Not in my league

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He sat on his seat with one leg crossed over the other and feet placed at the footrest of the front seat. The teacher's boring lecture playing in the background and his eyes involuntarily landing at the brown-haired girl that sat in front of him. His pen rotating between his fingers as usual and her long plait neatly placed on his desks front space. He remembered their last encounter and couldn't help smile to himself. This girl was crazy and he did not doubt this. Yes, he agreed that it was his fault that day. He was growing too impatient waiting for Stacey since last 10 minutes and when this girl came he mistook to be her. But now when he replays the scene he can't help getting addicted to her touch under his fingers. Her figure was perfect and her fragrance. Well, don't get started because he has travelled half of this world but never has he smelt something so alluring. So badly he wanted to ask her which shampoo she used but considering his social status, he just couldn't. Her skin felt so soft under his touch and her hair, silky locks of dark brown cascading down her back in a waterfall. He stared at her hair lying on his desk and he couldn't help move his hand forward and touch them. She looked too engrossed in writing down everything the teacher was saying and he found this to be the best opportunity to take a breath of that alluring smell again. Lowering his head to his desk, he pretended to keep his head down. No one noticing the lower end of her braided hair in between his fingers. Taking in a huge breath of her addicting fragrance, he closed his eyes and it felt like heaven. Suddenly the girl moved her head to a side making her hair to slip through his fingers and fall back on her back. He saw her speaking to the girl that sat next to her. Her best friend he supposed. "No Raven don't! Just shut up!" Now interested in what her friend was saying, he pretended to be asleep with ears open. "He is your crush! You are crazy over him! Why can't you ask him?" "Shhhhhhh" Still pretending to be asleep he could imagine the girl placing her hand on her friend's mouth and taking hidden glances at him. "You say it one more time and I will kill you!' He smiled at this, running his hand over his thick locks he pretended to get up from his sleep when he saw her looking away from him that instant. So she was staring huh? Interesting. This was nothing new, he knew of this girls crush on him. Her nervousness and body language in his presence screaming her crime. But he couldn't accept it. He has his reason, a long list of then to start with. First being that he could tell she was a virgin, If earlier he had doubts then yesterday they all got cleared. Let alone s*x she didn't even know how to kiss. Her lips refused to reciprocate his kiss and her breathing showed that no one told her to breath with your nose when you kiss. He didn't want to use and throw her as he did with others. What he will name l**t she will interpret as love and then she will destroy herself for a cocky person like him. His second reason was obvious. She was not of his standards. Even if he makes long term commitments with her, he knows already that they all will be nothing but false assurance. His royal family will never accept a common girl like her to be a part of their family and then why to start something when you can't end it. His third reason may make him look like an egoistic bastard but yaa he will still say it. She was out of his league. Her dressing sense non-existing features normal nothing special altogether. Except for that addicting fragrance and perfect figure off course. She was a stuttering mess and awkwardly shy. He liked his women to be confident and bold while she resembled a scared little mouse in a jungle of wolf's and lions. Altogether he didn't want her. Yaa he will surely like to Fu** her once or twice but then leaving her sorry a*s will be too much drama. And he hàted dramas Showing hatred towards her and maintaining his distance till this semester gets over was his only solution and he likes it. Taking away his gaze from her back he looked in front to see the teacher collecting her books and calling off the day. Sighing he proceeded to get his stuff and leave when his phone pinged with a message Cage: Fight on Saturday night. 9:40 pm Silver nigh club underground bar Wanna enrol? He smiled in excitement, eager to release some heat. Re:Cage: Count me in. Closing his phone he got up to leave when he suddenly felt something hit his chest. Looking down he saw those innocent eyes widening on seeing him. Her best friend, Raven or someone laughed behind her and few others joined. Pushing a girl towards her crush, how mature? Clenching his jaw he moved to sidestep her when she also moved to the same side. He moved left and it again happened. More snickers followed and he found this childish and irritating. He just stood still and nearly growled at her in annoyance. "Just F"*** move to one side!! " Her eyes widened and instead of moving to a side, she stood still like a statue. Her body nearly shivering under his cold stare and he could feel her tears flowing any second. What a crybaby Pushing past her, he intentionally pushed her shoulder and made his way clear of this trouble. ................................................... He stood in front of the club "Silver night Saturday special" A black hood covered his identity as he rolled a white tape around his knuckles. His combat shoes hitting the ground as he made his way inside. The people could feel his aura even though the hood covered his identity. Dressed in all back with that broad frame, anyone could guess who he was. The most cheered and loved fighter of all. The undefeated champion. DK " you are next" Cage said coming his way with eyes fixed on a paper on his hands. He looked up to find Dk nod at him and they proceeded towards the backstage. "He is new, 5'8 lean built but extraordinary speed. Defeated 4 of the opponents in just 40 minutes. Going to be trouble if you don't put a stop to him" Dk just nodded looking unaffected by his words. Cracking the bubbles in his knuckles he was ready for the fight. "How much more time?" Dk said wanting this fight to begin as he was not a very patient man. "Please wait a few minutes till I arrange everything. 