Destiny's whim

3133 Words
I found consciousness in the hour of midnight. My body aching with the slightest of movements. My shoulder and waist were bandaged to make me curse in my mind and fall back into the comfort of the bed. I grumbled in frustration at my present condition. I just hate it when I am helpless, especially when the person who helps me is someone who has the power to put a weird spell on my body. "No broken ribs, few bruises on your waist and thighs...and a dislocated shoulder" I heard a doctor say as she approached me with a smile on her face. I nodded, the information not bothering me much. Being in combat you have to forget what pain feels like. The doctor was a young lady in her 20s, her brown eyes had kindness which is not very common these days. "Miss Evalinge I know you will not like to talk about it but please we need to know who did this?" Her eyes were pleading me for answers, as she placed a hand on my arm. I moved my head to another side, sighing. "The fingerprints on your waist....and the marks..I know it's a sensitive topic but I need to know their names. Please Evalinge?" I refused. They were not going to do a sh** with them. They all were rich dad's children and they will escape this. I know this already. "It's of no use now...the harm has been done. Please I have to rest" I said refraining from seeing her sad eyes. She rubbed my arm gently and nodded her head. "The medicines are making you feel like will be fine in a few days" "Thank you" This time I told her genuinely and she smiled a sad smile in return. She was gone leaving me in peace but not before saying her last words that made my heart pick up its pace. "He will not let this go and you know this. Trust him this once, you will be surprised" Trusting him is not an issue right now I thought. This is my problem and I will handle it my way. I don't need him to help me when I can very well help myself. ............................................... What she said proved to be true. He wanted names and I couldn't give him. He stood in front of me with arms closed and irritation evident in his features. "So you are going to protect those molesters by keeping your mouth shut?" His husky voice made a shiver run down my spine and I refrained from looking back into his eyes. "I have told you before your's none of your business" My reply made the aura around him change drastically. Taking slow dangerous steps towards my bed, he narrowed his eyes at me. "Weaklings like you disgust me miss Williams! How can you protect them when they did all this to you!" This time I looked at him with indifference in my eyes. "Did what your Majesty? I told you this was just my clumsiness and no one did anything!" His hands turned to fists as his blue orbs turned a shade darker. With jaw clenched tightly, he bored a look of disbelief "It's funny how you think you can fool me by lying on my face. But no worries I won't bother wasting another second on someone like you" With this, he was gone banging the hospital door on his way out. "Someone like me" Now, what did that mean? A lier, stalker? Sighing in frustration I puffed in annoyance. ................................................... Few days passed and I was back in my normal routine. I searched for the person who planned this attack on me a few days back. But sadly he has vanished in thin air. But don't worry I get my revenge no matter what. The next time I see him, he and his friends are gone, and I have promised this to myself. My head was placed on my desk, trying to block the irritating voices surrounding me. "I loved the stilettos you gifted me, your Majesty!! You know they are the latest ones and all my friends are going crazy over it!" Stacey's screeching voice making my head throb in pain. Can't these girls shut up for once? My eyes moved down to look at my worn-out sneakers and I laughed at my self. It's been 2 years since I bought something for myself. But again what's the use when I don't need them. Rubbing my hands on my face I looked up to see half of the class was empty. I proceeded to pick up my bag from behind my seat. As soon as I turned to get its strap off the chair, I took in the scene in front of me. Stacey sat at your Majesty's lap. His hands resting on her n***d crossed thighs. My saliva got stuck in my throat and my cheeks started burning in embarrassment. I looked further up to find his eyes fixed at some paper in his hands. The paper shielding his face from me, leaving only his beautiful eyes in my view. My hands started fidgeting with the bag strap, attempting to get it off the hook but failing miserably. His hands started moving in circles on her thighs as she pressed her chest more onto him. Her lips inches away from kissing his jawline. I averted my eyes and that was when I heard his heavy voice laced with irritation. "Not now Stacey, later" His words made me look up and that was when his eyes moved up to match mine. My lungs stopped working for a second, I swear. I nearly choked on my saliva as I pulled the bag out of the hook with all my strength. Ignoring his burning gaze on my back, I rushed out of the room. Relaxing my racing heart, I lean my head against my locker and press my books near my chest. "Control Eva Control! He is not good for you!! Ignore him!! Forget him...don't look at him!!" The vision of his blue eyes staring at me kept replaying in my mind and I nearly slammed my fist on the locked. "Dammit!!" I muttered to myself and took in deep breaths. After a few minutes when I was back to