Chapter 15

2562 Words

Lucie Pov     I smiled, laying in bed, thinking about everything that happened today. It was…fun. Hanging out with Steve and Arielle, listening to their banter. At one point Jaiden was getting yelled at for taking pictures in the hall, but then that quieted down. Even still, no matter how quiet it got, the loud always came back. It wasn’t annoying, though. I used to hate the loud. Being forced to live with a bunch of foster kids all the time. Every home Chris and I went to was filled with lots of other foster kids. It seemed to be the normal, unfortunately. Pack as many kids as the state allowed the foster parents to have, send them checks, and collect the money from them. Of course, every time visits came, they bought us new outfits so we were presentable, but most of the time those outf

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