's a basket

1894 Words
"You are being called to the principal office Miss Evalinge!" A peon said as I made my way inside my class. I nodded at him afraid to face the consequences of my actions. As soon as I stood in front of the principal door my hands were shaking with anticipation. All the bravery had died somewhere and now I was a pleading mess. This degree meant more than is my dream...I will do anything for it. "You need not personally visit me, your could have just sent me a message" I looked up surprised to see Daniel coming out of the Principal office as the Principal was seeing him off to the door. As soon as he looked up his eyes met mine. He just spared me a single look and then ignored my not so important presence. He was gone walking passed me leaving the atmosphere many degrees down. "Miss Evalinge come inside" The Principal s tone changed from respectful to serious as soon as he saw me. ........................ "You are a scholarship student miss Evalinge...a topper in your subjects....this kind of behaviour is not at all expected of you!! Mr Woods himself came here to ask me to suspend you this instant!! His son is in a critical state right now just because you couldn't control you untamed temper!! Do you know he can end your career this instant!! " "I am sorry Sir....I won't repeat what happened today..." "Your sorry is no good Miss Evalinge!! You are making me regret my decision of selecting you out of those 1 million applicants!! I closed my eyes anticipating his next words...he is going to suspend me for sure. "Most logical action to suspend this uproar of chaos is to suspend you" A tear left my eye before I could control it....all my dreams are dead....I am going to return to streets waiting tables and moping hotels. "But I have decided not to" I looked up shocked to hear it....what did he say? "You see I know what a spoiled brat that kid is and how well mannered you are...he was at fault I know but you should try not to engage with such people Evalinge.....All the kids here are children of billionaires and no matter what you should not mess with them. It is not my say to stop your suspension but luckily the trustee committee just met and decided to let you go just this one time. Now you can go back to your have already missed this period" "Th...hank you Mr Will....Sir I appreciate it......I promise I will never do it again.....I sincerely apologize for my actions today.....thank you.....thank you, Sir" "It's fine go!! I am late for a meeting" I smiled cleaning my teary eyes and picking up my bag. Even though my happiness had no limit and I wanted to just cry out my happiness but still one thing can't be ignored. There was no way I could have escaped this trustee would have voted for me as they were most probably bought by Mr Woods except one. The trustee that had the power of veto and I think I knew who this was. None other than our young Prince. Your Majesty  ........................................... "Oh my god just look at those abs girls!! " The girls that sat in front of me screamed in each other's ears as the young Prince pulled up his basketball shirt and displayed his fully toned stomach. I on the other hand gulped down the coke through the straw placed between my lips. A basketball match was going on in our last class of today and as expected our Majesty was the captain of his team and not to forget the top scorer. The scoreboard turned to 12-44 as he placed his 20 th basket and the girls cheered with madness. But my anxiety had a different reason...the reason being that the winner of this match was going to battle with my team in the next match. And by "my team" I mean just Raven, me and one more guy.....others were well just numbers. No offence but most were girls who will happily lose a shot just by looking at your Majesty and other male team members were not interested in sports. I guess their rich dads could also buy them grades. I was brought to reality when loud cheering was heard and "the Royals" just proved victorious. "Miss Evalinge your team is next!! Get ready in 5 !!" The coach announced and got up from my seat nodding at him. . . . . We were readily doing our group hug when I layed forward my strategy "Raven and I will block the Prince.....John and -" "I want to block him!! Why do you get to be close to him !! This is no-" "Just shut it May!! Can you for once think about the game and not about him!!" "Look who is talking!! If it isn't our boring stalker" Said Stacey getting on my nerves. Just why does she have to be on my team!! "I want all of you to block your targets!! David, you will stand for s rebound and Stacey you just please don't do our own goal!" On my last line, most of us laughed as Stacey just rolled her eyes. Yes, she has done it and she can do it again. "3...2.....1" "The hawks" Vs "The Royals" Let the game begin!! The final bell rang and I stepped in the centre coming face to face with your majesty. He rotated the ball on his fingers as he looked around