normal, my eyes fell on my bag strap that was torn from its place. Rolling my eyes at my stupid self I threw my books into my locker and slammed it shut. "Hey, Eva!! Hurry next period has begun!" Raven said coming and pulling me along with her. When did the bell ring? I thought confused. "Sir is going to give us detention!! He is so scary when he gets mad!" Our next period was combat and I got to say, I hated this period with all my being. . . . "Stand straight! Your posture shows your confidence! And I hate cowards!!" I straightened my back with eyes fixed at a point in front of me. Sweat was covering my forehead but I couldn't dare to remove it. We were standing in the scorching heat. Getting ourselves roasted. And sadly the period has just begun. "10 lapses and the ones who come last will get 5 marks deducted from their internal straightaway!" Great! I cursed in my mind while getting ready for a warmup. "1...2...3" And that was how our t*****e started. Soon enough, Some students fainted, others looked ready to faint. Only a few stood back on their places with backs still straight all stoic. "Good! Now get ready for today's session!' I looked around myself to see just 10 others standing with me. 90 others have already surrendered. My eyes fell on the broad back of someone who stood in front of my line. His t-shirt drenched in sweat, making the girls drool at him with their mouths open. Ignoring I pressed my hands behind my back and stared at my own feet. " 3 girls 7 boys....hmmm we are not in proportion." The teacher said looking at the notepad in his hands. "No worries, troubles don't ask genders before coming anyways" "So I am going to put you in pairs and today we will have 5 sessions in total. Those who win get 10 marks extra. Get a 10-minute break and then we will start with.... yes, our toppers for last semester. Me Daniel Knight and Miss Evalinge. You go first, get ready" My mouth went dry as I looked at my coach in horror. Me with a fight!! No way My heart started beating at a fast pace as I found myself again staring at his broad back. How can I fight him? Anyone but him!! Everyone dispersed around me but I still stood there fixed at my stop. The body aches long forgotten with a new fear in my heart. "You got it don't worry" Raven said coming behind me and holding my shoulders. "No Raven!! You don't understand...I can't!! I need these marks and he well....around him I won't be able to give my best...I will get distracted!!" She looked as anxious as me. Rubbing her forehead she looked around us. "Maybe he lets you win...he can't be that bad plus I know how well you fight" I moved my head in a no, getting angry at her impossible suggestion. Moving towards the coach I gathered all my courage. "No Eva wait!! What are you doing!" But I didn't pay any heed to her Standing in front of coach I called for his attention. "Yes miss Evalinge? Any problems?" "Ehh no...I mean yes sir...can you please change my partner?" "Excuse me?" He asked "I said can you ch-" "I heard you the first time miss Evalinge! I want to know why you want to change your partner?" He asked with one eyebrow raised and I fidgeted with my hands. Not knowing what to say. "I....he..." The coach looked back at his watch and whistled for everyone's attention. Completely ignoring my question and my presence. "Okay, everyone! Gather around the arena!!" Students started moving, standing in a circle and I freaked out. "No Sir you don't under-" "Enough miss Evalinge, get ready " I watched his retreating back and my heart fell out of my chest. "What did he say?" Raven asked and I moved my head in a no. My eyes moving to where he stood. Hooting was heard suddenly and my heart sank there and then. There he stood in the centre with his drenched shirt laying on a seat in the corner. Only a chain around his neck and a pendent adoring his toned chest. Girls were shrieking seeing his toned n***d chest and I could feel my heart thumping in my chest. His back was turned towards me and I could already feel the heat of his hotness reaching me. Gulping my saliva I looked at Raven to see her mouth wide open. Pulling her arm for attention I nearly screamed at her. "What will I do!! I can't fight him!" "Are you crazy!! Go got to touch those abs girl!! Any girl can kill to be in your position!" Look of disbelief covered my features as I held up my hands in surrender "You girls are impossible!!" Next, I know the shouts subdued as the coach whistled and called out my name. My shaking legs moved towards them and I saw everyone staring at me. Girls with jealous and boys with pity. Finally when I stepped inside his hands stopped midway. The hand towel with which he was cleaning his sweat, lowered. His eyes took in his opponent and I could his surprise. This only meant one thing, and that was that he didn't know who Eva was. He doesn't even remember my name and here I go crazy with just his mere presence. His jawline got hardened as he threw the hand towel on the seat. Standing at my place, I straightened up even though my eyes were busy starting at the ground. His shoes entered my view and I got hit by his expensive Cologne. Stopping my breath, I clenched my hands into fists and looked up. Detest It was clear in his blue orbs as he took in my nervous form. His eyes lowering to look at my form from up to down. The only things that I could see with my lowered eyes were his n***d chest and those 6 pack abs. Distracting me from my mission at hand. I have to win this fight and I will. He or no one can stop