Violence coated in innocence

2547 Words
My weight was completely strangling him as I was lost in his beautiful eyes. To my surprise, he was also staring at me with the same intensity and I could feel his touch on my n***d waist from where my shirt has risen. My life was not a romance novel then how did something like this happen. Me falling on him and him saving me. Suddenly his expression turned furious as he realised who I was and where we were. Cheering could be heard all around us as his team members were celebrating their victory. With a second I was thrown off him as he pushed my body away from his. I rolled to the side and glared at him with irritation. "What a nuisance !" He whispered and I heard it. Before I could reply he was already on his feet ready to leave. Turning his back on me and everyone around he was gone with his hands tucked inside his shorts. Is this man for real? I mean would it hurt if he can talk with little manners But again he was sweet to most of the people except me off course. And I don't know what is his problem with me. Why he hates my presence so much? I was just a harmless stalker. Getting up I placed my hands on the floor to get up when I saw a few blood drops on the ground. Sh**...he injured himself and that also because of me. Without wasting a second I was running after him to see how bad he was hurt. I found him on the ground with a bottle of water in his hand. My steps halted as I approached him. His jacket was off. One arm was extended and with the other hand, he was pouring water over his elbow. I could see the water turn red as it cleaned his wound. "I am really...really sorry....I shouldn't ha-" He glared at me with irritation and I decided to shut my trap. My eyes still zooming on the wound on his elbow. "Can you stop following me for once? Don't you have anything better to do?" I looked dumbfounded at him. "But I was just worried so I ca-" "Stop with your fake concern...I don't need it besides it is none of your concern!" "It is my concern!! You got hurt because of me!! If you haven't broken my fall I would have been hurt!!" For a second he stared at my eyes as I screamed at him with anger. "I didn't do such a thing, stop giving yourself so much importance." With this, he had turned his back on me again and walked away from me. I was left staring at his beautifully toned back wondering when will my heart get over this man. ............................................... Few days passed and luckily I didn't have any encounter with the young prince. I was sitting at the backside of the school listening to my favourite songs and having my lunch when my eyes fell on the guys approaching me. There the boy I punched stood with a whole group of boys with evil smirks on their faces. It was generally very peaceful here but it seemed today it was not going to be any longer. "What happened baby? Scared?" There was no escape today. I was no superwomen who can defend 7 guys at once. Maybe 2 or 3 but never so many. I can run...I thought but they had already blocked the path. My downfall was sure today but I won't go down before taking this p*****t along with me. "You thought you could escape after that little stunt of yours? Huh?" "I will tell you today how it feels to get your bones broken!" With this two of his men have grabbed my arms and lifted me in the air. I did nothing. Just allowed them to get this over with today because they were at an advantage. But soon when this is over they would wish to never have started this game. "Awww our little Eva will not punch me today I see....have you surrendered already love?" His face disgusted me as he grabbed my jaw harshly and made me look up at him. "Don't you know who I am? And still, you dare reject me!!" My arms were locked by them just inches away from dislocation as his angry eyes kept staring at me for obedience. "Speak Eva!! I want you to plead my love!" I would die rather plead in front of this bas****. With all the strength of my thighs, I pulled my right leg up and slammed it on his part where the sun doesn't shine. Curses left his lips as he fell on the ground near my feet. It gave me satisfaction which I can't describe. "You bi*** !! f**k*** tie her down !!" With this, all 7 were now holding each of my limbs and twisting them in very painful angles. I found myself completely immobile as they were done. My hands were tied behind my back with a piece of cloth and so were my legs. A duct tape was forced on my lips silencing my not do loud cries. I couldn't understand much as next I know a black cloth-covered my eyes and I found myself getting carried somewhere on someone's shoulder. The person finally stopped somewhere and laid me down on the ground. "You guys can leave...see that no one enters" His voice made me see red. Is he going to do what I think he is going to do? If he tries I swear his dead body will be found in the drains next day. His father being a trustee or not. I could feel him approach me as his boots made noise on the floor. It was impossible to move. Not even an inch of movement was possible. His disgusting fingers trailed my jawline as I moved my face to the side. But he didn't want that. Grabbing my jaw harshly he made me still. "You are not worth the seriously if that f**k*** prince had not vetoed the decision....I would have thrown you out of this town.!" Next, I felt him remove the blindfold and stare at my angry eyes. "Don't show me this anger love!! Instead, I should be angry at you for embarrassing me in front of everyone.!" "You want to say something?" I nodded but he only smirked. "Sorry this is not coming out very soon" He said motioning to the duct tape. Next, I know he held me up from my hair making me hiss in pain. My body was left completely at his mercy as he pushed me back like a rag doll. I found myself lying on a table with him standing between my legs. Next, his rough hands moved my already tied hands above my head and I felt his breath on my neck. "You are quite resilient... aren't you?" I swear I want to kill this man so badly right now. "Not for much longer though....once I am done with will be a toy in my hands" He is a psycho. But unknown to him I am the queen of pychos. You never underestimate the truths of a silent girl. Just today I want an escape...just today....and he will never see a tomorrow. His disgusting lips were just going to touch my neck when someone banged the door. "Boss!! Hurry !! It's urgent" One of his men shouted and he looked at the door with irritation. Moving back from me he moved towards the door. "What the Fu**** hell is the problem now!!" "Him? What