Chapter 14

3183 Words

Jasper Pov     “I don’t want to hold that thing,” I said, staring in disdain at the baby.      Jaiden whined, frowning at me as he held his son higher in the air, shoving him in my face. He smelled like Johnson's baby shampoo. It really wasn’t that bad of a smell, to be honest. At least he didn’t smell like poop. “Come on, five minutes, I have to go to the bathroom,” He whimpered.      I sighed, a loud exasperated sigh as the human…Marvin? Marty? I had yet to learn his name, ran into the wall, before backing up and dusting off the shelf. They do strange things like that sometimes when they’ve been under mind-control for a while. I was probably going to have to reset his mind-control soon. Then again, it was kind of funny watching him do weird s**t. I looked back at Jaiden again, frownin

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