me. "So it's you?" His words boiling something inside me. Gathering enough courage I spoke up for the first time with determination evident. "Put on your shirt...this is not a strip show" My words caught him off-guard. The arrogance got replaced by mischief as he took another step closer. "Why? Does it affects you?" My clenched fists wanted to break that arrogant smirk. Ignoring his remark I looked at the coach. Waiting for this fight to begin. The whistle blew but no one moved. I was waiting for him, while he waited for me. His stance looked relaxed unlike me. His face had a look of boredom as the girls kept cheering for him. I attacked first. My leg moved forward to be followed by a right swing but he skillfully blocked it with his large hands. My other hand followed to catch him off-guard. But next, I know, I was kissing the ground like literally. Girls screamed in excitement as I placed my palms down and stood back on my feet. Irritation clouding my senses and his smirk acting as a fuel to it. I again tried a right jab and this time it backfired. His hand held my wrist and turned my body to hit his chest. With my back pressed on his chest and his arm bulging with muscles, coiled around my neck. I stood immobile My hands trying to break free his strong grip but failing miserably. But I didn't stop, thrashing in his grip I was going to give my best. "Don't move too much little mouse, this lock can break your neck in just a mere second" His breath near my ear sends goosebumps all over my body. My mouth went dry and I stood still. I could feel his nose touch my earlobe and I stilled. "What...what are you doing?" I managed to ask in my shaky voice and I could feel his smirk widen. "Affecting you little mouse...wasn't this what you wanted" Anger surged inside me like burning lava. He was playing with my feelings and I was letting him play. Frustrated I attempted to lift my leg and stomp on his foot but he was way smarter. The second I lifted my leg, a deadly grip entrapped it and I found myself losing my balance on one leg. His grip on my neck tightened pressing me more closer to him. My hands holding onto his arm not for escape but safety this time. His other hand held my left thigh in its grip, blocking all my movements. At one side I was angry at my helpless state, while at the other his hands on my thighs and his closeness did something foreign inside me. "So predictable little mouse, try something else" His breath on my neck sends tingles but the meaning of his words burned a fire. Angry and agitated I decided to use my last resort. Closing my eyes I got ready to feel some pain, but give more in return. Closing my hands into fists I was ready to slam my head back with so much force that it surely catches him off-guard. Smiling to myself in victory I did a happy dance in my mind and got ready. 1 2 I moved my head a bit forward, preparing for my final stroke. With all my force I moved my head back but it didn't go as planned. At last moment his grip on my neck turned me around and my eyes widened in horror. 3 Before I could process much my lips have smashed into his with a brutal force. My senses going numb to everything. His eyes held as much surprise as mine did. But that didn't matter. The warmness of his lips and the force of the kiss made my knees go weak. We didn't move, we just couldn't Too shocked to do anything except accepting the warmness of each other's lips. He tasted like heaven and I got lost in it. With his one hand on her thigh holding up her one leg, His other hand wrapped around her neck And those lips crashed into hers. Anyone can mistake it to be a scene from a romantic movie. Loud screams and coaches whistle surrounded them but they were oblivious to it. Lost on each other's eyes they felt the spark like they never felt before. Her brown orbs we're lost in the depth of his blue one's as he stepped back from her. His hands leaving her shaking form and weak knees. She stumbled a bit backward but managed to steady herself. While he stared at her in disbelief and anger. He moved back to leave when a tug on his neck stopped him. Looking down he found his pendant to be entangled in her side braid. Her eyes again met his irritated one's and she tugged on the pendant to get it out of her head. Her fingers shaking as she tried to pull it, but all in vain. His angry gaze on her and his dominating presence we're short-circuiting her brain cells. Next, she knows he had harshly tugged on his pendant making her hold her head in pain and shriek. Without knowing tears of frustration and anger trailed her cheeks and she closed her eyes ashamed of her weak and emotional self. His eyes softened and this time he gently held her silky brown hair in his hands. Slowly untangling the threads of destiny that were trying to get them together. Soon he managed to do it successfully without hurting another hair on her head. He was gone before she could open up her eyes again. Her heart was running a marathon and soon she found herself surrounded by thousands of gossips and hundreds of accusing eyes. But her mind was busy somewhere else and once she realised what did just happen. She couldn't help shriek in shock and cover her face with her palms. "I lost my first kiss to your Majesty!" ................................................. Her heart was untamable and she gives it freedom. To only have him hold its reigns and ride it to his own hearts kingdom. ............................................
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