was just for business" He stared hard at her, trying to decipher this puzzle of mystery. "Now if you will please leave me and refrain from touching me again. I will be grateful your majesty" He moved back lifting his hands in surrender and giving her an arrogant smirk. "Don't worry it won't be a problem" "And yes as far as being your girlfriend is concerned you can tell this entire college that you dumped me. Considering you dump many girls every day, it won't be a problem I guess?" He smiled at this while pressing his back on the lockers and putting his hands in his pockets. "Not at all, a problem miss Williams for you are not my type anyways" She was gone rubbing her tears with the sleeves of her shirt. His eyes trailing on her back till she left the hallway. He closed his eyes to still feel her alluring fragrance surrounding her. Inhaling a deep breath he smiled at this girls audacity and bravery all at once. ................................................ There lies a huge difference between saying and doing. Refrain from touching me Easier said than done. The girl has gotten him addicted to her and the worst part was her showing that it didn't matter to her. He sat at his usual seat in the canteen, staring at the brown-haired girl. Her head thrown back in laughter as she laughed at something her friend said to him. It has been a few weeks since their last encounter. And as per their deal, they didn't touch let alone talk. They were just like any strangers out there except the heated arguments and punishing kisses they had shared in the past. But strangely he found himself observing his stalker. He never saw her around any boys, she usually hangs out with her roommate only. She came 2 nd in last semester, proving that she was not a dumb one. Her answers were mostly right and her martial art moves were good. She needed a bit of training but she was still better than most of the students in his class. And lastly, he did found out her name. Eva Such a simple name but a very complex personality. He finished his drink when someone blocked his way. Stacey Oh not again. Ignoring her he got up to leave when she tried pressing herself on him. Pushing back her advances he spoke with no hint of playfulness. "I have work to do" She didn't pay heed, instead, her fingers moved up his chest to make him clench his jaw in frustration. He has not fuc** anyone in last few weeks after the encounter with that girl. He was not in the mood. "Oh come on it's been weeks your majesty, tell me -" "No Stacey" He again tried side stepping but she again blocked him. "Please you loved it the las-" She couldn't complete, his voice roared in the canteen making everyone to stare in their direction. "I said MOVE BACK !!" Her eyes widened in horror as she hurriedly cleared his way. Realising what he just did, he couldn't help cursing at his lack of temper since last few weeks. His eyes involuntarily landed at those innocent ones of his stalker which were staring back him. Breaking their eye contact he left the canteen in silence to be only followed by whispers and gossips. He was busy for the next few days, his absence bothering almost everyone at college. The day he returned things were back to normal. Girls pushing themselves on him, with him strangely rejecting everyone. His eyes fixed on certain someone who was ignorant of this all along. She asked him not to touch him but how could he not when he was addicted to her. Addicted in ways he never felt before. Her fragrance like soothing sun rays on a chilly day. Her smile assuring like an own embassy in a country at war. She was asleep on the seat in front of him. It was a free period and all of the students were out playing some game on the ground. He wanted to go as well but seeing her asleep so peacefully he decided to stay back. Her long hair covered her face as she slept uncomfortably on the wooden desk. Her cheek pressed on the desk and one arm lying flat on the table. He stood near the windows looking at the football match going on in the ground. While occasionally taking hidden glances at her sleeping form. His hands tempting to move that fringe away from her lips which disturbed her peaceful sleep. He was not going to touch her. He was adamant but then something unexpected happened. Her sleepy form was going to slide down the desk and land on the ground. Instantly he had crossed the 5 feet distance between them and placed his open palm in front of her face to stop her fall. His heart thumped in his chest as he saw creases on her forehead. But thankfully they were gone as fast as they came and next he knows she was back to sleeping peacefully. A smile came on his lips as he watched her sleep. His fingers now gently placing that fringe behind her ear while running his forefinger gently down her cheeks. Stepping back, he was gone when the clock showed 5 minutes to the bell. ................................................. Eva pov ............... I hate him!! His face boils my blood and that arrogant smirk...I swear I want to strangle him to death. I see him staring at me and you know what. I don't give a fudge! His blue eyes are evading my dreams! Imagine I even feel his touch when I am asleep. This man has done some black magic on me I am telling you! It's been weeks but still, he is everywhere. In my class, in my dreams, in the canteen and even in my washroom!! Yes, these crazy fangirls have pasted a big poster of his in our girl's common washroom. Like really there is a limit to his fandom. The girls are behaving weird I mean I was used to getting that weird looks from boys but now even girls look at me like I have murdered someone. I ask Raven and she is like ignore them. Now, how the hell can I ignore them when they are planning to bully me every time I go to the washroom or my locker room. "It's because of you!! You have broken your majesty's heart and now he won't even look at us!!" Their words, not mine. Like seriously I broke his heart? If only they knew that man doesn't have a goddam heart!! He is heartless and a freak and a p*****t and what not!! I seriously doubt my ability to interpret people. How the hell can I have a crush on someone so obnoxious and toxic like him!! Like looks are not everything, right? I excused myself and went to the washroom but sadly it was my worst mistake. I have been getting warning messages. My locker is filled with heavy threats written on thin papers But I didn't care. Now I wish I should have been more cautious. As soon as I splashed water on my face and closed my eyes, I found a whole g**g of girls