to see our setting. At last, his gaze stopped at me and he threw the ball up but not before saying the words that made me look at him with my mouth hanging open "You again.....I hope this not another trick to get close to me miss Stalker" The sound of whistle made me look up to see that he was already moving towards our goal. The girls of my team stood there staring at his face like maniacs while the guys were even scared to touch him. He is not going to break like glass if you touch him!! These guys are crazy. He is just a person after all.. I know what you are thinking....but still at least I take my career seriously....more serious than my crush and that's why I was running towards him before he goes for a shoot. My 5'6 height could barely reach his hand as I jumped to stop the ball from going inside the basket. Who was I joking...I mean before I could touch anything the ball was already inside the basket. I looked back to see him returning to his side while others cheered at him. Even my team members were cheering for him.....this is our teamwork ...I thought and went back towards the centre. 6-8-16-20 and our score 0 This was bad....I was feeling frustrated at not only myself but also at that heart-melting smile of his which used to weak my knees. Six fouls just because girls of our teams have touched him.....I mean seriously.....even the coach was on his side. 4 fouls for the girls refusing to give him the ball as they openly gawked at his face and smiled like crazy while holding the ball in their hands. "We can do it, Eva....I know.....go for it....I'll cover" Raven said patting my back and boosting my spirit. He was dribbling the ball from under his legs when I broke his chain. Snatching the ball and leaving him flabbergasted I was going towards their goal when a flock of bees attacked me really.... The girls of his team surrounded me and their long nails were poking me everywhere!! I can't go any further but who said I was not going to try. Holding the ball above my head over this flock of stinging bees I aimed at the basket and left the ball. The flock turned around to look at the basket along with everyone. My eyes shined with hope when I saw the ball directly hitting the nets without even touching the board. Strike 1 shot 1 I smiled and high fived Raven as people around cheered. The bees have left their marks in form of clawing nails but I didn't care. I was enjoying my small victory when my eyes landed on his and an irritated look was plastered on his face. But soon it was replaced with an arrogant smirk like he was challenging me Game on Your Majesty I was moving forward with the ball when a wall-like thing stood in front of me. Looking up I found him blocking my advances and his arms opened widely blocking my frame. His cologne made my already heated cheeks a shade redder and I tried controlling my feeling right now. He was not letting me turn let alone move from under his arm cage. Feeling frustrated I looked up at him and that's when he played his masterstroke. He stepped more closer to me with just the ball separating us. Involuntarily the ball stood still in both my hands as his cold breath fell on my lips. *Whistle* Oh sh** no!!! I stopped dribbling and held the ball for more time It was a foul. I looked up back at him and he smirked at me while taking the ball from my hands. "Ehhhh" I stopped my feet feeling frustrated at myself This time I made a different strategy. Standing near my own goal I was waiting for his arrival. Raven was trying to block him but she was no match. Her hands were only able to catch empty air. He was coming my way focussing all his attention towards the basketball goal. He was at a high speed in motion with his body ready for the leap. Before I could jump to stop the ball his body was already colliding with me making me frozen at my place. His focussed eyes now held surprise and fear as he spotted me blocking his way and he couldn't do anything about it. It happened. We collided His weight and speed made me fall back with a strong thrust and I closed my eyes ready for some bruises and wounds. As we were falling I felt two strong hands on my waist and thud. My body jerked but to my surprise I didn't feel any pain. Instead, it felt like I was wrapped in a blanket of warmth and safety. Opening my eyes what I saw made my heart come out of my chest and a strange warmness to fill my insides. This was not life was not a cliché romance then how did I land here. Below me laid none other than your Majesty Prince Daniel taking the effect of fall which was meant for me. His arms were wrapped around me as he managed to safely break my fall with his own body. I looked up to see his eyes to find him already staring at me. "'s a basket!!" Everyone cheered as I looked up to see that he had managed to get the last goal as well. Even though I lost this match but his actions have again been able to win this crazy untamable beating heart.
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