10 minutes at max" He clenched his jaw but didn't voice his concerns. Simply nodding at him he went towards the bar to get himself a drink till the fight starts. He was 2 shorts down when his eyes landed on someone. The glass stopped midway before touching his lips. Her back was towards him and he could already tell that she was a hot one. Her long hair cascaded down her back as she swayed her hips to the tune of the music. Her toned waist swinging from one side to the other following the rhythm. Her hands moving up to tie her wild hair, giving his eyes access to that long slender neck of hers. He felt attracted to a girl after a very long time. This girl intrigued him like none other. Her confidence, her moves entrancing him in a spell. He slowly slipped his drink while continuing to stare at her. His hood and the dark corner, a perfect match to stare at her till his heart's content. Black ripped jeans and a short crop top. Nothing too revealing but definitely tempting. And then she twirled around with the song and he got to admit that his breath stopped for a second. "The stalker?" The words left his lips before he could stop himself. She was giggling without a care of anything in this world and he found this cute. But his smile vanished the second he saw a hand placed on her n***d waist. A man stood behind her, almost shadowing her with his large frame. His eyes looking at her with l**t as she grinded her back on him. He saw red. He couldn't believe his eyes He never thought his innocent little mouse could behave like a s**t and do something like this. Just a few days back she was behaving like an innocent virgin under his touch and today this. His grip on the glass tightened as he saw him whisper something in her ear and she laughed in response. Her head thrown back as if that bas*** had cracked the best joke of the century. The music slowed down and he knew what was next. Gulping down the drink in one go he got up from his head and proceeded backstage. But not before looking at the double-faced bi** who was now pulling the man somewhere away from the crowd. "To Fu** him off course" He thought and placed another white adhesive tape around his hands. This time tightly and more aggressively. ..................................................... "There is only one way to go inside" Mia, my childhood best friend and my partner in all my crimes said. I nodded asking her to continue as we sat inside her car in front of the silver night club. My eyes trailing the 3 guys who were getting checked at the entrance. My blood boiling in revenge on seeing them laughing. "First calm down Eva, you have to do it really quick! We can't afford anyone seeing it" I nodded understanding her concerns. "So the only place without CCTV cameras is the VIP lounge. And those 3 are regular customers there. If they see you the chase ends here. Our game is finished!' "So what do I do?" Mia sighed pulling out her phone and showing me a picture. "This is Robert, head of their g**g. He is the only person who can take you inside the VIP lounge" My mouth went dry as I took in the picture. The man looked scary with bulging muscles. "And why will he take me inside?" Questioning her with a raised eyebrow. What was she trying to say, I couldn't understand. "Eva are you stupid or what? You will seduce him to go inside the VIP room! What else?" My eyes widened at her. Mia is a badass with tattoos running down her arms and back. She is an underground fighter and has contacts all over the city. The very reason I turn to her when I need help in any missions. "Mia I can't!! I am not like you...for you, it's nothing but for me...I don't usually-" "See Eva I told you I can get this work done for you without even your assistance. But then you were adamant to do it yourself! You said they have to see you know who they have dared to mess with!!" I know I said it. I mean I want them to see me kicking their asses so that they never do something like this again But seducing was something I never did before. "You can do it Eva plus these all people are bad. This Robert has charges of murder and trafficking. And his g**g is famous for dealing in drugs." These people deserve hell and I will make sure to give what they deserve. Clenching my fists I was ready. Mia smiled, placing her hand on my shoulders. "You are doing the right thing Eva" I smiled in response and opened the door. "Back exit in 20 minutes exact. I will meet you there!" With a fire of hate and revenge burning inside me, I made my way inside with cold winds rushing past me. Removing my jacket and opening my hair, I was ready for some action. . . . His hands were placed on my waist as I danced to the tune. His touch disgusted me but I knew I had to keep up with act. "You