standing behind me. The door was locked and they had ugly smirks on their faces. Oh boy not now. My bored eyes landed on the queen bee who emerged from behind the crowd. Wow, so cliché I thought. Her eyes sending daggers at me and a duct tape roll hanging on her arms like a bangle. I continued to pat dry my face with a towel as I asked her in a bored expression. "What now?" Stacey stepped closer trying to dominate me with her 5-8 frame plus 2-inch heels. "Watch your tone stalker, you are in no position to order others" I proceeded to leave when they blocked me. "See Stacey I mean no harm to you, let me go and the principal won't know" Stacey chuckled to be followed by her minions. Their laughter echoing in the closed room. "Darling if you have forgotten I am the president's daughter, this college runs under my father's rule. As for you, last time I checked you don't even have a father...an orphan, am I right?" Some topics press my buttons and this is one of them. I don't want to spill blood on these beautiful tiles. God, please stop me. "What do you want?" I said getting straight on the point. "Tell this entire college how you lured your majesty, made him love you and then left him after breaking his heart!!" I sighed, so this is about him again. "I swear Stacey nothing like that happened. He dumped me I didn't!! Why is it so difficult to believe!!" I am not even his type!" Her eyes narrowed at me as I exclaimed frustrated. "Oh, really then why he defended you in the canteen and called you his girlfriend. Why after that day he ignores us all! Why he rejected me!!" My mind went blank,did...did he really did that. "How would I know!! Go ask him!!" "Fine, if you don't know then do one thing. Leave this college, just take leave for the rest of the semester. I will ask dad and arrange you your degree" These girls have lost it, what good will my absence do now? "Oh come on!! What is wrong with you!! Why do I have to leave?" "You have to and that also now!!" I sighed trying to explain them but they had no intention to hear me out. "Yes or no" "How can I leave my degree like this!! I am here to learn plus everything is practical..how Do-" "Yes or No!!" Her voice boomed making me close my eyes to control my anger. "No" My final reply was like a trigger. All of them stepped forward to attack me. "If you won't we will force you to! " "Stacey I am a pro, I top in martial arts if you have forgotten?" She smirked, not bothered by my threat. "Oh sweetie you touch my or anyone of ours faces and our dads will not only ruin your entire career but also deport you out of this country So do dare okay?" My knuckles on the counter turned white as I realised my position. They are right. But what do I do now? Do I just sit here and let them bully me. Why my lack of family always messes everything? I study so hard to reach here on scholarship. Does it not matter? I couldn't do much, just hope to survive this again. ................................................... The 7 th bell rang and his eyes remained fixed on the empty seat in front of him. It's keen 4 periods, almost 4 hours since he saw her. She was present in the morning then where did she vanish to. His eyes landing on her roommate, who had a worried look on her face as she searched through the halls with anxious eyes. She stopped girls on her way and asked them something. But didn't seem to get her answers. He thought of his and her concerns to be similar. Deciding to ask her he approached her. "Hey, you want something?" Raven's worried eyes widened seeing the royal Highness asking her something. "Your ma...jesty...no...I....." "Tell me!" He insisted making her hands shake and voice to quiver. "My friend....I mean...Eva...I can't find her....she said she will meet me in 5 th period...but she....she never does something...like that...I don't know....I have asked everyone...." His heart started thumping all of a sudden. Her sudden absence not settling well with him. Something was not right, he could feel it. "Have you checked all the washrooms?" "No..your majesty" "You go check on the ground floor" She nodded while he hurried down the hall. His running footsteps stopping near the washroom where a board of repair hung on the door. He sighed turning around, his worried eyes looking around for any signs of her. They searched the entire building, announced her search but there was no sign of her. Running his hand through his hair he sat on a bench with heart ready to jump out of his chest. "Where are you stalker?" He asked in desperation as the clock struck and college got over. His tired eyes shut in frustration and drops of sweat running down his forehead. Raven came running towards him with pieces of papers in her hands. Dumping them beside him she cried in frustration. "They ....the girls...they bullied her...she didn't tell me....I didn't know...I found these in her locker...!" His eyes picked up the pieces to have his blood burn in pure fury "You are a sl**!! "Desperate wh*** "Go and die somewhere you fre**" "Charity case " "Ugly bi**** "Boyfriend stealing bi***" "Despo" The words written on the sheets of paper made him crush them in his hands into a ball and throw them on the ground. Her sufferings making him hate himself for getting this innocent girl involved in his sh**. "Inform the Principal, ask him to find who is behind this. Tell him this is my order" Raven nodded with tears running down her eyes. She picked up the pieces of paper. "Where was she the last time you saw her?" "She said...she was going to the washroom. The washroom on our floor was under repair so I thought she went to the one on the ground floor." He nodded and she left. His mind going crazy trying to find his little mouse and end this chase. "Washroom...but I already checked there...." Another thought came into his mind and he stood up from his seat. "Unless... no repairs are going on and she-" Sh** Without wasting a second he sprinted towards the first floor. His steps missing a few feets but he held the railing for support. Pushing the locked door, he managed to open it to be welcomed with darkness. Switching on the lights his eyes widened as he saw the scene in front of him His hands shaking as he fell to his knees to finally end his chase in search of his little mouse. ................................................. All addictions are bad, Unless they give you a reason to live. All controls are good, Until they take away all your reasons to live. .....................................................
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