is he doing here!!" " guys go inside and do your work...I will handle him.." And then my worst fear came alive. What were so many of them going to do? The door was banged shut as they entered. I couldn't even look at them with me lying on the table. And then it started. Kick after kick Punch after punch. No screams could escape only pain could be felt with each blow. It continued for minutes I can't remember but when they finally stopped my body felt numb. Still like a corpse and tears drying on my face. My left shoulder felt dislocated with minor fractures on my ribs. I could take it all. This pain is still bearable. But I don't know what will happen if I go unconscious. I have to remain conscious to identify each one of them here. My eyes kept staring at them with defiance. The day I beg them to stop will be the day I die and it won't be very soon. "That's it boys!!" The bas**** said and everyone stopped. He stood there with that arrogant smirk as he took in my helpless and desperate state. "Untie her" I felt one of them come forward and untie my arms and legs. But now it was of no use. I couldn't move them even if I wanted to. "I think this will be enough for her....she has learned her lesson." His men turned around and left as he moved towards me. Removing the duct tape from my lips he stared at me with l**t. "Y...o..u. are.. doing....a .. mistake..." He laughed like a maniac at my sentence. " say, love?? Well some mistakes are very tempting " With this, I found him ready to take my first kiss. As he moved forward I had already grabbed hold of a plastic paint container laying near me. *Bang* I slammed it hard on his head as he shrieked with pain. "I will kill***" She didn't wait. Getting the support of the wall she tried standing up with her left hand supporting her weight. She was determined to leave and she will. Taking advantage of his painful state she swung her foot at him at full force. A breaking sound was heard making her insides satisfied. Generally, people run away when they get an opportunity but not her. Even with a dislocated shoulder and broken rib she had still left a lot of strength in her. As he was screaming in pain near her feet as she again kicked him with all her force. "Ahhhh are you crazy !!! Ahhh...." Picking him up with her left hand she banged his head on the concrete floor. Another c***k was heard and she smiled at this. He grabbed onto her arm to get out of her grip but she instead started choking his neck. Adrenaline was rushing through her veins and her pains were long forgotten. "A piece of sh*** like you doesn't even deserve to breathe this air" His legs were thrashing as he begged for release. His hands trying to remove hers but her grip not loosening. "" "Beg" She spoke with so much coldness and fury that he never expected a girl like to have. He refused and she tightened her grip more. "BEG!!" "" She left her grip still looking for his next move. He gasped for air as his body coiled on the ground in a fetal position. "If you ever force yourself on a girl again...Mark my words....I will fuc**** find you wherever you are and finish what I started.!! " Tears flowed down his eyes as he nodded his head. "I.... won'" "Remember ....outside this school, I won't give a damn who your dad is...and if you dare go tell him the name Evalinge . I will like to see what he can do!!" Did I meant it...I don't know but the way he was seeing me with fear solved the purpose. I was gone giving him a final blow on his leg. His painful scream was silenced in the background as I made my way out of the building he was keeping me. To my surprise, it was an old washroom just near the school borders. Opening the tied jacked around my waist I wore it over my blood-stained shirt. I pulled my rubber band to let my hair fall on my face to hide the newly formed bruises. Each step was painful because of the bruises on my waist and maybe one or two broken ribs but I didn't stop. I had to reach home safely now. But unluckily there was no home. Raven would doubt if I went to my hostel room. I was already losing my balance. And the dislocated shoulder made my right arm completely useless. Trying not to make eye contact with anyone I was slowly making my way through the halls towards the washroom. Focussed on not losing my balance I didn't realise I was going to crash with someone. A broad chest came into my few but it was too late. I had already crashed into it. My vision got dizzy for a second but it soon returned to normal. My exhausted body was on brink of shutting down but I just couldn't let it. My eyes landed on the eyes of the person who held my shoulders to steady me. Making me cry in pain from inside. The dislocated shoulder hurts like hell. "Who was it?" The evident anger in the person's voice made me look at him surprised. It was none other than our young Prince in whose arms I found myself. His eyes analysed me like a hawk as his fingers moved my hair out of my face. I could see him grinding his teeth in anger as he analysed my face closely. Pushing him away suddenly I held him surprised. "It's none of you..r. busi...ness...your majesty." I managed to reply as I tried sidestepping him. But he had no such intention. Slamming my body on the lockers beside he blocked me with his one arm caging me. "Just tell me the name goddammit!!" The anger and concern in his voice made me surprised. Didn't he say he hated me? Refusing to answer I pushed his arm aside and surprisingly he allowed me to. With slow steady steps, I was determined to reach my destination. But slow steps of someone following me irritated me. Didn't he say I should stop stalking him? Then why the hell was he stalking me now!! My vision was going hazy now and still, there was a full set of stairs in front of me. Sighing I grabbed onto the railing and started moving. I think I was in halfway when my world rotated on its axis and my foot missed the step. The feeling of falling back into depths of heights was scary as hell. I cursed myself for being so arrogant and not accepting Daniels help. If I was a bit more normal...all this wouldn't have happened. But guess what. I was not normal. Maybe from outside but not from inside. The events of past fueled anger inside me which is very difficult to subdue. So ready to wake up with a concussion or some more broken bones I closed my eyes. As the ceiling of the staircase rotated I found myself to be steadied by a weight on my waist. "I got you" Were the words my crush spoke to me as I fully surrendered to the darkness in the safety of his arms.
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