are a sin babe...and you are making me a sinner" His breath near my ear made me cringe, but I faked a laugh by throwing my head back. Just wait for a few minutes and you will see how much of a sinner I am. This perverted bas**** "Come let's go inside, violence is not compatible with your innocence babe" He pulled me and I followed. Getting closer to winning We entered the VIP lounge to see the darkness inside. He offered me a glass of champagne and pulled me inside and I gladly followed. "Boss, you are back? And you got company?" I found my smirk widen as I saw all 3 who wronged me that day, laying on the sofas and relaxing. "Shut up and leave!" The boss Robert roared making then get up the very instant. One of them stopped in his tracks when recognition sparked in his eyes. He nudged the other to make him also stare at me with horror. "Hello, boys! Enjoying the night?" "Y..ou?" One stuttered and I smirked. The boss Robert turned around in impatience. Before anyone could utter another word. The champagne glass in my hand has shattered to hundred pieces on getting smacked on the person's head. His body fell as he cursed and held his head. The pointed shard of glass still in my hand daring anyone to move forward. "What the Fu""!" The boss Robert roared as he tried approaching me. Before he could take a step forward I had pulled out a pocket knife from my combat boots and aimed it towards his shoulder. He fell back on the sofa with blood colouring his shirt red. He cried in pain. "You crazy bi**!! Not paying heed I have senses the other two approaching me from behind. Doing a back kick my foot met his stomach and he was doubling over in pain. A few minutes later the slow music in the VIP room calmed my burning rage. I stood with a pierced forearm but nothing more. My eyes looking for any comebacks but sadly they were all passes out from the pain. There were blood spots on the couch and floor as I took in my surroundings. The boss Robert was the one who still looked a bit conscious. Pulling him up from his hair I stared into his half falling eyes. "Why?.....who" "Your men attacked me on someone else's order. I had to teach them a lesson. I am sorry for involving you in this mess" He coughed out blood, looking at her in disbelief. "You don't even...know who you dared to mess with...girl..." I stopped him in-between. Making him look up at me. "Scorpio g**g, deal in drugs and trafficking. 4 warehouses at Chicago, Berlin, Tokyo, Kazak. Leader of North circuit is you Robert Wellington. Released on parol, 24 murders till now. Divorced 2 years back, have a sweet 4 years old daughter. Did I miss something?" He stared at me with horror. His body freezing in shock. "Oh yaa I did, you haven't told anyone that it was you who killed the last leader of this g**g when he charged you for treason? Have you?" His anger got replaced by fear as he started thrashing out of my grip. "Who are" "Tsk tsk wrong question Robert" I said picking up my blade from the ground and cleaning it with his shirt. "What I want is the most important question.." "" I smiled pulling his face closer from his collar. "To keep your trap shut forever...what happened today is not to be told to anyone and I promise you will never have to deal with me again." He nodded and I left his collar "See ya, take care" With this, I was out with my eyes focused on my watch. "18 minutes 45 seconds" I smiled and made my way towards the exit. The boxing match finished early I guess because everyone was leaving and the chairs were being removed. Ignoring I made my way outside. My hands busy in pulling out a rubber band from my pocket and tieing my hair in a high pony. The next second I looked up, my face has collided with someone's back. Cursing my clumsiness I muttered a sorry and the person turned around to only see his half face. The hood covered half of his face and couldn't help wonder why he was dressed so hideous. His jaw was stiff and I could see his razor-sharp jawline. His lips the perfect shaped pressed in a thin line. He looked angry at something and I couldn't help wonder why. Ignoring him I tried to sidestep him when he blocked my way by lifting his hand and blocking the threshold. "Excuse me?" I asked making the person clench his hand and step closer to Mr His breath hitting my lips and my eyes widened. "No, you are not excused" My heartbeat skyrocketed. Does this person know what I have done? Gulping my saliva slowly I tried stepping back. But the very next second I was pushed back towards the dark corner of the club with his arms caging me with the walls behind. "" My scream was muffled by his large hands, my body imprisoned by his large frame. This person knows! Omg! I tried thrashing out of his grip but his lock left no loopholes. My heartbeat was audible to me and my lips went dry. He moved his face closer making me feel scared all of a sudden. His grip was steel and I have no escape. My knife was in my boots but sadly I couldn't even move an inch let alone extract it. His breathing was even unlike me and I couldn't help staring at his perfect lips. "Was he a nice Fu** little mouse?" His words made me still. His cologne now very familiar and his touch not at all foreign. "Your majesty? " I asked shocked to only have him smirk at me. "One and only" ................................................... To speak bad is a sin, But so is listening and seeing. For you think what you listen and you speak about what you see. .................................................
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